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35 Cards in this Set

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Gland, hormone, target that causes retention of water.
The neurohypophysis releases antidiuretic hormone, which will target the nephrons of the kidneys resulting in the retention of water. ADH will cause water to leave the nephron and enter into the bloodstream, thereby causing the ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes release of milk.
The neurohypophysis releases oxytocin, which will target the mammary glands resulting in the ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes labor contractions.
The neurohypophysis releases oxytocin, which will target the myometrium of the uterus resulting in ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes increased growth and protein synthesis.
The adenohypophysis releases somatotropin, which will target general body cells resulting in ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes milk production.
The adenohypophysis releases prolactin, which will target the mammary glands resulting in ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes release of calcitonin, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine.
The adenohypophysis releases thyroid stimulating hormone, which will target the thyroid gland resulting in the release of ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes release of glucocorticoids.
The adenohypophysis releases adrenocorticotropic hormone, which will target the adrenal cortex resulting in the ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes bone production.
The thyroid gland releases calcitonin, which will target osteoblast cells resulting in ___.
___ causes bones to absorb ___ from the bloodstream in an effort to build bone. Therefore, blood ___ levels decrease.
Calcitonin causes bones to absorb calcium ions from the bloodstream in an effort to build bone. Therefore, blood calcium ion levels decrease.
Gland, hormone, target that causes an increase in metabolism.
The thyroid gland releases thyroxine and triiodothyromine, which will target general body cells resulting in an ___. These hormones will cause the cells to take in more glucose than normal.
Gland, hormone, target that causes an increase in metabolism. Examples are: cortisone, cortisol, and corticosterone.
The adrenal cortex releases glucocorticoids, which will target general body cells resulting in an ___. These hormones will cause the cells to take in more glucose (for metabolism) than normal. Examples of glucocorticoids are: ___, ___, and ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes in removing calcium ions from bone.
The parathyroid gland releases parathormone, which will target osteoclast cells resulting in ___.
By removing ___ from bone, ___ will put the ___ into the bloodstream. This will then raise the ___ level in blood. ___ is also known as the ___. ___ and ___ are antagonistic to each other.
By removing calcium ions from bone, parathormone will put the calcium ions into the bloodstream. This will then raise the calcium ion level in blood. Parathormone is also known as the parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathromone and calcitonin are antagonistic to each other.
Gland, hormone, target that causes changing some lymphocytes into specialized immune cells called T-cells.
The thymus gland releases thymosin, which will target lymphocytes, thereby changing some lymphocytes into ___.
Gland, hormone, target that causes in the loss of sodium ions from the bloodstream.
The atria of the heart releases atrial natriuretic peptide, which will target nephrons of the kidneys resulting in ___.
___ causes sodium ions to leave the bloodstream and enter into the nephron. This causes the nephron to become ___ to the bloodstream. Therefore, water will also leave the bloodstream and enter into the ___. Both, sodium ions and water will be lost from the body.
ANP causes sodium ions to leave the bloodstream and enter into the nephron. This causes the nephron to become hypertonic to the bloodstream. Therefore, water will also leave the bloodstream and enter into the nephron. Both, sodium ions and water will be lost from the body.
Gland, hormone, target that causes the retention of sodium ions.
The adrenal cortex releases aldosterone, which will target nephrons of the kidneys resulting in ___.
___ causes sodium ions to leave the nephron and enter into the bloodstream. This causes the bloodstream to become ___ to the nephron. Therefore, ___ will also leave the nephron and enter into the bloodstream. Both, sodium ions and water will be retained in the bloodstream. Aldesterone and atrial natriuretic peptide are ___ to each other.
Aldosterone causes sodium ions to leave the nephron and enter into the bloodstream. This causes the bloodstream to become hypertonic to the nephron. Therefore, water will also leave the nephron and enter into the bloodstream. Both, sodium ions and water will be retained in the bloodstream. Aldesterone and atrial natriuretic peptide are antagonistic to each other.
Gland, hormone, target that causes increasing heart rate and metabolism.
The adrenal gland releases epinephrine and norepinephrine, which will target general body cells resulting in ___. These hormones are also known as our "fight or flight" hormones.
Gland, hormone, target that causes the protein pores on the membrane to "open".
The pancreas releases insulin, which will target general body cells, thereby causing the ___. In doing so, glucose can enter the cell and be used for metabolism. Insulin therefore reduces blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas.
Gland, hormone, target that causes promoting the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
The pancreas releases glucagon, which will target liver cells, thereby ___.
___ therefore increases blood glucose levels. ___ is produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas. ___ and insulin are antagonistic to each other.
Glucagon therefore increases blood glucose levels. Glucagon is produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas. Glucagon and insulin are antagonistic to each other.
Gland, hormone, target that causes inhibiting the release of somatotropin.
The pancreas releases somatostatin, which will target the adenohypophysis, thereby ___.
___ is produced by the delta cells of the pancreas. ___ and somatotropin are antagonistic to each other.
Somatostatin is produced by the delta cells of the pancreas. Somatostatin and somatotropin are antagonistic to each other.
Gland, hormone, target that causes the production of erythrocytes.
The juxtaglomerular cells (of the kidneys) release erythropoietin, which will target red marrow cells resulting in ___.
Sex hormones, Male:
Gland, hormone, target that causes sperm production.
The adenohypophysis (of the male) releases follicle stimulating hormone, which will target seminiferous tubules within the testes resulting in ___.
Sex hormones, Male:
Gland, hormone, target that causes testosterone production.
The adenohypophysis (of the male) releases luteinizing hormone, which will target interstitial cells within the testes resulting in ___.
Sex hormones, Male:
Gland, hormone, target that causes secondary sex characteristics.
The interstitial cells of the testes release testosterone, which will target general body cells resulting in ___.
Primary sex characteristics consist of the presence of a ___ and ___.
penis and testes.
Secondary sex characteristics are: (4)
facial hair, change in voice, thicker skin, larger muscles... to name a few.
Sex hormones, Female:
Gland, hormone, target that causes egg maturation.
The adenohypophysis (of the female) releases follicle stimulating hormone, which will target the ovaries resulting in ___. The eggs are already formed at birth. FSH will cause those eggs to begin maturing.
Sex hormones, Female:
Gland, hormone, target that causes ovulation.
The adenohypophysis (of the female) releases luteinizing hormone, which will target the ovaries resulting in ovulation. Ovulation is the rupturing of the follicle that contains the mature egg. This ruptured follicle is now called a corpus luteum.
___ also causes the ovaries to release estrogen. ___ controls body temperature and keeps osteoclast cells under control.
Luteinizing hormone also causes the ovaries to release estrogen. Estrogen controls body temperature and keeps osteoclast cells under control.
Sex hormones, Female:
Gland, hormone, target that causes a thick endometrial lining for egg implantation.
The corpus luteum (of the female) releases progesterone, which will target endometrial lining of the uterus resulting in a thick endometrial lining for egg implantation.
Sex hormones, Female:
Gland, hormone, target that causes it to continue producing progesterone for about two months.
The placenta and zygote (of the female) releases human chorionic gonadotropin, which will target corpus luteum causing it to continue ___. Without the presence of HCG, the corpus luteum will stop releasing progesterone in about 10 days after ovulation.