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85 Cards in this Set

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net diffusion depends on
concentration gradient, area of membrane, thickness of membrane, diffusion coefficient, partition coefficient
partition coefficient
concentration in olive oil / concentration in water
diffusion coefficient depends on
diameter of solute particle, viscosity of solution
thickness of cell membrane affects diffusion how
thicker the membrane, slower the diffusion
what is flux?
net diffusion of solute
permeability equation
p = (partition coefficient)(diffusion coefficient)/ thickness of membrane
flux =
(permeability) (area) (concentration gradient)
flow of water across a semipermeable membrane because of differences in solute concentration
concentration of osmotically active particles in solution = (number of particles)(concentration)
osmotic pressure =
(number of particles)(concentration)(reflection coefficient)(gas constant)(absolute temperature)
reflection coefficient
1 = impermeable to solute, 0 = totally permeable to solute
flow of water direction based on tonicity
flows from hypotonic to hypertonic
equilibrium potential
diffusion potential that exactly balances the tendency for diffusion down concentration gradient
nerst equation
-2.3RT/zF (log (concentration inside)/(concentration outside)
inward current
flow of positive current into a cell, negative current
outward current
flow of positive charge out of cell, positive current
blocks Na channels
blocks K channels
why can no action potential happen during absolute refractory period
inactivation gates of Na closed
time constant
how quickly a cell membrane depolarizes in response to inward current and how quickly it repolarizes in response to outward current
time constant =
(membrane resistance)(membrane capacitance)
length constant
how far a depolarizing current will spread along a nerve
length constant =
square root: (membrane resistance/internal resistance)
internal resistance
inversely related to the ease of current flow in the cytoplasm and inversely related to area of the nerve
current will travel the farthest when...
diameter is great, membrane resistance is high, internal resistance is low
two ways to increase conduction velocity
increase nerve diameter and myelinate (increases membrane resistance and decreases membrane capacitance)
current of ions=
= g (Emembrane - Eion)
nicotinic receptors allow...
both Na and K
competes with Ach for receptor site (only stops action potential if concentration is high enough)
2 factors controlling [Ach]
amount released and rate at which it is removed
2 ways to remove Ach
diffusion and AChE
reversal potential for EPP
0 mV
block AChE
greater magnitude and duration EPPs
when/where must calcium be in order for ACh to be released?
in presynaptic terminal before release of ACh (depolarization in terminal --> allow Ca in)
MEPP corresponds to
1 vesicle containing ACh
fusion of approximately 100 vesicles
Increase the voltage strength of a stimulus...
increase the force of twitch until a plateau
motor unit
motor neuron and all the fibers it innervates
increase force by increasing number of muscle fibers recruited
more excitable: small or large motor neurons
small therefore recruited first
single forceful contraction if great enough stimulation
lowest frequency that shows summation =
1/(duration of twitch)
increase force by...
increasing frequency of stimulation and increasing recruitment
passive force
stretched without activation (property of being elastic)
isotonic contraction
constant force after increasing force to reach afterload
eccentric contraction
lengthening the muscle, much more powerful than concentric
the greater the cross sectional area of a muscle...
the greater the force
strap muscles
high velocity, low force
pinnate muscles
low velocity, high force
in spaces between myofibrils
SR and glycogen
spreads from Z-disc to M-line, helps myosin form
joins actin to Z-disc
bindings of troponin
C to calcium, T to tropomyosin, I inhibits interactions between thick and thin elements
interaction of ATP, myosin and actin
myosin binds ATP --> hydrolyzes it to ADP +Pi --> high affinity for actin --> binds --> dissociates from ADP + Pi --> power stroke --> rebind ATP --> lose affinity for actin
muscle speed depends on
rate of cross bridge turn over
ANS made up of...
sympathetic and parasympathetic
tonic activity
baseline activity, both sympathetic and parasympathetic
how many neurons in somatic pathway?
how many neurons in autonomic pathway?
preganglionic neuron characteristics
myelinated, fine, cell body in brainstem nucleus or lateral gray of spinal cord
postganglionic neuron characteristics
unmyelinated, cell body in ganglion
location of sympathetic preganglionics
intermediolateral column of thoraco-lumbar region (T1-L3)
location of parasympathetic preganglionics
cranial and sacral region
path of preganglionic sympathetic
enter ventral root --> white rami communicans --> sympathetic chain, up or down
path of the postganglionic sympathetic
gray rami communicans --> corresponding spinal nerve --> target organ
three places where preganglionic sympathetic nerves synapse that are not in the sympathetic chain
prevertebral or collateral: celiac ganglion, SM ganglion, IM ganglion
chromaffin cells
make up adrenal medulla, make endocrine products
adrenal medulla innervation
preganglionic sympathetics pass through sympathetic ganglion, celiac ganglion and synapse directly on chromaffin cells
one preganglionic nerve may innervate many postganglionic nerves
many preganglionic nerves may innervate a single postganglionic nerve
parasympathetic nerve paths
preganglionics from out of cranial or sacral and synapse with postganglionic right on target organ
where are calcium spikes in relation to AP and muscle force
in between
where are triads
at junction of A band and I band
depolarization --> Ca release
depolarize t-tubule --> DHPR opens at depolarization --> triggers RyR to open --> Ca comes out of SR --> Ca binds to TnC --> SERCA takes it back in and calsequestrin binds it
after Ca binds to TnC...
troponin complex changes shape --> TnT exposes binding site on actin --> myosin and actin bind
series elastic component
explains the delay in force transmitted to outside of the muscle and the delay in the fall of a force after Ca dissociates
high frequency of stimulation effect on RyR
stays open longer, Ca comes out more --> summation of transients
which sympathetic targets have no parasympathetic innervation?
hair follicles, sweat glands, smooth muscle of blood vessels
ACh released by...
parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglions AND parasympathetic postganglions AND sympathetic postganglions for sweat glands
NE released by...
sympathetic postganglionic (except sweat glands)
when is peptide released, what does it do
released during high frequency of stimulation, enhances effects of ACh and NE (neuropeptide Y)
how is ACh cleared out?
what else is in vesicles with NE?
ATP, dopamine beta hydroxylase
how is NE cleared out?
Na dependent transporters in membrane of postganglionic nerve (repackaged or metabolized)