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166 Cards in this Set

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ANS efferent fibers
have their cell bodies in the spinal cord, and they
reach the sympathetic ganglia on both sides of the vertebral column.
ANS sympathetic system
prepares and mobilizes the body in emergency cases
e.g.: during exercise, fear…
Fight or Flight
sympathetic stimulation
increased heart rate, constriction of the arterioles of the skin and intestine,
(but, dilatation of those of the skeletal muscle), which raises the blood pressure, sympathetic stimulation leads to dilation of the pupils, sphincters close, hair stands and sweating occurs.
parasympathetic system
conserves and stores the energy
e.g.: during sleep
parasympathetic stimulation
Decrease in heart rate, pupil constriction, increased peristalsis, increased
glandular activity, sphincters open, bladder wall is contracted.
Synapses between neurons are made
in the autonomic ganglia.
Parasympathetic ganglia are located
in or near the effector organs.
Sympathetic ganglia are located
in the paravertebral chain.
preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system originate
in spinal cord segments T1-L3, or the thoracolumbar region.
Preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system originate
in the nuclei of cranial nerves and in spinal cord segments S2-S4, or the craniosacral region.
Adrenal Medulla
is a specialized ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system.
-Preganglionic fibers synapse directly on chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla.
-The chromaffin cells secrete epinephrine (80%) and norepinephrine (20%) into the circulation.
is a tumor of the adrenal medulla that secretes excessive amounts of catecholamines and with increased excretion of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid (VMA).
Postganglionic neurons of both divisions have their cell bodies
in the autonomic ganglia and synapse on effector organs (heart, blood vessels, sweat glands
Sympathetic: (thoraco-lumbar)
cell bodies lie the lateral horn
of the T1- L2/3 spinal cord.
Parasympathetic: (cranio-sacral)
and S1, S2, S3 (pelvic splanchnic nerve).
Adrenergic neurons release
norepinephrine as the neurotransmitter.
Cholinergic neurons
whether in the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, release acetylcholine (Ach) as the neurotransmitter.
Peptidergic neurons
in the parasympathetic nervous system release peptides such as vasoactive inhibitory peptide and substance P.
alpha 1 receptors
-are located on vascular smooth muscle of the skin and splanchnic regions, the gastrointestinal (GI) and bladder sphincters, and the radial muscle of the iris.
-produce excitation (contraction ,constriction).

Are equally sensitive to norepinephrine and epinephrine. However, only norepinephrine released from adrenergic neurons is present in high enough concentration to activate alpha 1 receptors.
alpha 1 mechanism of action
G protein alpha stimulator, Phospholipase C, formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphospate (IP3) and increase in intracellular (Ca+).
alpha 2 receptors
are located in presynaptic nerve terminals, platelets. Fat cells, and the walls of the GI tract.

-often produce inhibition (relaxation or dilation).
alpha 2 mechanism of action
G protein alpha inhibitor, inhibition of adenylate cyclase and decrease in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP).
beta 1 receptors
are located in the sinoatrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) node, and ventricular muscle of the heart.

-produce excitation (increased heart rate, increased conduction velocity, increased contractility).

-are sensitive to both norepinephrine and epinephrine, and are more sensitive than alpha1 receptors.
beta 1 mechanism of action
activation G protein alpha stimulator, activation of adenylate cyclase and increase in cAMP.
Beta 2 receptors
-are located on vascular smooth muscle of skeletal muscle, bronchial smooth muscle, and in the walls of the GI tract and bladder.

-produce relaxation (dilation of vascular smooth muscle, dilation of bronchioles, relaxation of the bladder wall.)

-are more sensitive to epinephrine than to norepinephrine.

-are more sensitive to epinephrine than the alpha 1 receptors.
Beta 2 receptors mechanism of action
activation G protein alpha stimulator, activation of adenylate cyclase and increase in cAMP.
nicotinic receptors
are located in the autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, at the neuromuscular junction, and in the adrenal medulla. The receptors at these are similar, but not identical.

-are activated by Ach or nicotine.

-produce excitation.

-are blocked by ganglionic blockers in the autonomic ganglia, but not at the neuromuscular junction.
nicotinic mechanism of action
Ach binds to alpha subunits of the nicotinic Ach receptor, The nicotinic Ach receptors are also ion channels for Na+ and K+.
muscarinic receptors
are located in the heart, smooth muscle, and glands.

-are inhibitory in the heart (decreased heart rate, decreased conduction velocity in AV node).

-are excitatory in smooth muscle and glands (increased GI motility, increased secretion).

-are activated by Ach and muscarine.

