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107 Cards in this Set

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What are the open ends of the fallopian tubes called

Fimbriated ends
Out surface of the ovary during fetal life
Germinal epithelium, it is embryologically derived from the germianl ridge.
Premordial ova orgin
they differentiate from the ovary's germinal eoithelium
Supporting tissue of the ovary
Ovarian stroma
Primordial follicle
The ovum surrounded by one layer of granulosa cells
Secretion of GnRH, rythmicity
it is secreted in short pulses avereraging every 90 minutes. This is in males and females. Secretion in pulses vs continous stops hormone tolorance and receptor down regulation from occuring
Accurate name for female menstral cycle
Female monthly sexual cycle
Length of female sexual cycle
average is 28 days but can range form 20-45. Abnormal cycle length is associated with decreased fertility.
Two significant results of the female sexual cycle
a single ovum is normally released. Uterine endometrium is prepared in advance for implantation
The ovarian change during the sexual cycle depends on what
FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary
What is the reason that the sexual cycle is delayed until puberty
the hypothalamus does not secreate a proper amount of GnRH. It is physically capable of but is not signalled to from higher centers. Presumably the limbic system.
First menstral cycle
period of sexual change
Effect of LH and FSH receptor activation
cellular proliferation and growth
Biochemical effect of LH anf FSH receptor stimulation
activation of adenyl cyclease and phosphoralation of enzyme
Function of granulosa cells in childhood
provide neurishment to the ovum and secrete oocyte maturation-inhibiting factor that suspends the ovum in its primordial state in prophase of miotic division 1.
FSH effect on follicles
stimulates the growth of 6-12 follicles each month. The initial effect is rapid proliferation of the granulosa cells giving rise to more layers.
Collection of spindle cells in the ovary interstitium that collects around the outside of the granulosa cells
Theca interna
These cells take on an epithelial characteristic and agin the ability to secrete sex hormones.
theca externa
becomes highely vascular connective tissue that becomes the capsule of the developing follicle.
Folicular fluid
secreted by granulosa cells and contains a high concentration of estrogen.
Accumulation of follicular fluid
causes the antrum to appear in the mass of granulosa cells
Acceleratied growth after the antrum phase producing the larger vesicular follicle is caused by
1. Estrogen in the follicular fluid causes and increase in FSH receptor increasing the follicles sensitivity to FSH. 2. FSH and estrogen combine to promote LH receptors on the granulosa surface. 3. Estrogen and LH act together to cause proliferation of the folicle theca cells and increase there secretions.
Why does only one follicle usually survive per month
The large amount of estrogen secreted from the largest follicle acts on the hypothalamus to supress secretion of GnRH. This large follicle will continue to grow becasue of its enhanced ability to bind the small amount of FSH being secreted.
Mature follicle
follicle at time of ovulation
Day of ovulation
14 days after onset of cycle
Corona Radiata
Small mass of granulosa cells ovulted with the ovum.
What is needed for ovulation
LH peak
16 hours before ovulation
Synergistic effect of LH and FSH
cause rapid swelling of the follicle before ovulation
LH effect on granulosa and theca cells
converts them to mainly progesterone secreting cells
Rate of estrogen secretion before ovulation
begins to fall 1 day before ovulation while progesterone secretion increases during this time
Two events necessary for ovulation
the theca interna begins to release proteolitic enzymes from lysosomes, this weakens the capsular wall. 2. Rapid growth of new blood vessels into the follicle as well as release of prostoglandins into the follicular tissue that causes vasodilation and plasma transudation into the follicle. These two things together cause welling and rupture of the follicle.
Point of swelling of the follicle
Lutein cells
after expulsion of the ovum the remaining granulosa cells and theca cells change to lutein cells. The total mass of lutein cells is called the corpus luteum.
Secretary pruducts of the corpus luteum.
Produce the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. More progesterone. The theca cells produce mostly androgens androstenedione and testosterone. These are converted into estrogen by the granulosa cells.
Corpus albicans
involuted corpus luteum about 12 days after ovulation.
Luteinization inhibiting factor
released in the follicular fluid that holds the lureinization process in check untill after ovulation
