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28 Cards in this Set

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structures of muscle
sarcomere (smallest fx unit) --> myofibril --> muscle fiber --> fiber bundle --> muscle
histology of muscle
-subdivided by z plates into functional subunits called sarcomeres
- max length of muscle fiber is 30cm which may contain 100K sarcomeres
zones of sarcomere
-I band: region of actin filaments on both sides of the Z plates
- A band: region in which actin and myosin filaments overlap
- H zone: region which consists solely of mysosin filaments
- z plate: in middle of actin filaments, between two= sarcomere
filament sliding/ shortening
- one filament sliding shortens a sarcomere by approximately 1%
- muscle fiber shortens by 1%
- to achieve a 50% (max) shortening of an entire muscle, the cycle has to be repeated 50x
1. each of 2 heads of myosin binds ATP: head/neck angle 90
2. binding of Ca to troponin terminates the inhibitory effect on tropomyosin and the myosin head binds to actin
3. ATPase splits the ATP, Mg required
4. dissociation of the ADP tips the myosin heads from 50-45 degrees
5. without ATP the binding is very strong, eg rigor mortis
6. Binding to ATP again lifts the head off and turns it back to the 90 degree position
sarcotubular system of muscle fiber
-sarcolemma: cell membrane
- T system: transverse tubuli
- sarcoplasmic reticulum: longitudinal tubuli, resevoir for Ca
-triad: 2 longitudinal + 1 transverse
- blindly ending longitudinal tubular system has no open connection to the extracellular space
- l-system is the intracellular reservoir for Ca
AP's: cardiac vs. skeletal
-AP of skeletal and nerve much shorter: 1-2 vs 200-400 msec
- latency period (mechanical response to electrical stimulation) of skeletal shorter: 1 vs 100 msec
- duration of contraction of skeletal shorter: 10 vs 200-300 msec
Calcium and cardiac contraction
- Ca responsible for the long duration of cardiac APs
- mediator b/w electrical stimulation and contraction: coupling
- Ca released from: 1. longitudinal tubular( s. reti=intracellular)
2. transverse tubuli (T system=extracellular): without this, depolarization w/o contraction
- increases 100 fold in <100msec
- Ca blood level vital for strength of contraction (normal 8-13mg/100ml)
Ca distribution in resting muscle cell
-during the resting state, the membrane is polarized (-70mV inside)
-and- intracellular [Ca] low (0.01micromol) compared with extracellular [Ca] of 1-10micromol
delay b/w stim and contraction of skeletal m
-resting: high [ECF Ca], l system
- depolarization: Ca influx from ECF and release from l-system
-repolarization: Ca resorption into l-system and transport to ECS
- resulting contraction is delayed and lasts as long as the [ICF Ca] is high
skeletal m. Ca dependency
Ca release from the L-system is induced by depolarization of the T-system
cardiac m. Ca dependency
Ca release from the L-system is induced by incoming Ca from the ECF (Ca induced Ca release)
Motor unit
-motor endplate: synapse connecting m. neuron and m. fiber
- motor unit: one neuron and all the skeletal m. it innervates = fx unit of skeletal m
- # of innervated muscle fibers of one motor unity varies from 5-1000
types of motor units
1. fast twitch: engaged in rapid movements, predominate in white muscles (eg gastrocnemius)
2. slow twitch: specialized in maintaining posture, predominate in red muscles (eg soleus)
functional synctium
-all heart and muscle cells electrically connected
-depolarization spreads until all cells in synctium are depolarized
- intercalated discs connect ends of neighboring muscle fiber branches
- gap junctions (joint ion channels) are open pores connecting the cytosols of neighboring cells, allowing APs to "jump"
smooth muscle contraction
- perform contraction with actin and myosin filaments without structured arrangement of sarcomeres
- stimulated by nervous signals, hormones, stretch, etc.
-triggered by influx of Ca from interstitium
-no tubular (l or t) system
- calmodulin plays a similar regulatory role as troponin in striated m.
-diffuse junctions of autonomic neurons
types of muscle contraction
1. isometric: length is constant while tension changes
2. isotonic: length changes while tension is constant
3. axotonic contraction: both length and tension change
force of contraction and m. length
-max tension when all myosin heads are involved in contraction
- overlap of actin filaments or free myosin heads decrease tension
tension of skeletal muscle
-active: determined by the # of actin-myosin crossbridges and varies with fiber length
-passive: developed when the muscle is stretched at rest. Determined by elastic components (sarcolemma, tendons, CT, vessels, nerves)
- total= active + passive
- skeletal can be stretched more than cardiac
all or none rule
-each AP causes a max release of Ca which in turn produces a max single twitch of striated muscle fiber
muscular force
determined by:
1. number of motor units activated
2. frequency of APs: increasing frequency removal of intracellular Ca is stinted and [Ca] increases, providing more myosin head binding
summation of single twitches
- when the AP superimposes on another, the result is a further shortening of the muscle fiber
-muscle fiber has no time to relax

-mechanical summation
If the intervals of the APs becomes less than 1/3 of the time required for a single twitch ( slow m.= 20 Hz, fast m.= 60-100Hz) the twitches fuse together and cause maximum contraction
-Prolonged muscle shorterning by:
1. sustained local depolarization: eg. high [Kextra]
2. pharmacologically: induced release of Ca inside the cell, eg caffeine
response to increasing strength of electrical stimulation
1. cardiac: all or none response
-Stannius ligature between sinus venosus and R atrium)
2. Skeletal: graded response
response to increasing frequency of APs
1. cardiac: no tetanus at high rate (50Hz): Stannius ligature between sinus venosus and R atrium
2. skeletal: tetanus (summation/fuse of muscle twitches)
prevention of tetanus in cardiac m.
-absolute RP: no superceded excitation possible
- relative RP: only very strong stimuli trigger an AP
-signal strength required to initiate a superceded AP is highest in the beginning of the RRP (9x) and decreases to normal strength towards the end of the RRP (1x)
duration of contraction of cardiac m
-begins a few msec after the AP begin
- ends a few msec after AP ends
-is a fx of duration of AP
- atria: ca 200 msec
-ventricles: ca 300msec