-are blocked by atropine.
muscarinic mechanism of action
Heart SA node: inhibition of adenylate cyclase, which leads to opening of K+ channels, slowing of the rate of spontaneous Phase 4 depolarization, and decreased heart rate

2. Smooth muscle and glands: formation of IP3 and increase in intracellular (Ca2+).
ANS brain centers
-Vasomotor center
-Respiratory center
-Swallowing, coughing, and vomiting centers

2. Pons
-Pneumotaxic center

3. Midbrain
-Micturition center

4. Hypothalamus
-Temperature regulation center
-Thirst and food intake regulatory centers
Preganglionic release
Postganglionic release
Parasympathetic: Ach
Norepinephrine (NA)
The enviromental signals that can be detected
mechanical force, light, sounds, chemicals, and temperature.
respond to mechanical stimulus
-Pacinian corpuscles
-joint receptors
-Stretch receptors in muscle
-Hair cells in auditory and vestibular systems
-Baroreceptors in carotid sinus
-Rods and cones of the retina
Olfactory receptors
-Taste receptors
-Carotid body O2 receptors
Extremes of temperature and pain
large alpha-motoneurons Conduction velocity: fastest
Touch, pressure Conduction velocity: Medium
gamma-motoneurons to muscle spindles (intrafusal fibers) Conduction velocity: Medium
Touch, pressure, temperature, and pain Conduction velocity: Medium
B conduction velocity
preganglionic autonomic fibers Conduction velocity: Medium
C conduction velocity
Slow pain, postganglionic autonomic fibers Conduction velocity: Slowest
Receptive field
is an area of the body that, when stimulated, changes the firing rate of a sensory neuron. If the firing rate of the sensory neuron is increased, the receptive field is excitatory. If the firing rate of the sensory neuron is *decreased, the receptive field is inhibitory.
Steps in sensory transduction
Stimulus arrives at the sensory receptor.( photon of light on the retina, a molecule of NaCl on the tongue). B. Ion channels are opened in the sensory receptor, allowing current to flow. Usually the current is inward, which is depolarization of the receptor. C. The change in membrane potential produced by the stimulus is the receptor potential, or generator potential.
tonic receptors
are slow adapting (muscle spindle, pressure, slow pain) -respond repetitively to a prolonged stimulus.
Phasic receptors
rapidly adapting (pacinian corpucle, light touch) -show a decline in action potential frequency with time in response to a constant stimulus.
First order neurons
are the primary afferent neurons that receive the transduced signal and send the information to the CNS. Cell bodies of the primary afferent neurons are in dorsal root or spinal cord ganglia.
second order neurons
are located in the spinal cord or brain stem. -receive information from one or more primary afferent neurons in relay nuclei and transmit it to the thalamus. -Axons of second-order neurons usually cross the midline in a relay nucleus in the spinal cord before they ascend to the thalamus. Therefore, sensory information originating on one side of the body ascends to the contralateral thalamus.
Third order neuron
are located in the relay nuclei of the thalamus. From there, encoded sensory information ascends to the cerebral cortex.
Fourth order neurons
are located in the appropriate sensory area of the cerebral cortex. The information received results in a conscious perception of the stimulus.
Somatosensory system
The somatosensory system processes information about touch, pain and temperature.
Mechanoreceptors (for touch) 2. Thermoreceptors (temperature) 3. nociceptors (pain)
dorsal column system
From the medulla the second-order neurons cross the midline and ascend to the contralateral thalamus, where they synapse on third-order neurons. Third-order neurons ascend to the somatosensory cortex, where they synapse on fourth-order neurons.
processes sensations of fine touch, pressure, two-point discrimination, vibration
anterolateral system
processes sensations of temperature, pain, and light touch. -consists primarily of group of fibers, which enter the spinal cord and terminate in the dorsal horn. -second-order neurons cross the midline to the anterolateral quadrant of the spinal cord and second to the contralateral thalamus, where they synapse on third-order neurons. -Third-order neurons ascend to the somatosensory cortex, where they synapse on fourth-order neurons.
Destruction of the thalamic nuclei results in
loss of sensation on the contralateral side of the body.
Fast pain
is carried by group A-delta fibers. It has a rapid onset and offset, and is localized.
slow pain
is carried by C fibers. It is characterized as aching, burning, or throbbing that is poorly localized.
Neurotransmitter for nocireceptors
substance P
Cranial nerve VII
the facial nerve, carries taste sensations from the anterior two thirds of the tongue and soft palate.
Cranial nerve IX
the glossopharyngeal nerve carries taste sensations from the posterior one third of the tongue.
3.Also a branch of the vagus nerve
carries some taste sensations from the back of the oral cavity (i.e. pharynx and epiglottis).
Dendritic endings of these nerves are located around the taste buds and relay sensations of touch and temperature.
Taste sensations are passed to the medulla oblongata, where the neurons synapse with second-order neurons that project to the thalamus, from here, third-order neurons project to the area of the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex that is devoted to sensations from the tongue.
An ion channel in the taste cell wall allows Na+ ions to enter the cell. This on its own depolarizes the cell, and opens voltage-regulated Ca2+ gates, flooding the cell with ions and leading to neurotransmitter release.
Sour taste signals the presence of acidic compounds (H+ ions in solution). There are three different receptor proteins at work in sour taste. The first is a simple ion channel which allows hydrogen ions to flow directly into the cell.
Bitter compounds act through structures in the taste cell walls called G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR’s). When the bitter compound activates the GPCR, it in turn releases gustducin, the G-protein it was coupled to.
Like bitter tastes, sweet taste transduction involves GPCR’s.
(Loss of taste):You may lose your sense of taste if the facial nerve is damaged.
decreased taste sensitivity)
increased taste sensitivity)
sore tongue
It is usually caused by some form of trauma, such as biting your tongue, or eating piping-hot or highly acidic food or drink. If your top and bottom teeth don’t fit neatly together, tongue trauma is more likely. Some people may experience a sore tongue from grinding their teeth (bruxism). Disorders such as diabetes, anemia, some types of vitamin deficiency and certain skin diseases can include a sore tongue among the range of symptoms.
A condition characterized by a burning sensation on the tongue.
Benign migratory glossitis
This condition is characterized by irregular and inflamed patches on the tongue surface that often have white borders. The tongue may be generally swollen, red and sore. Another name for this condition is geographic tongue. The cause of benign migratory glossitis is unknown.
Receptor cells
are located in the olfactory epithelium. -are true neurons that conduct action potentials into the CNS.
sensory PP a
Anosmia is the lack of olfaction, or a loss of the sense of smell.
Phantosmia is the phenomenon of smelling odors that aren't really present.
When things smell differently than they should.
The outer layer of the eye is the sclera, which is a tough white fibrous layer that maintains, protects and supports the shape of the eye. The front of the sclera is transparent and is called the cornea. The cornea refracts light rays and acts like the outer window of the eye.
The eye can distinguish two qualities of light:
its brightness -its wavelength, for human, the wavelengths between 400 and 750 nanometers are called visible light.
