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102 Cards in this Set

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Innervation and regulation of GIT
Layers of intestines 8
Epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosa, submucosal plexus, circular muscle, myenteric plexus, longitudinal muscle, serosa
contraction of muscularis mucosa causes
change in surface area for secretion/absorption
contraction of circular muscle causes
dec in GIT diameter
contraction of longitudinal muscle causes
shortening of GIT segment
Meissner's plexus is the same as
submucosal plexus
Auerbacch's plexus is the same as
myenteric plexus
PNS is carried via
CN X and pelvic nerves
SNS is carried via
prevertebral -> myenteric & submucosal plexi
Myenteric/Auerbach plexus controls
GI motility
Submucosal/Meissner plexus controls
secretion & blood flow
Gastrin is secreted by
G cells of stomach
3 stim of gastrin
small peptides/amino acids, stomach distension, vagus
2 inh of gastrin
H+, somatostatin
Axn of gastrin 2
inc gastric H+, stim gastric mucosa growth
CCK is secreted by
I cells of duodenum/jejunum
2 stim of CCK
small peptides/amino acids, fatty acids
Axn of CCK 5
stim GB contraction, relax Sphincter of Oddi, inc panc enzyme, inc HCo3 secretion, inh gastric emptying
Secretin secreted by
S cells of duodenum
2 stim of secretin
H+ in duodenum, fatty acid in duodenum
Axn of secretin 2
inc HCO3 secretion, dec gastric H+ secretion
GIP is secreted by
3 stim for GIP
fatty acids, amino acids, oral glucose
Axn of GIP 2
inc insulin secretion, dec gastric H+ secretion
most potent stim for gastrin of amino acids 2
phe, trp
somatostatin is secreted by
main stim for somatostatin
H+ in GI lumen
Axn of somatostatin 2
inh all GI hormones, inh gastric H+ secretion
histamine is secreted by
mast cells fo gastric mucosa
Axn of histamine 3
inc gastric H+ secretion directly; potentiate gastrin fx; stim vagus
VIP, GRP, enkephalins are secreted by
GIT neurons
Axn of VIP 3
relax GI SM, stim HCO3 secretion, inh gastric H+ secretion
Axn of GRP 1
stim gastrin release from G cells (vagal route)
Axn of enkephalins 2
contract GI SM, inh intestinal secretion
GI motility
GIT is mostly what type of SM
what part of GIT is not unitary SM?
phasic contractions occur in 3
esophagus, gastric antrum, SI
Tonic contractions occur in 4
LES, orad stomach, ileocecal and internal anal sphincters
characterisitcs of slow waves in GIT 3
spontaneous; inherent to SM; not AP
slow waves originate in
interstitial cells of Cajal (GI pacemaker)
slow wave freq are lowest in the? Highest in the?
lowest in stomach, highest in duodenum
role of chewing 3
lubricate, mix, inc surface area
sawllowing reflex is coordinated in
what prevents air form enter upper esophagus/gastric acid entering lower esophagus
intraesophageal pressure should be
lower than atm
primary v. secondary peristaltic contraction
primary creates high pressure area to push; secondary clears remaining
what nerve & NT is important to relaxing LES
3rd muscular layer of stomach
which is proximal: orad or caudad
orad (toward the mouth)
receptive relaxation is
relaxing of orad stomach to allow food to enter
receptive relaxation is mediated by
CCK fx on receptive relaxation
enhances by inc orad distensibility
if threshold is reached during slow waves in caudad
AP fired -> contraction
freq of slow waves sets the
max freq of contractions
closing of distal antrum when caudad contracts allows
retropulsion and food mixing
meigrating myoelectric complex occur at what intervals
90 min
mediator of the MMC
gastric emptying is fastest when stomach contents are
segmentation contractions in SI causes what type of movement
back & forth (mixing)
2 parts of peristaltic contractions in SI
contract behind bolus, relaxation in front
gastroileal reflex
food in stomach trigger inc peristalsis in ileum and ileocecal sphincter relaxation
fecal material moves slower in prox or distal colon
distal (less H2O)
Rectosphincteric reflex
fecal material in rectus contracts it & relaxes IAS
gastrocolic reflex
food in stomach inc colon motility & freq of BM
3 parts to vomiting
reverse peristalsis, closing of UES, high presure opening esophageal sphincter
GI Secretion
5 characteristics of saliva
high HCO3, high K, hypotonic, amylase, lingual lipase
does the SNS stim or suppress saliva?
3 components of gastric secretion
HCl, pepsinogen, intrinsic factor
5 characteristics of panc secretion
high HCO3, isotonic, lipase, amylase, protease
4 components of bile
bile salts, bilirubin, phospholipids, cholesterol
3 major glands making saliva
parotid, submandibular, sublingual
where is saliva made hypotonic?
ducts not acinar
what exchanges occur in the duct
Na/K and Cl/HCO3 exchange (but resorption > secretion)
what makes saliva more hypotonic? 2
aldosterone, low flow rate
what secretes pepsinogen?
chief cells of the body of stomach
what secretes HCl/intrinsic factor?
parietal cells in the body of the stomach
second messenger for Ach, gastrin on gastric parietal cell
second messenger for histamine
second messenger for somatostatin, PG?
HCO3/Cl exchange in the panc occurs where
in ductal cells
second messenger for secretin
second messenger for CCK
where are bile salts resorbed
glucose and galactose are aborbed by
Na-dependent cotransport
fructose is absorbed by
facilitated diffusion
endo v. exopeptidases
exo work a terminus
optimum pH for pepsin
pH 1-3
panc proteases - 5
chymo/trypsin, elastase carboxypeptidase A/B
which is the activating machine?
what activates the activating machine?
enterokinase (brush border enzyme)
free amino acids are absorbed by
Na-dependent cotransport
di & tripeptides are absorbed by
H+-dependent cotransport
tight tight jxn are found in
the colon
leaky tight jxn are found in
SI, gallbladder
Na reabsorption in SI is mostly through
Na reabsorption in colon is mostly through
Na channels
mech of diarrhea inc K secretion
like in renal tubule, inc flow inc distal secretion
secretory mechnism of electrolytes and H2O are located in
conjugation of bili occur in
conversion of conj bili to urobilinogen and uro/stercobilin occurs in