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154 Cards in this Set

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Activates the cerebral cortex and facilitates learning. Primary neurotransmitter. Secreted by efferent axons of the CNS.
Also found in ganglia of autonomic nervous system and at targe organs of parasympathetic branch of ANS.
A cofactor that supplies acetate for the synthesis of Acetylcholine.
Choline acetyltransferase
the enzyme that transfers the acetate ion from acetyl coenzyme A to Choline, producing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Botulinum toxin
Anacetylcholine antagonist, prevents release of ACh by terminal buttons.
Prevents release of ACh, potent poison.
Nicotinic receptor
An ionotropic ACh receptor that is stimulated by nicotine and blocked by curare
muscarinic receptor
a metabotropic ACh receptor that is stimulated by muscarine and blocked by atropine.
Mostly CNS
A drug that blocks muscarinic ACh receptors.
ACh on muscarinic receptors so pupils don't constrict.
A drug that blocks nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
A class of amines that includes indolamines such as serotonin, and catecholamines such as dopamine, norepineprhine, and epinephrine.
A class of amines that includes the NTs dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
NT; Found in he Nigrostrial tract (movement); Mesolimbic tract (pleasure centers); Mesocortical tract (problem solving planning); Tuberoinfundibular tract (pituitary-- hypothalamus)
Inhibitoryand Excitatory. Reuptake. Asso. with movement, attention, reward/addictions, PArkinson's and Schizophrenia. Agonist: cocain, amphetamines, L-Dopa; Antagonists: Chlorphromazine.
The levorotatory form of Dopa; the precursor of the catelcholamines;
often used to treat Parkinsons because of its effect as a dopamine agonist.
Nigrostriatal system
System of neurons originating in the substantia nigra and terminating in the neostriatum (caudate nucleus and putamen)
Mesolimbic system
System of dopaminergic neurons originating in the ventral tegmental area and terminating in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and hippocampus.
Mesocortical system
System of dopaminergic neurons originating in the ventral tegmental area, and terminating in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and hippocampus.
A drug that blocks the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and thus interferes with the synthesis of catecholamines.
A drug that interferes with the storage of monoamines in synaptic vesicles.
A drug that inhibits the reuptake of dopamine.
Monoamine oxidase (MAO)
A class of enzymes that destroy monoamines; dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.
a drug that blocks the activity of MAO-B; acts as a dopamine agonist.
drug that reduces symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking dopamine D2 receptors.
Catelcholamine; NT found in brain and in Sypathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Inhibitory in CNS - Excitatory in PNS -- Brain Stem: Arousal, Dreaming, sleep, anxiety, fear, mood, hunger, thirst, sex.
Agonist: Cocaine and Amphetamines. MAO inhibitors (antidepressants). Angagonists: Reserpine -interferes with the storage of monoamines in synaptic vesicle. Some antipsychotics.
produced by the adrenal medulla, the central core of the adrenal glands located up kidney.
Fusaric Acid
Prevents conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine, blocks the production of NE.
Blocks alpha 2 autoreceptors and acts as an agonist for NE.
Indolamine NT; Brain stem -- Sleep. widely diffused through brain-- pleasure, movement, mood, vision.
Agonists-- MAO inhibitors, SSRI'S, LSD; Andtagonists--- Reserpine and PCPA result in hyperexcitability and insomnia. Inhibitory. Tryptophan -- Serotonin.
Inhibits the reuptake of Serotonin.
Simulates the release of Serotonin.
Amino acid; most important excitatory NT in the brain. NMDA Receptor, AMPA receptor, Kainate receptor.- Ionotropic.
Antagonist - PCP; AP5. Agonists- AMPA; Kainic acid; NMDA.
Inhibitory; Basal ganglia-- huntington's chorea. Common in CNS gray matter.
Agonist-- Benzodiazepines, alcohol, barbiturate, muscimol. Antagonists-- picrotoxin, absinthe, bicuculline.
