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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 requirements for proper male sex development?
Y chromosome
MIS - Mullerian Inhibitory Substance
5-alpha-reductase - generates DHT
How do LH and FSH function in the male?
LH - stimulates Leydig cells to release androgens (uses cAMP)

FSH - stimulates sertoli cells to stimulate and secret nourishment for sperm
How do LH and FSH have increased half-life in the body?
They are glycosylated, glycoprotein hormones.
What hormones act in pulsatile fashion in the male and why?
GnRH, which induces a pulsatile response in LH and FSH, except LH can sense pulsatile increase while FSH cannot.
What 4 major changes happen during puberty in the male?
- Increase in LH and FSH
- Increase in blood testosterone
- Increase in Testes Size and Penis
- Growth Spurt
What do Leydig, Sertoli and Germ cells do?
Leydig: lots of mitochondira, make testosterone, chill out in interstitium of testis.

Sertoli: nourishes sperm with nutrients, stimulated by FSH, forms blood testis barrier. Make ABP!!! (androgen binding protein)

Germ cells: become sperm. Require FSH and Testosterone
What does testosterone irreversibly become? What are they originally made from?

What is SSBG? What does it do?

What is ABP?
Sex Steroid Binding Globulin. Binds testosterone in the blood.

Androgen Binding Protein ALSO binds testosterone, but in the testis, not the blood.
What does testosterone do? What does it NOT do?
prostate growth
beard growth
sebum formation
penis and scrotum growth

doesn't do:
sex drive
What do activin and inhibin work on?
Activator and Inhibitor of FSH
How does FSH help LH?
It increases LH receptors on Leydig cells.

What is a normal sperm count?

What is considered oligospermia?
100 million

<20 million
What do exogenous/excessive androgens do in the male?
Shut off reproductive axis. No GnRH, no LH, no FSH, which means LOW testicular testosterone!
What happens in 5-alpha reductase deficiency?

what happens to them at puberty?
5-AR converts Testosterone to DHT. No DHT means no SRY, no SRY means no external male genitalia or testes. Appear and are raised as women.

testosterone transforms wolffian ducts, MIF causes regression of mullerian ducts.

at puberty, their clitoris becomes a penis! labia fuse into a scrotum and descend! all because of the sudden jump in testosterone.
At 8 weeks birth, what gives the signal for differentiation of external genitalia?
What do each of these become with or without the presence of DHT?

genital tubercle
genital swelling
genital folds
urogenital sinus
genital tubercle: glans penis or clitoris
genital swelling: scrotum or labia majora
genital folds: penis or labia minora
urogenital sinus: prostate or outer vagina
What initiates puberty in females?

What is the first physical change in puberty for girls and boys?
GnRH stimulates FSH

girls: breasts
boys: testes
What are the development roles of Testosterone and DHT?
Fetal: Testosterone makes your sac stuff, DHT makes the shaft stuff

At puberty, Testosterone makes the shaft stuff bigger, while DHT does your SAC and makes you smell and be hairy.

Testosterone makes sperm, DHT makes your prostate grow.
What is AIS? What causes it?
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome / Testicular Feminization

Testes are present, produce MIF and involute the mullerian ducts. But the androgen receptor is jacked so T and DHT can't work.

Wolffian ducts regress.

Even at puberty when testosterone spikes, it is all converted to estrogen and they are superfeminized.
What are some causes for prostate cancer and how can you treat it?
Continued growth of DHT

tx: reduce 5alphareductase levels, which will lower DHT

block androgen receptors with long acting GnRH
What is:

1) Hypopituitarism
2) HyperPRL
3) Precocious Puberty
1) No GnRH, no testes
2) reduced fertility, decreased LH, FSH, GnRH, impotence
3) Increased GnRH
What do these symptoms indicate?

hypogonadal male
anabolic steroids
low testosterone
sertoli cell tumor
increased E2