The middle thin layer of the eye is the choroid, it is the vascular layer of the eye lying between the retina and the sclera. The choroid provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layers of the retina. It also contains a nonreflective pigment that acts as a light shield and prevents light from scattering.
The third or the inner layer of the eye is call the retina. The retina lays over the back two thirds of the choroid coat, which is located in the posterior compartment. The compartment is filled with vitreous humor which is a clear, gelatinous material.
Contains rods + cones
rod cells
are very sensitive to light and do not see color, that is why when we are in a darkened room we see only shades of gray.
cone cells
are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, and that is how we are able to tell different colors. It is a lack of cones sensitive to red, blue, or green light that causes individuals to have deficiencies in color vision or various kinds of color blindness.
At the center of the retina is the optic disc
sometimes known as "the blind spot" because it lacks photoreceptors. It is where the optic nerve leaves the eye and takes the nerve impulses to the brain.
fovea centralis
The fovea is a pit that has the highest visual acuity and is responsible for our sharp central vision - there are no rods in the fovea.
layers of the retina
. Pigment epithelial cell -absorb stray light and prevent scatter of light. 2. Receptor cells are rods and cones 3. Bipolar cells. The receptor cells (rods and cones) synapse on bipolar cells, which synapse on the ganglion cells. 4. Horizontal cells 5. Amacrine cells for circuits with the bipolar cells. 6. Ganglion cells are the output cells of the retina. (*Axons of ganglion cells form the optic nerve).
color blindness
is the inability to perceive differences between some or all colors that other people can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or due to exposure to certain chemicals.
Night blindness
may exist from birth, or be caused by injury or malnutrition (for example, a lack of vitamin A). The most common cause of nyctalopia is retinitis pigmentosa, a disorder in which the rod cells in the retina gradually lose their ability to respond to the light.
(Intracranial pressure)
Visual agnosia
is the inability of the brain to make sense of or make use of some part of otherwise normal visual stimulus, and is typified by the inability to recognize familiar objects or faces.
normal. Light focuses on the retina
farsighted. light focuses behind the retina and is corrected with a convex lens.
nearsighted. Light focuses in front of the retina and is corrected with a biconcave lens.
Curvature of the lens is not uniform and is corrected with a cylindric lens.
outer ear
Auricle, Ear Canal, Surface of Ear Drum)
the middle ear
is air-filled. The middle ear includes most of the ear drum (tympanic membrane) and the 3 ear bones ossicles: malleus (or hammer), incus (or anvil), and stapes (or stirrup). The opening of the Eustachian tube is also within the middle ear.
Inner ear
is fluid-filled. (Cochlea, Vestibule, and Semi-Circular Canals, and a series of ducts called the membranous labyrinth. The fluid outside the ducts is perilymph; the fluid inside the ducts is endolymph.
Structure of the cochlea: three tubular canals
The scala vestibuli and scala tympani contain perilymph, which has a high Na+. B. The scala media contains endolymph, which has a high K+. –The scala media is bordered by the basilar membrane, which is the site of the organ of Corti.
The organ of corti
The organ of Corti is located on the basilar membrane. -It contains the receptor cells for auditory stimuli. Cilia protrude from the hair cells and are embedded in the tectorial membrane. -Inner hair cells are arranged in single rows and are few in number.
Steps in auditory transduction
by the organ of Corti sensory pp b slide 16
The base of the basilar membrane
(near the oval and round windows) is narrow and stiff. It responds best to high frequencies.
The apex of the basilar membrane
(near the helicotrema) is wide and compliant. It responds best to low frequencies.
sound waves
Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).
-Intensity is measured in decibels (dB)
Otitis Media
An inflammation of the middle ear segment. It is usually associated with a buildup of fluid and frequently causes an earache
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are
the most common bacterial causes of otitis media. As well as being caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae it can also be caused by the common cold.
Vestibular system
detects angular and linear acceleration of the head. -reflex adjustments of the head, eyes, and postural muscles provide a stable visual image and steady posture.
-An initial rotation of the head causes the eyes to move slowly in the opposite direction to maintain visual fixation. When the limit of eye movements reaches, the eyes rapidly snap back (nystagmus), then move slowly again. -The direction of the nystagmus is defined as the direction of the fast (rapid eye) movement. Therefore, the nystagmus occurs in the same direction as the head rotation
post rotary nystagmus
occurs in the opposite direction of the head rotation.
dizziness. Vertigo is usually associated with a problem in the inner ear balance mechanisms (vestibular system), in the brain, or with the nerve connections between these two organs.
What happens if the person turns the head to the right side.
Vestibular system
sensory pp B
transmit electrical signals, found in grey matter of CNS and ganglia
neuroglial cells
support cells): nonexcitable, surround and wrap neurons
Characteristics of Neurons
Conduct electrical impulses along the plasma membrane
Produce nerve impulse
Produce action potential
Longevity: can live and function for a lifetime
Do not divide: fetal neurons lose their ability to undergo mitosis
High metabolic rate: require abundant oxygen and glucose
There are two types of supporting cells in the peripheral nervous system:
Schwann cells and satellite cells
Schwann cells
which form myelin sheaths around peripheral axons.
satellite cells
or ganglionic gliocytes, which support neuron cells bodies within the ganglia of the PNS.
There are four types of supporting cells, called neuroglial cells, in the central nervous system.
Oligodendrocytes, Microglia, astrocytes, ependymal
which form myelin sheaths around axons of the CNS.
which migrate through the CNS and phagocytose foreign and degenerated material.
which help to regulate external environment of neurons in the CNS
cells, which line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.
Gliosis and glial scar
Gliosis is hyperplasia and hypertrophy of astrocytes that occur in reaction to CNS injury.
Oligodendrocytes: respond to injury
by expanding and vacuolation of their cytoplasm.
Tumors of Neuroglia (glioma):
Account for about 50% of intracranial tumors. Astrocytomas and glioblastomas are tumors of astrocytes. Gliomas apart from ependymomas are very invasive and grow large with minimal effect on neighboring neurons.
Multiple sclerosis (Demyelinating diseases of the CNS
an unknown disease, occurs between ages of 20-40 year, demyelination in CNS, usually starts with optic nerve, spinal cord and cerebellum. Axonal degeneration as a result of demyelination and/or early in the course of the disease is part of the disability.
Myelin sheath in PNS and CNS
the nervous system pp slide 12
CSF< blood
CSF> blood
are the sites where two
neurons come into close proximity.
The term also implies to the nerve-muscle
contact as well.
various forms of synapses
Axodendritic, axosomatic and axoaxonic.
The first two are the most common forms.
Axons can have a terminal expansion or a
series of expansions called bouton de
passage which make several contacts as
they pass through a dendritic tree.
types of synapses
Chemical (most common)
2- Electrical
chemical synapses
involve the neurotransmitters
released from a pre-synaptic neuron that becomes attached to a protein (receptor) at post-synaptic membrane.
Chemical synapses are unidirectional.
electrical synapses
Most synapses in the nervous system are of chemical type with neurotransmitter, but in electrical synapses, there is no chemical

