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43 Cards in this Set

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Propositions in Schachter

1) Biological arousal + no immediate explanation

= emotion based on information given

2) Biological arousal + appropriate explanation

= explanation used

3) No biological arosual = explanation dismissed

Method in Schachter

Laboratory Experiment

Variables in Schachter

IV1) Adrenaline Inf.

IV2) Adrenaline Mis.

IV3) Adrenalin Ig.

Ctrl) Placebo, saline solution

IV4) Europhia/Anger stooge

DV) Behaviour

Sub Groups in Schachter

Placebo Anger

Placebo Europhia

Adrenaline Inf./ Ig. Anger

Adrenaline Inf./Ig. Europhia

Adrenaline Mis Europhia (no anger)

Explanation of IV in relation to stooge in Schacter

Adrenaline Inf. = should not copy the stooge

Adrenaline Mis. = should copy behaviour

Adrenaline Ig. = should copy behaviour

Placebo = should not copy stooge

Design in Schachter

Independent groups

Participants in Schachter

Male college students

Self-selecting sample. Offered two extra points on final exam.

Apparatus in Schachter

Private room for injections


Items for stooge (paper, wastebasket, hula hoop and ambiguous questionnaire)

Controls in Schachter

1) All participants given an injection

2) Same procedure

3) Stooge's actions and behaviour

4) 2 observers

Procedure in Schachter

1) Each participant given Suproxin after giving consent

2) Depending on the three conditions, they were either told correct, wrong or nothing at all.

3) Participant placed in room with Europhic stooge/ Angry stooge.

4) Experimenter hands out questionnaire.

5) Debreifs

Stooge's actions in Schahcter

Euphoric - Doodles on paper, crumples it and plays basketball with wastebasket. Paper plane. Builds tower of folders. Hula hoop. Asks participant to join in.

Angry - While answering questionnaire, makes aggressive comments

Observation catagories for Schachter

Euphoric -

ignores stooge

Initiates new activity

Ignores stooge

Watches stooge

Angry -



Initiates agreement/disagreement



Findings in Schahcter

1) Ephinephrine condition experienced more biological responses than placebo

2) For europhia self-reports, Epi. INF. experienced slightly less than others

3) For anger self reports, Epi. INF. had highest score

4) For europhia observations, Epi. Mis. had the most, Epi. IG. had the least

5) For anger observations, Epi. IG. had the most, Epi. INF. had the least

Conclusions in Schachter

All three hypothesis supported

Back up two-factor theory of emotion

Aims in Dement

1) Dreming occur in REM or NREM sleep

2) Can participants estimate length of dream

3) Do eye patterns correlate to dream content

4) Duration of words to describe dream correlate to length of REM sleep

Method in Dement

Natural experiment

Variables in Dement

Aim 1) IV- REM and NREM sleep, DV- number of dreams recalled

Aim 2) IV - woken after 5/15 minutes, DV - dream estimators

Aim 3) IV - eye movement, DV - dream content

Aim 4) IV - length of dream, DV - number of words used to describe dream

Design in Dement

Repeated Measures

Participants in Dement

9 originally

After dropping out after 2 nights, 5 remained and completed 6-17 nights

Self-selecting sample from Uni. of Chicago

Apparatus in Dement

Sleep lab with equipment (bed, electrodes connected to EEG (eye), bell and tape recorder)

Controls in Dement

Participants asked not to drink alcohol or coffee.

Woken by bell

Recorded by tape recorder

Conclusions in Dement

Dreams occur in REM sleep

Dreams happen in real time

Dream content matches eye direction

Aim in Maguire

1) To confirm other studies that specific brain regions are involved in semantic topographical memory retrieval

2) To see which region of the brain is associated with landmark knowledge

3) To see the link between topographical memory and non-topographical semantic memory

Method in Maguire

Labratory experiment with pre-study questionnaire

Pre-study questionnaire in Maguire

1) Familiar areas of London

2) Familiar filmed from a list of 150

3) Familiar world-famous landmarks they have not visited

5 tasks in Maguire (semantic/topographical)

Recalling a London route (S+T+)

Describing world famous landmarks (S-T+)

Film sequence (T-S+)

Film frames (S-T+)

Baseline task of reading out 2 four digit numbers to control for speech output

Design in Maguire

Repeated measures

Counter balanced

Participants in Maguire

11 RH, male, taxi drivers

Minimum of 3 years experience

Average age 45

Controls in Maguire

All participants never visited landmarks

Participants had all seen movie at least 5 times

Scanner and injections the same

Pilot study

Procedure in Maguire

1) Pre study questionnaire

2) Blindfolded and put in scanner

3) Recived an injection of H2"15O. And saline flush.

4) Underwent task

5) Steps 3 and 4 repeated 12 times

Results for Topographical Tasks in Maguire

Routes Task (S+)

bilateral activity in extrastriate region, medial parietal lobe, posterior cingulate cortex, parahippocamal gyrus, right hippocampus

Landmarks Test (S-)

Medial parietal lobe, posterior cingulate cortex, parahippocamal gyrus, left inferior and middle frontal gyri.

Results for non-topographical tasks in Maguire

Film Tasks

Left frontal regions, middle temporal gyrus, left angular gyrus, left angular gyrus

Conclusions in Maguire

1) Aim 1 confirmed

2) Routes = landmarks except routes uses right hippocampus

3) Hippocampus involved in the processing of spatial lay outs over long time periods

4) Right hippocampus for large scale navigation,

T-S+ left inferior frontal gyrus

Aim in Dematte

Whether olfactory cues influence people's judgements of attractiveness

Method in Dematte

Laboratory Experiment

Variables in Dematte

IV1) Pleasant/unpleasant smell

IV2) Attractive/unattractive faces

DV) Ratings of attractiveness (1-9)

Design in Dematte

Repeated Measures with counterbalancing

Participants viewed 40 faces, 10 of each condition

Participants in Dematte

16 female Oxford students

Apparatus in Dematte

Questionnaire to determine health problems

40 male faces

4 odours (male fragrance, germanium, b.o and rubber)



Controls in Dematte

Questionnaire determined smelling ability


Time of presentation kept constant

Tone and odour release standardised

Odour strength

Procedure in Dematte

1) Participants answered health questionnaire

2) Participants sat at computer and tones determined their actions

3) Participants confirmed if they could smell a smell

4) Participants rated face out of 9

5) At the end participants rated the odour

Findings in Dematte

1) Male fragrance gave the highest rating

2) Lowest rating was for b.o

3) Faces as less attractive with unpleasant odour

Conclusions in Dematte

More attractive if bad smell

A pleasant smell does not increase attractiveness