Preprogrammed life cyle of lutein cells
1. proliferation 2. enlargment 3. secretion 4. degeneration
function of hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin
secreted by the placenta and acts on the corpus luteum to prolong its life. Similar to LH
What has negative feedback of FSH and LH release
Estrogen and inhibin secreted by lutein cells. Especially inhibits FSH
Effects of high plasma estrogen and inhibin
Low blood concentration of FSH and LH develope which causes the corpus luteum to degenarate. Process os call involution.
Time of final involution
day 26, 12 days after ovulation
Hormone effect of involution
Causes a suddon cessation of estrogen, inhibin and progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum. This removes feedback inhibition of the anterior pituitary gland allowing FSH and LH to be secreted. This initiates growth of new follicles and begines the ovarian cycle.
What leads to menstration
The paucity of progesterone and estrogen
Main function of estrogens
promote proliferation and groeth of the cells of secondary sexual characteristics of female.
Main function of progestins
prepare the uterus for pregnancy and the breasts for lactation.
Estrogen secretion in pregnant vs non pregnant female
non pregnant estrogen secretion is from the overies. During pregnancy the placenta secretes large quanities of estrogen
Three main estrogens
B estradiol, Esterone, Estriol
Formation of estrone
formed in the peripheral tissues form androgens secreted by the adrenal and theca cells.
Formation of Estriol
oxidative product derived from both estradiol and estrone in the liver.
Progesterone secretion in non pregnant vs pregnant female
in non pregnant progesterone is only secreted during the late half of the ovarian cycle by the corpus luteum. During pregnancy the placenta secretes progesterone, especially after the fourth month.
Synthesis of estrogens and progestins
Both are steroids. During the follicular phase most of the testosterone and progesterone are converted to estrogen by the granulosa cells. During the luteal phase too much progesterone is produced to be converted so progesterone enters the plasma.
Sex hormone transport in the plasma
Bound to albumin with special estrogen and progeserone binding globulins.
increased plasma estrogen due to decreased liver function, inability to conjigate and excrete estrogen in bile or convert it to estriol.
Major end product of progesterone
Estrogen effect on vaginal epithelium
changes it from cuboidal to stratified squamous.
Treatment of vaginal infections in children
administer estrogen. Stratified epithelium is more resistant to infection.
Effects of estrogen on fallopian tubes
They cause the glandular tissue to proliferate and increase the number of ciliated epithelium . The cilia help move sperm toward egg.
Three efects of estrogen on the breasts
1. development of stromal tissue in the breasts 2. Growth of the ductal system 3. deposition of fat in the breast
What causes growth and function of breasts
progesterone and prolactin
Skeletal effect of estrogen
inhibits osteoclast activity adn therfore stimulate bone growth. They also cause uniting of the epiphyses plates, this effect is much stronger in females so they stop growing sooner then males.
Effects of estrogen dificiency after menopause
increased osteoclast activity, a decrease in bone matrix, decrease in deposition of bone matrix. These lead to osteoporosis.
Effects of estrogen on metabolism and fat deposition
It increases metabolism only slightly, not as much as testosterone in males. Also causes deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, mostly of thighs and butt
Body hair growth after puberty
in pubic and axillary area is mainly due to testosterone
Estrogen effect on skin
causes it to be smoother and more vascular. The increased vascularity leads to an increase in skin temp and increases bleeding when damaged.
Effects of estrogen on electolyte balance
causes Na and water retention by the kidneys
Functions of progeterone on the uterus
promotes secratory changes in the uterine endometrium during the latter half of the female sexual cycle. Prepares for implantation. It also decreases the intensity and frequency of contractions.
What causes breasts to swell
progesterone, it promotes the development and the lobules and alveoli. They become secreatory in nature.
Three phases of the endometrium
proliferative, secratory, menstrual: Estrogen, prgesterone, FSH and LH
Glands of the cervical region
produce a stringy mucus that helps to guide sperm into the uterus
Time line of ovum travel
3-4 days to pass through the fallopian tubes. Implantaion is 7-9 days after ovulation
Cause of manstration
reduction of estrogen and progesterone. Mainly progesterone.