These synapses are Gap junctions formed by specialized channels called Connexons.
These are found in a group of neurons performing an identical function.
These are bidirectional.
Parkinsons could be treated
to some extent by neurotransmitters.
Dopamine can not cross the BBB. L-dopa can cross BBB.
block Dopamine receptors postsynaptically.
a master neurotransmitter, is manufactured from tryptophan. It is found all over the body and is necessary to modulate the levels of the stress hormones.
PP slide 27
In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter, activating the five types of dopamine receptor - D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5, and their variants.
Insufficient dopamine biosynthesis in the dopaminergic neurons can cause
Parkinson's disease (in which a person loses the ability to execute smooth, controlled movements).
abnormally high dopamine
action apparently leading to these conditions (schizophrenia).
Functions of muscle tissue
movement Joint stabilization Heat generation
skeletal muscle tissue
packaged into skeletal muscles
Makes up 40% of body weight. Cells are striated
cardiac muscle tissue
occurs only in the walls of the heart
smooth muscle tissue
in the walls of hollow organs. Cells lack striations
skeletal muscle
Has a nerve and a blood supply.
neuromuscular junction: Where nerve contacts the muscle
Origin on bone is at less movable attachment
Insertion is on more movable attachment
Origin and insertions are by tendon or aponeurosis
motor unit
Motor unit recruitment is the progressive activation of a muscle by successive recruitment of contractile units (motor units) to accomplish increasing gradations of contractile strength.