Inhibitory; Brain stem, spinal cord, retina. Receptor is Ionotropic.
Antagonist -- Tetanus; inhibits an inhibitor resulting in convulsed muscles. Stychnine - Convulsant. No agonists found yet.
Chains of amino acids
Endorphins, enkephalins, substance P.
Endogenous opioids
Peptide secreted by brain that acts as opiate.
One of the endogenous opioids.
Used to reverse opiate intoxication. Blocks opiate receptors.
first cannabinoid discovered. Synthesized on demand. Brain, frontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum. Frontal lobe, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, cerebellum.
Receptors blocksed by rimonabant.
Nucleoside. Inhibitory. Sleep. Glial cells, neurons. Neuromodulator.
Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors.
Nitric Oxide
Soluble gas. Communication between neurons; penile erectionsl neural changes during learning.
Imaginary line drawn through the center of the length of the CNS, from bottom of spinal cord to front of forebrain.
Located near or towards the head.
Located near or towards the tail.
In direction along the neuraxis away from the front of the face.
Towards the top of the head or the back.
Towards the belly. Towards the bottom of the skull or the front surface of the body.
Towards the side of the body away from the middle.
Towards the middle of the body away from the side.
On the same side of the body.
On the opposite side of the body.
On the opposite side of the body.
Cross section
slice taken at right angles to the neuraxis.
Frontal Section
Slice through the brain parallel to the forehead.
Horizontal section
Slice through the brain parallel to the ground.
Sagittal section
Slice of brain prallel to the neuraxis and perpendicular to the ground.
Midsagittal plane
Plane through the neuraxis perpendicular to the ground. Divides the brain into two symmetrical halves.
The three layers of tissue that encase the CNS. Dura mater, arachnoid membrane, Pia Mater.
Dura mater
Outermost of the meninges. Tough and flexible.
Arachnoid Membrane
The middle layer of the meninges located between the outer dura mater and the inner pia mater.
Subarachnoid space
Fluid filled space that cushions the brain; located between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater.
Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF
A clear fluid, fills the ventricular system of the brain and the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
One of the hollow spaces within the brain filled with CSF.
Lateral ventricle
One of the two ventricles located in the center of the telencephalon.
Third ventricle
The ventricle located in the center of the diencephalon.
Cerebral Aqueduct
A narrow tube interconnecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain, located in the center of the mesencephalon.
Fourth ventricle
Ventricle located between the cerebellum and the doral pons, in the center of the metencephalon.
Choroid Plexus
The highly vascular tissue that protrudes into the ventricles and produces CSF.
Neural Tube
Hollow tube, closed at the rostral end, that forms from ectodermal tissue early in embryonic development; serves as the origin of the central nervous system.
Cerebral Cortex
Outermost layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemisphere.
ventricular zone
Layer of cells that line the inside of the neural tube; contains progenitor cells that divide and give rise to cells of the CNS.
Progenitor cells
Cells of the ventricular zone that divide and give rise to cells of the CNS
Symmetrical division
Division of a progenitor cell that gives rise to two identical progenitor cells; increases the size of the ventricular zone and hence the brain that develops from it.
Asymmetrical division
Division of a progenitor cell that gives rise to another progenitor cell and a neuron, which migrates away from the ventricular zone towards its final resting place in the brain
Radial Glia
Special glia with fibers that grow radially outward from the ventricular zone to the surface of the cortex, provide guidance for neurons migrating outward during brain development.
Cajal-Retzius Cells
Specialized neurons that establish themselves during cortical development in a layer near the terminals of the radial glia, just inside the pia mater; secrete a chemical that controls the establishment of migrating neurons in the layers of the cortex.
Death of a cell caused by a chemical signal that activates a genetic mechanism inside the cell.
The most rostral of the three major divisions of the brain; includes the telencephalon and diencephalon
Cerebral hemisphere
One of the two major portions of the forebrain, covered by cerebral cortex.
