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73 Cards in this Set

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The property of muscle tissue that allows it to return to its original shape after stretching or excercise is called?
The proprty of muscle tissue that describes its ability to receive and respond to stimuli is?
The function of Ca+ ions in skeletal muscle contraction is?
Bind troponin on the thin myofilaments so that the myosin-binding sites on actin can be exposed
What structures meet at the neuromuscular junction?
Axon and Sarcolemma
The function of myoglobin is to do what?
bind oxygen for aerobic respiration
The purpose of the phosphagen system is to do what?
store high energy phosphate groups for ATP production
The sustained partial contraction of a portion of skeletal muscle is called?
A motor unit is?
A motor neuron plus all the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates
The synaptic vessicles seen in the axon terminal at a neuromuscular junction contain?
The sarcomers are separated from each other by?
z disks
The term powerstroke when used relative to skeletal muscke refers to the?
Swiveling of the myosin heads as they combine with actin
The function of acytocholinesterase is to?
Break down acetylcholine
What is happening during the latent period of muscle contraction is?
Open Ca+ channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum so that Ca+ ions can diffuse into the sarcoplasma
A sustained muscle contraction that lacks even partial relaxation between stimuli is referred to as?
complete tetanus
Thin myofilaments contain?
_______, ________, _____
Actin, tropinon and tropomyosin
The all or nothing principle of skeletal muscle contraction states :
ALL THE MUSCLE CELLS of an individual motor unit will contract to their fullest extent or not at all.
During the DEPOLARIZATION phase of an action potential, what is the primary activity?
Na + ions are flowing into the cell
During the DEPOLARIZATION phase of an action potential, which of the following situations exist?

The inside of the membrane is becoming more (positive or negative)with respect to the outside
The inside of the membrane is becoming more positive with respect to the outside
During the REPOLARIZATION phase of the action potential, whcih of the following exists?

The inside of the membrane is going to be more (positive/negative)
The inside of the membrane is going to be more negative
When the ions are moving across the membrane during the depolarization and repolarization phases of the action potential, they are moving by?
simple diffusion
Which of the following events occurs first?

Repolarization, Depolarization
The term salutatory conduction refers to?
Conduction of a nerve impulse along a myelinated axon
Neurotransmitters control the passage of ions thru?
Chemically gated channels
The absolute refractory period of a neuron is the time:
during which a second action potential cannot be initiated, no matter how strong the stimulus
local anesthetics such as procaine and lidocaine block pain sensations by?
Preventing the opening of voltage-gated Na+ ion channels
Action potentials occur only when?
Voltage gated ion channels open
Which of the following components of a reflex arc are in the correct order?
receptor, sensory neuron, integrating center, motor neuron, effector
The contralateral reflex that helps you maintain balance when the flexor is initiated is the?
crossed extensor reflex
Which of the following occurs when trying to focus on a close object?
Contraction of the ciliary muscle to make the lens more convex
The first step in visual transduction is:
absorption on light by photopigment rods
Tapping the knee during a ohysical exam tests for the patellar reflex which is a?
stretch reflex
An ipsilateral monosyaptic reflex that is important in maintaing muscle tone and muscle coordination during excercise is the?
stretch reflex
Carrots contain carotenoids which are necessary for the the formation of what?
the retinal portion of photopigments
When the stapes move back and forth, it directly causes what to happen?
the oval window moves in and out
which of the following event what event of hearing occurs first?
the tympanic membrane vibrates
a scratch on the corean most directly interferes with ?
what are two causes of alkalosis?
hyperventilation and aspirin overdose
The two hormones that regulate the reabsorbption in the final portion of the DCT and collecting ducts are?
aldosterone and ADH
The permeability of the collecting ducts to water is regulated by?
In the proxiomal convulted tubule, symporteds that use the Na+ ion concentration difference are responsible for reabsorption of?
both glucose and amino acids
Filtration of blood in the glomeruli is promoted by?
Blood hydrostatic pressure
Cell sof the following are normally found in uring except
glucose, RBC, WBC and protein
The forces that oppose filtration of substances fro teh glomerular capilliaries into the glomerular space include?
Blood colloid osmotic pressure and capsular hydrostatic pressure
Levels of Na+ ion in the ECF are regualted by?
Aldosterone, atrial natruertic peptide (ANP) and ADH
Which of the following would serve to buffer H+ ions?
HCO3- bicarbonate ion
Hypokalemia is?
low plasma levels of K+ ( potassium ions)
which of the following is not an important role of Ca+ ions in the body?
buffer for metabolic acids
he ion that acts as a cofactor for Na+ and K+ is?
The sweet odor of diabetic urine is due the the presence of?
Ketone bodies
An ion channek that opens in response to direct changes int eh membrane potential is called a _______ _____ channel
voltage gated
A membrane whose polarization is MORE negative that the resting level is said to be_____.
Rapid opening of voltage gates Na+ ion channels brings about _______.
Recovery of the resting potential due to opening of the voltage gated K+ ion channels and closing of voltage gated Na+ ion channels is called________.
The site of functional contact between 2 neurons or between a neuron and an effector is called a_______.
Bending of light rays as they pass through different media is called_______
The increase in the curvature of the lens for near vision is called_____.
The photo pigment in rods is called
When daily uring output is less thatn 50ml /day the condition is called_____---
the movement of H20 from the tubular fluid into the blood is called__________
tubular reabsorption
the amount of filtrate in all the renal corpuslces of both kidneys every minute is called the ________ _______ ________.
glomerular filtration rate
What is the net filtration pressure?
NFP= 10 mmHg (GBHO) - [CHP+Bcop]
The primary method by which water moves between fluid compartments is______-
One screening test for kidney function is the ______ which measures the level of nutrogen in the blood part of urea.
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
The homeostatic range ofg pH for extracellular fluid is ______ to _______.
7.35 - 7.45
The cornea.....
admits AND refracts light
the Iris....
regulates the amount of light which enters the eye
the Lens...
refracts light only
the choroid....
provides the blood supply and absorbs scattered light
Two genes that code for the same trait are ont he same location of homologous c'somes are referred to as alleles?
The genetic makeup of an organism is called the genotype?
The traits that are expressed are called it's phenotype?
Femoles have two c'somes designates as X?
Males have an X and a Y C'some?