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96 Cards in this Set

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Myosing Light Chain-P required for contraction; Myosin Light Chain-DePhosphorylated required for relaxation.
MLC-P catalyzed by MLCKinase; MLC-DP catalyzed by phosphatases.
Level of MLC-P at any time reflects
the balance between Mysin Light Chain Kinase
and MLC phosphatase activities.
Most of the GI Tract is smooth muscle. But there is also striated muscle in
top 1/3 of the esophagus and external anal sphincter
contraction of the gut is posible due to the action of what muscles in which layer
circular and longitudinal muscles in the muscularis externa.
Enteric Nervous System composed of
Myenteric Auerbach's Plexus and Submucosal (Meissner's) plexus
Myenteric Auerbachs plexus located in and action
between the smooth muscle layers in gut and primarily regulate smooth muscle contraction
Submucosal Meissner location and action
In submucosa, it senses the environment within the gut(stretch receptors) and regulates blood flow and epithelial cell function
Peristalsis main characteristic
it creates a pressure difference in which proximal segements of esophagus are contracted while distal segments are relaxed.
Integration of enteric reflexes leading to GI motility caused by bolus of food
-Bolus activates chemoreceptors in submucosal plexus and stretch sensitive neurons in myenteric plexus
-Motor nerves activated by sensory neurons stimulate inhibitory or excitatory receptors on SMC
-Sensory neurons also stimulate cells that secrete mediators that inhibit or excite smooth muscle
Whats the general effect of integration of enteric reflexes?
to contract orally and relax distally
The stomach and intestines use a vary energy saving mechanism when ingesting food
Stomach or intestines will stretch in response to food, but relax at new length without changing length. This is a property of smooth muscle that makes it really energy saving
Another reason why smooth muscles are energetically economical is because they exert force that can be mainted with
fewer active cross-bridges and low ATP consumption because smooth muscles have tonic contraction
Tonic contraction
-Sustained stimulation --> Ca2+ and MLC-P peak to produce rapid contraction, then fall to reduced level.
SMC membrane potential fluctuates spontaneously, a contraction is generated when
the basal electrical rhythm (BER) depolarization is above the threshold.
Rhythm and extent of tone in SMC is determined by
Frequency and magnitude of BER
Spike activity of SMC can be generated by
hormones, nervous system, and pacemaker activity
Maximal contraction of SMC requires
spike activity and BER
As opposed to skeletal muscles in which their contractions are all or nothing, smooth muscle contractions are
Which type of graded contraction generates rapid, maximal contraction
when APs are closer together. Achieved by AP and BER combination.
Spikes activity occur because
neural stimulation, activation of stretch receptors etc.
Parasymp action on smooth muscle
depolarize and contract
Sphincters experience what type of contraction?
sustained depolarization and contraction
NE and symp action on SMC
Hyperpolarize and relax
While swallowing, the trachea and epiglottis
are closed
Swallowing proccess initiates as
a voluntary action and procceeds reflexively, once it starts it wont stop
Cephalic phase refers to
preparation of GI tract for a meal...smell..thinking about food etc
Is mastication (breakdown of food) essential for digestion?
Saliva role in mastication
antibacterial factors and immunoglobins
Swallowing centers characteristics
collection of cells not a discrete nuclei
Swallowing is divided into 3 phases
oral, pharyngeal and esophageal
Muscles involved in Phase I (oral) of swallowing
mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and digastric and tongue
How does involuntary swallowing occurs in phase I
receptors in the oropharynx relay impulses to swallowing center in medulla and lower pons to initiate involuntary reflex
Swallowing Phase II (pharyngeal) main characteristics
Epiglottis covers trachea
breathing stops
Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles contract to push bolus into esophagus
Peristaltic wave is initiated in the pharynx and moves down the esophagus
Swallowing Phase III (esophageal) controlled by
swallowing center
Swallowing Phase III characteristics
-Upper Esophageal Sphincter contracts, larynx, glottis and epiglottis return to normal position once food has passed
-Process becomes involuntary once bolus reaches smooth muscle
-Increase in pharyngeal pressure pushes bolus into esophagus
During Swallowing Phase III food further entry and reflux is block by
increase of pressure in Upper esophageal sphincter
1st peristalsis
initiated and regulated by swallowing center, starts below UES due to sequential activation of muscles in pharynx and esophagus
2 peristalsis
: Initiated by distention
if 1 peristalsis is not sufficient to
clear food; Pushes remnants of food out of esophagus; Locally regulated
3 peristalsis
: Generally non-propulsive, develops with age; Can lead to pain after swallowing
Swallowing center in medulla is activated by
sensory input from the pharynx
Swallowing center activation inhibits
vomit, respiration
Pharynx and striated esophagus receive innervation from
nucleus ambigous via vagus
smooth muscle in esophagus activated by
vagus coming from dorsal motor nucleus
While food is propelled by peristalsis, liquids move by
gravity. So liquids cant be swallow while upside down
Basal tone of Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) may be all
contraction/relaxation of LES is controlled by
vagus but modulated by different agents
Agents that increase LES pressure
Hormones: gastrin, cholinergics, a2-adrenergics, PGF 2, Substance P, metenkephalin, motilin.
-Protein meal, gastric pH, intra-abdominal pressure
Agents that decrease LES pressure
-Hormones: VIP, NO, glucagon, female sex hormones (progesterone during pregnancy increases heartburn).
