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68 Cards in this Set

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A continuous successsion of heart contractions that transmits APs throughout the cardiac muscel to cause heart beat
cardiac rhythmicity
What are three major types of cardiac muscles?
atrial, ventricular, and excitatory & conductive
Compared to skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles contractions are
What type of muscle exhibits either autonomic rhythmical electrical discharge in the form of APs or conduction of APs throughout the heart
specialized excitatory and conductive muscles
Call membranes that seperate individual cardiac muscles from one another
Intercalated discs
The cell membranes fuse with one another to form
Gap junctions
The atrial are seperated from ventricles
by fibrous tissue that surrounds AV valvular openings
How are potentials conducted from the atrial syncytium to the ventricular
specialized conductive system (AV bundles)
The APs recorded in ventricles
105 mv (-85 mv to +20 mv)
How long does a cardiac muscles stay depolarized?
.2 seconds
The AP of skeletal muscles is caused by?
fast Na+ channels (Na+ enters from ECM)
The AP of cardiac muscles is caused by?
1. fast Na+ channels 2. slow Ca 2+ channels (aka Ca2+/Na+ channels)
Whay are they called slow Ca 2+ channels?
slow to open and opened longer
The slow Ca 2+ channels allow Na+ and Ca2+ through causing?
prolonged depolarization (the plateau in AP)
Where does the Ca 2+ come from in skeletal muscle?
Intracellular SR
Where does the Ca 2+ come from in cardiac muscle?
slow Ca2+ channels
What accounts for the longer AP and its plateau in cardiac muscles (as compared to skeletal)
After AP, the permeability of the membrane for K+ decreases 5 fold (prevents K out)
What is the velocity of conduction of the excitatory AP signal across atrial and ventricular muscle fibers?
0.3-0.5 m/sec (1/10 the velocity in skeletal muscles)
What is the velocity of conduction in Purkinje fibers?
4 m/sec
A period of time wehre a normal cardiac impulse cannot reexcite an already excited cardiac muscle?
Refractory period
What is the refractory period in the ventricles?
0.25-0.30 second
A periord of time where the muscle is more difficult to escite but nevertheless can be excited by a very strong excitatory signal
Relative refractory period (.05 sec)
How long is the refractory period for atria?
0.15 sec
What is excitation-contraction coupling?
the AP causes the myofibrils of muscle to contract
Describe how an AP enters the interiror of the cardiac muscle.
T tubules- longitudinal sarcoplasmic tubules- SR releases Ca2+- sarcoplasm- myofibrils- muscle contraction
How else does Ca 2+ get into the sarcoplasm?
T tubules havve voltage dependant Ca 2+ channels (NOT in skeletal)
What would happen without Ca 2+ from the T tubules?
strenth of muscle contraction would be reduced
Compare size of T tubules in skeletal and cardiac muscles.
5 x as large in cardiac muscles and have mucopolysaccarides (-)
Why does the strength of cardiac contraction depend on the amount of Ca 2+ in the ECM?
openings of T tubules go directly into the ECM
How does Ca 2+ get transported back into the SR after an AP?
Ca2+-ATPase pump
How else does Ca 2+ leave the cell?
Ca 2+-Na+ exhanger, followed by Na+-K+ ATPase pump
Events that occur from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next?
Cardiac cycle
The atria contract 0.1 seconds before the ventricle, acting as
a primer pump (20% increase in ventricular contraction)
Relaxtion period where the heart fills with blood
If the heart rate is 72 beats/min, what is the duration of the cardiac cycle?
1/72 beats/min (.833 sec/beat)
When a heartbear increases, which phase duration dcreases most?
Diastole (relaxation)
Spread of depolarization in the atrial?
P wave
P wave is followed by?
Atrial contraction (slight increase in atrial pressure)
Depolarization of the ventricles?
QRS wave
QRS wave is follwed by?
Ventricular conraction and pressure increase and systole
Atrial contraction causes
a wave
Pressure increase for the atria during contraction?
Right- 4-6 mm Hg
Left- 7-8 mmHg
Slight backflow from ventricles and bulging of the AV valve backwards causes
c wave
Slow flow of blood into the atria from the veins while the AV valves are closed causes?
v wave
When systole ends, the atria have been filling with blood (closed AV valves), diastole causes AV valves to open and blood to rush in
Period of rapid filling of the ventricles
Describe the three parts of diastole.
1. rapid filling
2. blood passes directly thru atria from veins
3. contraction of atria
Periord where the AV valves are closed, but the nevtricles are building up enough pressure to push semilunar valves open
Isovolumic/Isometric contraction
Once pressure exceeds 80 mm Hg in left ventricle (8 mm Hg) 70% of blood is immediately ejeected
Period of rapid ejection
Last 2/3 of emptying period, where the last 30% of blood is ejected
Period of slow ejection
Ventricular relation begins, decreasing the intraventricular pressures (.03-.06 sec)
Isovolumic/Isometric relaxation
The end diastolic volume in the ventricles
110-120 mL
Stroke volume in ventricles
Emptying during systole (70mL)
End systolic volume
40-50 mL
Ejection fraction
end diatolic volume that is ejected (70/120)
Prevent backflow during diastole
Semilunar valves
Prevent backflow during systole
Pull vanes of valves inward toward ventricles to prevent their bulging too far backward into the aria
Papillary muscles
As compared to AV valves, semilunar valves
1. snap to close (higher pressure)
2, velocity of ejection is greater
What does the arterial pressure increase to after ventricular ejection?
120 mm Hg
Short period of backflow from the aorta into the left ventricle immediately before valve closer
During diastole (before contraction), the aortic pressure is?
80 mm Hg
During systole (after ventricular contraction, the aortic pressure is?
120 mm Hg
First heart sound (low and long)
Closure of AV valves
Second heart sound (rapid snap, short)
Closure of the semilunar valves
The amount of E that the heart converts to work during each heartbeat
Stroke work output
Stroke work output x HR
Minute work output
Two forms of work output of the heart.
1. volume-pressure work (external work) v. to a.
2. kinetic energy of blood flow (acc. blood to its ejection velocity)
Mass of blood ejected x velocty of ejection sqared=
kinetic energy of blood flow