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50 Cards in this Set

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Function of the islet of langerhans
secrete insulin and glucagon directly into the blood
delta cell
secretes somatostatin
alpha cell
secretes glucagon
b cell
insulin and amylin
Insulin allows excess carbs to be stored as what, where?
Glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue. After glycogen stores are full, the carbs are converted to fats and stored in adipose tissue.
How does insulin affect proteins
Inhibits the breakdown of proteins and increases the uptake and conversion of amino acids to protein
Insulin is first formed where? As what molecule?
Insulin Preprohormone
Does proinsulin have hormonal activity
Is insulin carried by binding proteins through the blood?
What happens to insulin that does not bind to its target receptor?
It is degraded by insulinase, mostly in the liver
Insulin receptor
Consists of 4 subunits:
2 alpha that lie entirely outside the cell
2 beta that penetrate through the membrane
What portion of the receptor does insulin bind?
What becomes autophosphorylated? What does this activate?
Activates Tyrosine Kinase, which in turn causes phosphorylation of multiple other intracellular enzymes including IRS
Insulin's affects are most prominently not seen where?
Neurons of the brain
The main physiological affect of insulin is to increase glucose transport how?
Increases the translocation of intracellular vesicles to the membrane that contain glucose transport binding proteins.
How does insulin affect the transport of K and phosphate ions
Causes the cell membrane to become more permeable, increasing the uptake and causing a decrease in their extracellular concentration
During most of the day, what is the main form of energy? Why?
Fatty acids
Because normal resting muscle is impermeable to glucose, except when the muscle fiber is stimulated by insulin.
Under what conditions do muscle fibers not need insulin for glucose uptake?
During Exercise
When does the muscle use insulin
After a meal
Mechanism by which insulin causes glycogen storage in the liver
1. Inactivates liver phosphorylase:
Causes liver to split glycogen into glucose
2. Increases the activity of glucokinase which increases the uptake of glucose into the cell.
3. Increases the activity of glycogen synthase
Lack of insulin activates what enzyme that begins gluconeogenesis
Liver phosphorylase breaks down glycogen into glucose phosphate which is then broken don into glucose by glucose phosphatase
The brain uses mainly what for energy
The transport of glucose into adipose tissue provides a substrate for?
Glycerol portion of triglycerides
Is insulin a fat sparer? How?
Yes; it utilizes glucose uptake which automatically decreases fat utilization
How does insulin increase fatty acid synthesis
1. An increase of glucose uptake into cells, increases the amount of glycogen synthesis. Once glycogen synthesis is overloaded, the glucose is made into pyruvate, which is converted to Acetyl Co-A.
2. Excess citrate and isocitrate activate acetyl-CoA carboxylase to form malonyl-CoA.
3. Activates lipoprotein lipase, which spilts TG's into fatty acids for transfer into adipose cells.
In the absence of insulin, what is the most important affect for lipolysis of fat
Activation of hormone-sensitive lipase
In the absence of insulin, and in the presence of excess fatty acids, what happens to the carnitine transport system?
Increases its activity, thus beta oxidation of fatty acids within the mitochondria increases, releasing large amounts of acetyl-coa, which form ketone bodies
How does insulin decrease gluconeogenesis?
Decreases the activity of the enzymes that promote it, mostly by decreasing their substrates. Such as amino acids.
How does insulin lack affect protein storage?
Leads to increased protein catabolism and increased amino acid concentration.This in turn leads to amino acid breakdown and the formation of excess urea, which is excreted in the urine.
Protein wasting leads to increased muscle wkns
How does insulin and growth hormone affect growth?
When given together they act synergistically to increase growth
Rate limiting enzyme for glucose metabolism in the pancreatic B-cell and insulin secretion
Glucose to Glucose-6-phosphate
Glucose transporter on the pancreatic B cell
Insulin is released into the bloodstream by
How does glucose metabolism within the B cell affect insulin secretion
Increased metabolism increases ATP and inactivates the ATP-dependent Kchannel, that causes depolarization of the cell, and opening voltage gated Ca channels, which cause an influx of Ca into the cell. This stimulates the fusion of insulin vesicles with the membrane
Major hormones that inhibit insulin secretion
somatostatin, norepi, and leptin
How does amino acid concentration affect insulin secretion? What happens when glucose is also present?
Increased amino acid concentration increases insulin secretion only SLIGHTLY.
Glucose-induced secretion of insulin may be doubled in the presence of amino acids. Thus, amino acids strongly potentiate the glucose stimulus for insulin secretion. This allows for protein synthesis.
Most potent amino acids for insulin secretion
Arginine and Lysine
What is the stimulus for fat utilization in insulin lack
Decreased blood glucose activates gluconeogenesis
Major hormones secreted in response to hypoglycemia
The hyperglycemic hormone
Most dramatic effect of glucagon
Ability to cause glyocogenolysis in the liver
Glycogenolysis mechanism
Glucagon activates adenylyl cyclase, which causes the formation of cAMP. This in turn activates protein kinase, which activates phosphorylase B kinase. This then works to activate phosphorylase B into phosphorylase A. This promotes the degradation of glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate, which is dephosphorylated into glucose.
How does Glucagon affect gluconeogenesis?
Increases the uptake of amino acids into the liver and the conversion of them to glucose via gluconeogenesis.
When glucagon is maximally elevated, what is its effect on hormone sensitive adipose cell lipase?
Increases it, causing an increase in fatty acid concentration. Glucagon also inhibits the storage of TG's in the liver.
Most potent factor that controls blood glucose
Blood Glucose levels
In what instance is both insulin and glucagon stimulated at the same time?
Increased blood amino acids
What factors increase somatostatin secretion?
Increase Blood glucose
Increased AA's
Increased FA's
Increased GI hormones
How does somatostatin work to depress insulin and glucagon production?
It has autocrine function
I works locally within the islets of langerhans
Principal Function of somatostatin
Extends the time over which food nutrients are digested and assimilated into the blood. Prevents rapid exhaustion of food and therefore making it available over a longer period of time
Why is it important to maintain a constant blood glucose concentration?
Glucose is the only nutrient that normally can be used by the brain, retina, and germinal epithelium of the gonads.
In pts with sever liver disease, how is blood glucose affected?
It is impossible to correctly store glucose as glycogen during excess energy states, and thus, impossible for the glycogen to be broken down into glucose during hypoglycemic states.
The blood sugar is highly variable
Syndrome associated with marked increases in ovarian androgen production and insulin resistance
Polycystic ovary syndrome