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94 Cards in this Set

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Lung Volume and Capacities
tidal volume definiton
norm volumen of inspiration/expiration
insp reserve volume definition
volume inspired over tidal
exp reserve volume defnition
volume expired after tidal
Residual vol
remains after max exp; can't be measured by spirometry
Norm anatomic dead space equals
150 mL
physiologic dead space eqn
Vd = Vt x (PACo2-PECO2/PACO2)
min vent eqn
tidal vol x resp rate
alveolar vent eqn
(tidal vol - dead space) x resp rate
IC (insp capacity) equals
Vt + IRV
FRC (func residual capacity) equals
VC (vital capacity) equals
Vt + IRV + ERV
FEV1/FVC usu equals
fx of obstructive lung dz on FEV1/FVC
fx of restrictive lung dz on FEV1/FVC
norm or inc
Breathing Mechanisms
compliance eqn
C = V/P
compliance is inversely related to
transmural pressue eqn
alv pressure - intrapleural pressure
difference of inspiration and expiration curve is called
compliance is greatest over which pressures
middle range
at FRC, lung collapsing force and chest expanding force are
equal and opposite
lung collapsing and chest expanding forces create
negative intrapleural pressure
in emphysema, lung compliance is
tendency of lung collapse in emphysema is
result on FRC w/ emphysema
new higher FRC
in fibrosis, lung compliance is
tendency of lung collapse in fibrosis is
result on FRC w/ fibrosis
new lower FRC
Laplace law
collapsing pressure on alveolus = 2(surface tension)/radius
is it easier to keep open a large or small alveolus
collapsing of alveoli is called
flow eqn
Q = DP/R
Poiseuille's law
R = 8hl/pr^4
PNS fx on airway resistance
inc (by dec radius)
SNS fx on airway resistance
dec (by inc radius)
high lung volumes fx on airway resistance
dec (greater traction)
low lung volumes fx on airway resistance
inc (less traction)
denser gas fx on airway resistance
inc (higher viscosity)
less dense (He) gas fx on airway resistance
dec (lower viscosity)
before breathing begins, alveolar pressure is
0 (equal to atm)
on inspiration, alveolar pressure is
less than atm
on expiration, alveolar pressure is
greater than atm
during forced expiration, intrapleural pressure is
positive (making expiration harder)
Gas Exchange
fractional conc of O2 is
21% (0.21)
in humidified tracheal air, modified total pressure becomes
760-47 = 712 mmHg
cardiac output that bypasses pulm circ
physiologic shunt
gases demonstrating perfusion-limited exchange
N2O, O2
gases demonstrating diffusion-limited exchange
CO, O2 during exercise
gas does not equilibriate by the time blood reaches end of pulm cap
diffusion-limited exchange
Oxygen/CO2 Transport
shape of Hb-O2 curve
what gives Hb-O2 curve its shape
positive cooperativity
what part of Hb-O2 curve is flat
b/t 60-100 mmHg
Hb-O2 curves shifts right when: 4
inc PCO2, dec pH, inc temp, inc 2,3-DPG
Hb-O2 curves shifts left when: 4
dec PCO2, dec temp, HbF, CO
A-a gradient equals
PAO2 - PaO2
Alv gas eqn
PAO2 = PiO2 - PACO2/R
Norm A-a gradient
<10 mm Hg
O2 delivery equals
CO x O2 content of blood
main form CO2 transported to lung
H+ in RBC buffered by
CO2 rxn in body
CO2 taken up -> combine w/ H2O -> H2CO3 -> H+ + HCO3 -> HCO3 exchanged for Cl
CO2 rxn in lung
HCO3 exchanged for Cl -> combine w// H+ -> H2CO3 -> H2O + CO2 -> expired CO2
Pulm Circ & V/Q defects
pressures and resistances in pulm circ v. systemic
both are much lower (flow the same)
pulm blood flow is
cardiac output of RV
highest flow in
zone 3 (base)
highest ventilation in
zone 3 (base)
highest V/Q in
zone 1 (apex)
highest PO2 in
zone 1 (apex)
highest PCO2 in
zone 3 (base)
with pulm shunt, V/Q is
low (blocked vent)
with dead space, V/Q is
high (blocked prefusion)
Breathing control
medullary resp center is in the
reticular formation
dorsal resp group is responsible for 2
inspiration; breathing rhythm
inputs to dorsal resp group 3
CN X (peripheral chemo-R, mechano-R), CN IX (peripheral chemo-R)
output from dorsal resp group 1
phrenic nerve
ventral resp group is responsible for 1
expiration during exercise
apneustic center is located in
lower pons
role of apneustic center
stim inspiration (prolonged deep gasp)
pneumotaxic center located in
upper pons
role of pneumotaxic center
inh inspirtation (regulates insp vol & resp rate)
chemo-R in medulla sense
pH of CSF (CO2)
chemo-R in carotids/aortic arach sens
blood pH (CO2 & O2 < 60)
lung stretch R are located in
airway SM
Reflex induced by lung stretch
dec freq (Hering-Breuer)
J-R are located in
alv walls (close to cap)
reflex induced by J-R
rapid shallow breathing when pulm cap are engorged
does arterial pH change during moderate exercise
no (only w/ lactic acidosis from extreme exercise)
does venous pH change during exercise
yes, PCO2 inc
adaptation to high alt? 4
hypoxemia -> peripheral chemo-R (hypervent), renal (EPO), 2,3 DPG, pulm vasoconstriction