A motor unit consists of one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it contracts.
Is the basic unit of contraction of skeletal muscle from one Z line to the next
z disc
boundaries of each sarcomere
thin actin filaments
extend from Z disc toward the center of the sarcomere
thick myosin filaments
located in the center of the sarcomere
Overlap inner ends of the thin filaments contain ATPase enzymes
A bands
full length of the thick filament, includes inner end of thin filaments
H zone
center part of A band where no thin filaments occur
M line
in center of H zone, contains tiny rods that hold thick filaments together
I band
region with only thin filaments, lies within two adjacent sarcomeres
muscle contraction
when a nerve cell stimulates a muscle fiber, it sets up an impulse in the
Sarcolemma that signals the Sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Calcium ions.
Released Ca++ diffuses through cytoplasm and triggers the sliding filament
Impulses further conducted by t tubules
Sliding filament theory:
Myosin heads attach to actin
in the thin filaments
Then pivot to pull thin filaments
inward toward the center of the

Contraction mechanism is activated
by binding of Ca++ to the thin
filaments and powered by ATP.
Tn C (troponin C)
binds to calcium, initiates muscle contraction
Tn T (troponin T),
binds troponin complex to tropomyosin
Tn I (troponin inhibitor),
inhibits actin binding to myosin heads in resting muscle
types of muscle fibers
extrafusal, and intrafusal
make up the bulk of muscle.
-are innervated by alpha-motoneurons.
-provide the force for muscle contraction.
are smaller than extrafusal muscle fibers.
-are innervated by gamma-motoneurons.
-are encapsulated in sheaths to form muscle spindles.
-run in parallel with extrafusal fibers. But not for entire length of the muscle.
muscular dystrophy
A group of inherited muscle degenerating disease appearing in childhood.
The affected muscles enlarge with fat and connective tissue but the muscle
fibers actually degenerate
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Sex-linked recessive inherited disease, males are most exclusively affected,
1/3500 boys, diagnosed between age 2-10, muscle weakens, first pelvic
muscles affected, then muscles of shoulder and head, rarely live over 20 years.
Fibers lack a submembrane protein called dystrophin.
myotonic dystrophy
Myotonic dystrophy is an inherited disorder in which the muscles contract but have decreasing power to relax. With this condition, the muscles also become weak and waste away. Myotonic dystrophy can cause mental deficiency, hair loss and cataracts.
Onset of this rare disorder commonly occurs during young adulthood. However, it can occur at any age and is extremely variable in degree of severity.

The myotonic dystrophy gene, found on chromosome 19, codes for a protein kinase that is found in skeletal muscle, where it likely plays a regulatory role.