-Dietary fat, nicotine, xanthines (from chocolate), alcohol, gastric distension
Vagus regulates LES via
visceral motor fibers (Vagal inhibitory, Vagal Excitatory fibers) from dorsal motor nucleus
At high pressures, LES
Relaxes and recontracts to prevent reflux
Reflux is caused by
Pressure in the esophagus, which is in the chest, is less than in the stomach, which is in the abdomen (eg: defecation).
Belching (Eructation):
-Distension of stomach by introducing gas into stomach (coke, beer).
-Distends stomach without increasing pressure.
-LES RELAXES, but gas pushed back into stomach by secondary peristalsis.
-Repeated until there is conscious awareness of distension.
-Breathe against closed glottis, contract abdominal muscles, increase gastric and decrease esophageal pressure ---> Belch
Vomiting (reverse peristalsis)
-Reflex behavior controlled by vomiting center in medulla.
-Physical stimuli (stuff in duodenum), activate duodenal receptors.
-Cephalic stimuli: toxins, emetics, impulses from higher centers.
-Decreased regulation of vomiting center by swallowing center.
-Widespread autonomic discharge leads to copious salivary secretion, rapid
and shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, dilation of pupils and sweating.
-The retching part of vomiting is similar to belching with fluid involved.
The fundus of the stomach has receptive relaxation meaning
muscle + lots of connective
tissue = volume increase to
accommodate food at low
pressure. Reduces refux.
Body of the stomach starts
Total transit time in the stomach
4-6 hrs
Stomach is innvervated by
vagus, and enteric nervous system
Stomach is somewhat unique because it contains
a defined pacemaker zone that sets the BER at ~3/min
Conduction of the stomach
BER (gastric slow wave)
flows as wave towards antrum.
Gastric slow wave is triphasic
slow, sustained contraction of stomach achieved by
AP on top of slow wave
in the stomach, Electrical and mechanical activity are different and slightly offset
as you go down the stomach
contraction patterns in stomach
Waves of contraction slightly offset in time, strongest near antrum, propel food down and out of stomach
Antral motility or systole characteristics
Contractions begin in mid-stomach and push contents towards duodenum.
Force of antral contraction strong enough to close distal antrum. Called
antral systole
Antral contractions segment (segmentation) pushes
part of the contents back into stomach (retropulsion)
Gastric emptying determined by
ratio of intensity of antral contractions to pyloric resistance (pyloric sphincter has to relax to get emptying).
Increased (more emptying) by
: Acetylcholine > starch in food > liquid consistency > hypotonicity and pressure
Decreased (less emptying) by
Adrenergic agents, CCK, GIP, VIP, secretin > fat > semi-solid consistency > hypertonicity and pH < 3.5
gastric emptying net result
Neutralize pH and maintain osmolarity
in duodenum.
-Fat is emulsified (churned into fine
droplets so that they can combine
with bile salts in the gut).
-Protein and lipid greatly decrease gastric
-Gastric emptying is fast for liquid meal
and slow for large meal with more solids
Small intestine waves
slow waves (mainly due to BER) (higher in duodenum and declines down the intestine) that result in peristalsis
: Get annular contractions and relaxations that break up and move bolus back and forth (eg: antrum). Like kneading bread.
Segmentation mostly for mixing but can result in propulsion
Rate of segmentation decreases down
the small intestine
Most mixing of food with intestinal juices takes place in
proximal small intestine.because proximal gut is more active [has more slow waves and spike potentials
Propulsion generally increases as segmentation (ie: mixing)
high segmentation and pressure in proximal gut, low segmentation and pressure in
distal gut = change in P for movement
Intense electrical/contractile activity followed by long quiescent periods (migratory myoelectric complexes MMC)
Seen during
fasting and between meals (hunger pangs
MMC interrupted by
eating. Get segmentation and peristalsis instead.
Gastric secretions and gut blood flow increase in concert with
Eating and surgery on gut prevent
MMC generate bowel sounds, and they have to be heard usually after
-surgery before giving solid food
Distension of ileum relaxes
ileocecal sphincter
distension of the cecum
contracts ileocecal sphincter
Ileum transit time
6 hrs to 60 days!
Colon job
reabsorbs water and electrolytes and maintains bacterial population at minimum
Electrical activity of colon
More variable than in small
intestine and BER lower in ascending
colon's Lower BER frequency allows for
for more absorption of water and electrolytes.
Myenteric plexus in colon generates AP that regulate
longitudinal muscles
Stimulation of sympathetic nerves towards colon
stops colonic movement
Stimulation of vagus in the colon
causes segmental contractions
Stimulation of pelvic nerve in the colon causes
expulsive contractions of distal colon
Segmented contractions in colon known as
Haustra and has 2 functions, Haustral shuttling and systolic multihaustral propulsion
Haustral Shuttling
Random movements that knead the poop
Systolic Multihaustral Propulsion
Contractions of adjacent haustra propel the poop.
Peristaltic Propulsion
Also have peristalsis and haustra have to relax in front of them
Increase in pressure in rectum decreases pressure in internal anal sphincter and increases pressure
pressure in external anal sphincter. Filling of rectum --> defecation reflex.
Defecation Reflex because
it involves the brain and parasympathetic (ie: voluntary) control of the EAS. Initiated by rectal distention
Hirschsprung’s Disease or Megacolon
Patients lack enteric neurons to the colon and EAS. EAS does not relax when rectum is full. Serious constipation that is not good