Subcortical region
The region located within the brain, beneath the cortical surface.
A groove in the surface of the cerebral hemisphere, smaller than a fissure.
A major groove in the surface of the brain, larger than a sulcus.
A convolution of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, separated by sulci or fissures.
Primary visual cortex
The region of the posterior occipital lobe whose primary input is from the visual system.
Calcarine fissure
A fissure located in the occipital lobe on the medial surface of the brain; most of the primary visual cortex is located along is upper and lower banks.
Primary auditory cortex
The region of the superior temporal lobe whose primary input is from the auditory system.
Lateral fissure
the fissure that separates the temporal lobe from the overlying frontal and parietal lobes.
Primary somatosensory cortex
The region of the anterior parietal lobe whose primary input is from the somatosensory system.
Central sulcus
The sulcus that separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
Primary motor cortex
The region of the posterior frontal lobe that contains neurons that control movements of skeletal muscles.
Frontal lobe
The anterior portion of the cerebral cortex, rostral to the parietal lobe and dorsal to the temporal lobe.
Parietal lobe
The region of the cerebral cortex caudal to the frontal lobe and dorsal to the temporal lobe.
Temporal lobe
The region of the cerebral cortex rostral to the occipital lobe and ventral to the parietal and frontal lobes.
Occipital lobe
caudal to parietal and temporal lobes.
Sensory association cortex
Regions of the cerebral cortex that receive info from the regions of primary sensory cortex.
Motor association cortex
The region of the frontal lobe rostral to the primary motor cortex; also known as the premotor cortex.
Prefrontal cortex
The region of the frontal lobe rostral to the motor association cortex.
Corpus callosum
A large bundle of axons that interconnects corresponding regions of the association cortex on each side of the brain.
The phylogenetically newwest cortex including the primary sensory cortex, motor cortex, association cortex.
Limbic cortex
Old cortex, located at the medial edge of the cerebral hemispheres, just above the corpus callosum.
Limbic system
Group of brain regions including anterior thalamus nuclei, amygdala, hippocampus, limbic cortex, and parts of the hypothalamus, as well as their interconnecting fiber bundles.
A forebrain structure of the temporal lobe, part of limbic system; has hippocampus proper, dentate gyrus, and subiculum.
interior of the rostral temporal lobe, has set of nuclei, part of limbic system.
Fiber bundle connects hippocampus with other parts, including mammillary bodies of hypothalamus; part of limbic.
Mamillary bodies
Protrusion of the bottom of brain at posterior end of hypothalamus, has some hypothalamic nuclei; part of the limbic system.
Basal ganglia
group of subcortical nuclei in telencephalon, caudate nucleus, the globus pallidus, and putamen. Importan part of motor system.
Indentifiable group of neurdal cell bodies in CNS.
Region of forebrain surrounding third ventricle. Has thalamus, hypothalamus.
Largest part of diencephalon. Has hypothalamus. Has nuclei that project info to specific region of cerebral cortex and get info from it.
Projection fiber
Axon of a neuron in one region of the brain whose terminals form synapses with neurons in another region.
Lateral geniculate nucleus
Group of cell bodies within lateral g b of the thalamus that receives fibers from the retina and projects fibers to the visual cortex.
Medial gen. nucleus
In thalamus. Medial geniculate body. Receives fibers from auditory system and projects to auditody cortex.
Ventrolateral nucleus
Input from cerebellus to motor cortex.
Involved in regulation of autonomic nervous system, control of anterior and posterior pituitaries, integration of specie-typical behavior.
Optic chiasm
X-shaped connection between optic nerves, located below base of brain just anterior to pituitary.
Anterior pituitary gland
Endocrine gland whose secretions are controlled by the hypothalamic hormone.
Neurosecretory cell
Neuron that secretes a hormone or hormonelike substance.
