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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the three major functions of the endocrine system?
Maintain homeostasis, regulate long term events, initiate things like reproduction
List similarities between endocrine system and nervous systems
Both employ secreter cells for communication which secrete substances that are detected by another cell at another location. The receiver cells require receptors and similar chemicals are used in both systems.
What are some differences between endocrine and nervous systems?
Endocrine= delayed but long term response by receiver cells at any distance away.
Nervous= Immediate and short response by adjacent receiver cells.
Give an example of how the endocrine and nervous systems interact.
suckling reflex – touch (neural) leads to milk letdown (endo)
Define Tropic
Controller hormones produced and secreted by the anterior pituitary that target endocrine glands. Ultimately affect production or secretion of another hormone.
Define Trophic
Feeding hormones secreted by the adenohypophysis (anterior lobe of pituitary gland) that stimulate target organs.
Define Non-tropic
Exert effects OTHER THAN hormone production/secretion
Target NON ENDO tissues.
What organs are solely endocrine in nature?
Parathyroid, thyroid, pineal, and adrenal glands
True or False:
ONE Endocrine Gland May Produce Multiple Hormones With WIDELY Differing
The SIX (!!!!) hormones of the anterior pituitary gland target:
The body at large (via GH) and individually, the gonads as well as the thyroid, adrenal, and mammary glands.
Give an example of a chemical that is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone.
Hormone= hormone from adrenal medulla
Neurotransmitter= postgang. symp. nn
Give an example of the SAME hormone being secreted from different glands.
Somatostatin - both from pancreas and hypothalamus