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75 Cards in this Set

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adrenal cortex secretes ___
the preganglionic synapse in adrenal cortex is __
inbetween spinal cord and adrenal medulla
- lacks an axon
3 components of a neuromuscular junction
1. presynaptic axon terminal
2. synaptic cleft
3. posynaptic membrane of skeletal muscle fibers
the presynaptic axon terminal of neuromuscular junction has ___
boutons- covered by schwann cells that provide myelin & secrete growth factors
___ is the muscle cell membrane on postsynaptic side of NMJ
motor end plate
___ is most common disorder of neuromuscular junction
myasthenia gravis
- autoimmune destruction of ACh receptors at NMJ
- symptoms: muscle weakness
the treatment of neostigmine (acetylcholineasterase) is used to treat what?
myasthenia gravis
what kind of muscle can be modulated by endocrine system
skeletal muscle is connected to bones by ___
muscle fibers =
one skeletal muscle
true or false- skeletal muscles have more than 1 nucleus
cell membrane of skeletal muscle is called
bundle of thick and thin filaments and is the functional unit of muscle contraction
___ are responsible for sequestering & storing calcium. they are end caps of SR in one local segment
terminal cisternae
___ release calcium
longitudinal tubules
___ are the thick filaments that have 2 heavy chains, 2 light chains, different isoforms, & anchored at their tails at M line
___ make up thin filaments that have + and - ends, coiled around each other, and anchored a the Z disk
what caps minus ends of thin filaments
__ is a large inelastic protein that helps align filaments within sarcomere.
___ is a large elastic protein that returns fiber to resting length, stretches from Z disk to M line
titin- largest protein known
__ is region with only thin filaments
I band (isotrophic)
what gets shorter during contraction
I band and H zone
polymer that wraps around actin filaments & blocks binding site for myosin
___ is a calcium binding protein that regulates the position of tropomyosin
what is required to release filaments from rigor state
contraction-relaxation cycle=
cardiac cycle
2 major components of ECG:
waves & segments
what wave corresponds to depolarization of atria
P wave (first one)
the trio of waves that represent the progressive wave of ventricular depolarization
QRS complex
what wave represents the repolarization of ventricles
T wave
true or false- an ECG is not a single AP but represents the sum of multi APs taking place in many heart muscles
a faster than normal heart rate is called
a slower than normal heart rate is called
phase in cardiac cycle where cardiac muscle relaxes
phase in cardiac cycle where cardiac muscle is contracting
___ is the amount of blood pumped by one ventricle during a contraction
stroke volume
stroke volume can be calculated by:
cardiac output is calculated by:
CO= heart rate x stroke volume
NE or EPI speeds up depolarization rate of autorhythmic cells & increaste heart rate by binding to what receptors
beta 1
what secreted by parasympathetic neurons slows the conduction of APs thru AV node
as contraction forces increase, what else increases
stroke volume
force of ventricular contraction is affected by what:
length of muscle fibers & contractility of the heart
degree of myocardial stretch before contraction begins is called
any chemical that affects contractility is called
- NE and EPI have positive inotropic effects since they enhance contractility
what beta receptors are in heart
beta 1
- equally sensitive to NE EPI
what beta receptors are in veins & arterioles
beta 2
- EPI > NE
what alpha receptors are linked to Gi
alpha 2
- decrease cAMP
what neurohormone is secreted w/ highest percentage for adrenal medulla
what treats hypertension (beta blocker)
what is a complication of diabetes
autonomic neuropathy
- begins as sensory neuropathy & progresses
what neurotransmitter is used for somatic neurons
- always on nicotinic receptors
t-tubule membrane has what kind of receptors
what needs to be removed for a skeletal muscle to relax
what pumps calcium back into SR
- its a calcium ATPase
when inside the SR, what binds to calcium
Decline in muscle tension due to
previous contractile activity
muscle fatigue
what does bulk flow mean
all transport moves together
very high degree of branching
what pressure is the pressure exerted on walls of container by fluid within container.
if fluid flows, pressure decreases with distance. - energy lost to friction
kinetic energy (hydraulic)
____ decreases diameter & decreases flow
___ increases diameter & increases flow
desmosomes are for what
force transfer in cardiac muscle
- made of cadherins
gap junctions are for what
electrical signalling in cardiac muscle
___ is the amount of blood returned to heart by veins
venous return
venous return is influenced by 3 things:
1. skeletal muscle pump
2. respiratory pump
3. sympathetic innvervation of veins
true or false- adrenal medulla postganglionic neurons lack axons
what cells in adrenal medulla secretes EPI directly into bloodstream for fight-or-flight response
chromaffin cells
true or false- muscle cells divide
false- they grow
bundle of thick and thin filaments of skeletal muscle
average blood volume in body is what
5.5 liters
- 2.5 L RBC and 3.0 WBC
true or false- cardiovascular system is a closed system
what arteries & veins supply blood to the heart muscle
coronary arteries & veins
what divides left and right side of the heart
interventricular septum
what divides left and right side of the heart
interventricular septum