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61 Cards in this Set

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Communication between neurons is through chemical messengers referred to as _______.
Binding sites
_____, which are receptor proteins to which neurotransmitters fit like a lock into a key.
Receptor proteins
_____ _______ only accept molecules of particular geometric shapes and electrical charges
The specificity of receptor proteins allows for specific molecules to be _______ for medical intervention.
Axon terminates proximal to a dendrite or dendritic spine, which is a small bud in the surface of a dendrite, forming a synapse
axon terminates proximal to the soma of a neuron
axon releases neurotransmitter into extracellular fluid
occur in small neurons that lack axons; may serve to coordinate the activity of several neurons, much like an executive neuron
connections that do not contribute to neural integration, but rather modulate the amount of transmitter released from the terminal button
Presynaptic inhibition
the action of a presynaptic terminal button in a axoaxonic synapse that reduces the amount of neurotransmitter released by the postsynaptic terminal button
presynaptic facilitation
action of a presynaptic terminal button in an axoaxonic synapse that increases the amount of neurotransmitter released by the postsynaptic terminal button
Synaptic cleft
the space between the presynaptic membrane and the postsynaptic membrane
Synaptic vesicle
a small, hollow beadlike structure found in the terminal buttons that contains molecules of a neurotransmitter; also has proteins embedded in membrane helping vesicles to dock with membrane
Release zone
area at the end of the terminal button in which synaptic vesicles dock, fuse with the membrane, and release the neurotransmitter
process similar to the Golgi Apparatus which receives bits of the presynaptic membrane and recycles it into synaptic vesicles
soma, axon
Neurotransmitters may be manufactured in the _____ or _____.
mRNA, Golgi body
In the soma, neurotransmitters are most likely synthesized from ______ and packaged by the _________.
axon terminal
In the _____ _________, protein pumps, referred to as transporters, may pump molecules used to synthesize neurotransmitter from the extracellular fluid.
single vesicles, granules
Neurotransmitter may be stored in ______ ______ or in ________, which house several vesicles until released.
Single vesicles may be attached to _________.
action potential; Ca2+
When the ____ _______ reaches the terminal button, ___ voltage dependent ion channels open.
In an action potential Calcium ions bind to ________.
neurotransmitters, synapse, postsynaptic
______ are released from the terminal buttons, diffuse across the _______, and interact with protein molecules embedded in the _______ cell membrane
Postsynaptic potential
The neurotransmitter results in a _____ _______, which is an alteration in the membrane potential of a postsynaptic neuron, produced by the liberation of a neurotransmitter at the synapse.
when an action potential reaches the terminal, it opens _____ channels.
neurotransmitter; postsynaptic membane
After being released the _______ diffuses across the synapse and activates receptors on the _______ _________.
Transmitter-Activated Receptors
Protein embedded in the membrane of a cell that has a binding site for a specific neurotransmitter
receptors on neurons that respond to release of their own transmitter:
may increase/decrease release of transmitter
serves as a feedback system
Deactivation of neurotransmitter
diffusion away from synaptic cleft;
degradation by enzymes in the synaptic cleft;
Reuptake into the presynaptic neuron for subsequent re-use;
Taken up by glial cells
Type I Synapse
excitatory; located on dendrites;
Large active zones (areas near the release of transmitter)
Wide cleft
round vesicles
Type II Synapse
Inhibitory, located on cell body (soma),
small active zone (areas near the release of transmitter)
Narrow cleft
Flat vesicles
Type I
Excitatory synapse located on dendrites
Type II
Inhibitory synapse located on cell body (soma)
Type II
Synapse with a small active zone
Type I synapse
synapse with a large active zone
Type II, axon potential
Location of ____ synapses allows for inhibition of depolarizations from reaching the axon hillock, preventing an ________ which cannot be stopped once initiated.
Some ________ are inhibitory at one location and excitatory at another.
Four criteria for identifying a neurotransmitter
1) chemical must be synthesized or present in neuron
2) when released chemical must produce response in target cell
3) same response must be obtained when chemical is experimentally placed on target
4) there must be a mechanism for removal after chemical's work is done
Small- Molecule Transmitters
class of quick-acting transmitters; synthesized in the axon terminal from products derived in the diet
ex. Acetylcholine (ACh), Dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE)
Rate-limiting factor
any enzyme that is in limited supply restricts the pace at which a chemical can be synthesized
a multifunctional chain of amino acids that acts as a neurotransmitter;

synthesized from mRNA on instructions from cell's DnA;
therefore replenishment tends to be slow
Transmitter Gases
synthesized in cell, as needed;
easily crosses cell membrane

ex. Nitric oxide (NO) plays role in dilation of blood vessels in the brain and sexual organs
a large protein molecule that is in and on the surface of the neuron furnishing sites where neurotransmitters induce biological changes
receptor; neurotransmitter
Each _____ accepts a specific _______.
receptor; neurotransmitters
Therer are hundreds of _____ types but a much smaller number of ________.
Carrier proteins
transport small neurotransmitters across cell membranes against the concentration gradient
G protein coupled receptors
a family of postsynaptic receptors, usually not connected with a specific ion channel
change, alter
G protein coupled receptors willc ause nearby ion channels to ____ or _____ chemical processes within the cell
alpha, beta, gamma
G protein has three subunits; ____, _____, _______
alpha,facilitating, inhibiting
when a neurotransmitter binds to the receptor , the _____ subunit of the G protein may be released and cause a change in the shape of nearby ion channels ______ or _____ the flow of ions into the neuron.
effector; molecular structure
The alpha unit may also activate ______ enzymes whcih activate protein kinases which change the ______ ________ of other proteins inside the cell.
common effector enzymes
Cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, Ca+
_______ are proteins that catalyze or cause some metabolic action to occur when interacting with other proteins
The reentry of a neurotransmitter just liberated by a terminal button back through its membrane, thus terminating the postsynaptic potential
a receptor molecule located on teh presynaptic neuron responds to the neurotransmitter released by the presynaptic neuron
Activating system
Neural pathways that coordinate brain activity through a single neurotransmitter
four systems of neurotransmitters
Cholinergic, dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, and Serotonergic
Cholinergic system
neurotransmitter system thought to play a role in memory; death of these neurons thought to be related to Alzheimer's disease;

Dopaminergic System

neurotransmitter system;
Nigrostriatial pathways active in maintaining normal motor behavior; loss of DA (dopamine) related to muscle rigidity and dyskinesia in Parkinsonl's disease;

Mesolimbic pathways
neurotransmitter system most affected by drugs; Increases in DA may be related to schizophrenia
Noradrenergic system

neurotransmitter system;
active in maintaing emotional tone
decreases in NE activity thought to be related to depression;
increases in NE activity thought to be related to Mania (overexcited)
Serotonergic system

neurotransmitter system;

changes in serotonin activity related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, tics, and schizophrenia

decreases in serotonin activity related to depression