Posterior pituitary gland
Endocrine cland that contains hormone-secreting terminal buttons of axons whose cell bodies lie within the hyupothalamus.
The mesencephalon; the central of the three major divisions of the brain.
the midbrain; a region that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct; has tectum and tegmentum.
Dorsal part of midbrain; superior and inferior colliculi.
Inferior Colliculi
Potrusions on top of midbrain; part of auditory.
Brain stem
Stem of brain. Excludes cerebellum.
Ventral part of the midbrain, includes the periaqueductal gray matter, reticular formation, red nucleus, and substantia nigra.
Reticular formation
Large network of neural tissue located in the central region of the brain stem; from medulla to diencephalon.
Periaqueductal gray matter
Region of midbrain surrounding the cerebral aqueduct; has neural circuits involved in species typical behavior.
Red Nucleus
Large nucleus of midbrain; gets input from cerebellum and motor cortex; sends axons to motor neurons in spinal cord
Substantia Nigra
Darkly stained region of the tegmentum that has neurans that talk with caudate nucleus and putamen in the basal ganglia.
The most caudal of the three major divisions of the brain; includes the metencephalon and myuelencephalon.
located dorsal to pons. has two hemispheres. covered with the cerebellar cortex. important part of motor system.
Cerebellar Cortex
Cortex that covers the surface of the cerebellum.
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Nuclei located within the cerebellar hemispheres; receive projections from the cerebella cortex and send projections out to other parts.
Cerebellar Peduncle
One of three bundles of axons that attach each cerebellar hemishere to dorsal pons.
Region of metencephalon rostral to medulla, caudal to midbrain, ventral to cerebellum.
Medulla oblongata
Caudal portion of brain. In myelencephalon. Immediately rostral to spinal cord.
Spinal cord
Cord of nervous tissue that extends from the medulla.
Spinal root
Bundle of axons surrounded by connective tissue that occur in pairs, which fuse and form a spinal nerve.
Cauda Equina
Bundle of spinal roots located caudal to the end of the spinal cord.
Caudal block
Anesthesia and paralysis of the lower part of the body produced by injection of a local anesthetic into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding this part.
Dorsal root
Spinal root that has incoming afferent sensory fibers.
Ventral root
Spinal root that contains outgoing motor fibers (efferent)
Spinal nerve
Peripheral nerve attached to the spinal cord
Afferent axon
Axon directed toward the central nervous system conveying sensory information.
Dorsal root ganglion
A nodule on a dorsal root that contains cell bodies of afferent spinal nerve neurons.
Efferent axon
An axon directed away from the central nervous system, conveying motor commands to muscles and glands.
Cranial nerve
A peripheral nerve attached directly to the brain.
Cranial Nerve
A peripheral nerve attached directly to the brain.
Vagus Nerve
The largest of the cranial nerves, conveying efferent fibers of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system to organs of the thoracis and abdominal cavities.
Olfactory bulb
The protusion at the end of the olfactory nerve; receives input from the olfactory receptors.
Somatic nervous system
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the moves of skeletal muscles or transmits somatosensory information to the CNS
Autonomic Nervous System
The portion of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's vegetative functions.
Sympathetic division
The portion of the autonomic nervous system that controls functions that accompany arousal and expenditure of energy.
Sympathetic ganglia
Nodules that contain synapses between preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system.
Sympathetic ganglion chain
One of a pair of groups of sympathetic ganglia that lie ventrolateral to the vertebral column.
Preganglionic neuron
The efferent neuron of the autonomic nervous system whose cell body is located in a cranial nerve nucleus or in the intermediate horn of the spinal gray matter and whose terminal buttons synapse upon postganglionic neurosn in the autonomic ganglia.
Postganglionic neuron
Neurons of the autonomic nervous system that form synapses directly with their target organ.
Parasympathetic division
The portion of the autonomic nervous system that controls functions that occur during a relaxed state.