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43 Cards in this Set

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where and how are gametes (sperm or eggs) formed
formed in gonads by meiosis
each gamete has ______ number of chromosomes (23)
the fusion of sperm and egg during fertilization results in _________ zygote with _______ chromosomes
diploid; 46
22 of the 23 chromosomes inherited are __________ chromosomes
the 23rd pair of chromosomes are ________ chromosomes
true or false:
both sperm and eggs receive random assortment of chromosomes from mother and father during meiosis
all ova contain an ____ chromosome; half the sperm contain _____ and half contain _____
X; X and Y
what is the gender of the zygote determined by?
the fertilizing sperm
testis-determining factor (TDF) is located on the _______ chromosome
the hypothalamus releases _______ and controls release of LH and FSH from the _________ __________
anterior pituitary
______ and ________ stimulate the production of spermatozoa and eggs and gonadal sex steroids; and maintains size of gonads
LH and FSH
Sex hormones provide __________ __________ on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
negative feedback
gonads also secrete hormones _______ which negatively feeds back on _____________ secretion
inhibin; FSH
what are the two compartments in the testes
1. seminiferous tubules- site of spermatogenesis (gamete production) contains sertoli cells (FSH receptors)
2. leydig or interstitial cells- found in spaces around tubules (LH recptors), testosterone production
FSH stimulates ________ ______ to produce spermatozoa and inhibin
sertoli cells
what is spermatozoa and inhibin
a peptide hormones that inhibits FSH secretion
LH stimulates ________ ________ to secrete testosterone
leydig cells
testosterone also targets ___________ ______ in seminiferous tubules to produce _____________
Sertoli cells; spermatozoa
FSH and LH section high for 1st __________ of life, fall to v. low levels during ______ ______(____________)
6 months;
early years (childhood)
at puberty, __________ in __________ from hypothalamus
increase GnRH
the increase in GnRH stimulates an increase in ______ and ______ from the anterior pituitary
LH and FSH
the increase in GnRH stimulates an increase in ___________ ___________ secretion
sex hormone secretion
sex hormones drive changes in _______ ____________ ________________
secondary sex characteristics (ssc)
what is oogenesis?
production of female gametes
gametes (ova) develop inside:
a newborn girl: ovaries have 2 million _______ each inside a primary follicle
once the hit puperty they ovaries will have __________ oocytes
reproductive years: each month _______ stimulates 6-12 _______ _________ to develop _______ _________
FSH; primary follicles; secondary follicles
only one secondary follicle matures into a __________ follicle
over a lifetime 400 oocytes are ovulates, the rest undergo _____________
describe the ovarian cycle
-secondary follicles contain vesicles that fuse to form single fluid-filled cavity (antrum)
-fluid in the antrum of secondary follicle has high conc. of estrogen that increases number of FSH and LH receptors on follicle
-follicle grows into mature (Graafian) follicle
how many graafian follicles mature and are ovulated? what happens to the rest
only one; the rest degenerate (atresia)
ovulation is stimulated by a sharp rise in _______
LH( LH surge)
what stimulates the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to release more LH
high blood estrogen levels
describe post ovulation if no fertilization
-after ovulation mature follicle becomes corpus luteum an produces progesterone and estrogen
-if pregnancy does not occur CL only lasts for 10-12 days and then breaks down
what causes CL breakdown
negative feedback
cyclic changes in secretion of ______ _______ ____________ ________ cause cyclic changes in ovary
anterior pituitary gonadotropic hormones
name and describe the phases of the menstrual cycle:
1. cyclic changes in ovaries: follicular pahse, ovulation, and luteal phase.
2. cyclic changes in Endometrium: menstrual. proliferative, and secondary phases
explain the cyclic changes in the endometrium:
last 28 days and has 3 phases
1. menstrual phase: loss of tissue from lining of endometrium (ovaries- follicle phase)
2. Proliferative phase: growth of endometrial glands caused by elevated estrogen levels (ovaries- luteal phase)
3. Secondary phase: secretion by endometrial glands caused by elevated estrogen and progesterone levels. continue as long as corpus luteum intact and producing progesterone and estrogen
blastocyst secretes a hormone-
human chronic gonadotrpin (hCG)
hCG effects include:
identical to LH-
maintains corpus luteum long past time it would normally regress and maintains estrogen and progesterone secretion from corpus luetum; prevents menstruation