Endometrium vasculature during mestration

the tortuous blood vessels constrict and casue necrosis of the superficial endometrium.
Amount of menstration
40ml of blood, 35 ml of serous fluid
Why is menstral fluid non clotting
it contain fibrinolysin, this breaks down clots.
Leukorrhea during menstration
Large amounts of leukocytes are released with the necrotic blood. This allows the uterus to become highly resistant to infection during menstration.
Pulsitility of GnRH secretion
pulses lasting 5-25 minutes and occur every 1-2 hours
Continuous release of GnRH
The ability to cause the release of FSH and LH is lost due to receptor down regulation. This happens chronicly, Acutly there is an increase in FSH and LH
Hypothalamic centers of GnRH
mediobasal hypothalamus, in the arcuate nuclei of this area
What neurons control female sexual activity
arcuate nuclei
feedback inhibition on FSH and LH
estrogen and effect is multiplied by progesterone. Progesterone alone can not inhibit.
What causes ovulation to occur
increase in LH
Two effects of LH
causes ovulation and development/secretion of the corpus luteum
preovulary surge of LH that is not sufficient enough to cause ovulation. This happens during the first few cycles after puberty and before menapause. Without ovulation there is no corpus luteum and no secratory phase, the cycle is shortened by two days.
Cause of menapause
burning out of the ovaries. The production of estrogens by the ovaries decreases as the number of primordial follicles approches zero. Without estrogen there is no inhibition of FSH and LH which become continually secreted.
Physiologic changes after menapause
1. hot flashes 2. physchic sensations of dyspnea 3. irratability 4. fatigue 5. anxiety 6. various psycotic states 7. decreased strength and calcification of bones.

Female eunuchism

absence of ovaries from birth or when they become non functional before puberty. Characteristics are long bones.
Loss of ovaries
breasts will atrophy and become pedulous
Hypothyroidism on mensis
the increase in TRH causes a release in prolactine which inhibits GnRH and causes amenorrhea.
Prolonged ovarian cycles
associated with failure to ovulate, presumible from lack of LH surge
Ovarian hypersecretion
rare clinical occurence becasuse hypersecretion of estrogen automatically decreases the amount of gonadotropins by teh pituitary and this limits the amount of estrogen production. Increased estrogen is usually only recognized clinically with faminizing tumors.
Granulosa cell tumor
rare. Usually develope after menapause and secrete large amounts of estrogen. First and only indicator is bleeding.
Sexual disire
increases in proportion to sex hormones. Desire also changes during sexual cycle, peaks near the time of ovulation because of high estrogen levels.
Sexual sensory signals
are transmitted to the sacral segments by the pudandal nerve and sacral plexus.
Erectile tissue in females
located around the introitus and extending to the cliterous. Controlled by parasympathetic nerves that pass through the nervi erigentes from the sacral plexus. Parasympathetis causes artery diolation in th tissue releasing Ach, NO and vasoactive polypeptide (VIP) at nerve endings.
Bartholin glands
secrete mucus immediatly inside the introitus.
Ferility and orgasm in female
the famale oocycte is more fertile by normal insemination possible due to orgasm. Orgasm causes rythmic muscle contraction and diolation of the cervix for 30 minutes.
relaxing peacful effect of orgasm after muscle contration.
Fertility of sperm in the uterus
it can remain fertile for up to 5 days. Fertilization can ossur for 24 hours after ovulation.
The pill
combination of estrogen and progesterone. These can prevent the preovulatory durge of LH and depress ovulation. Made of synthetic hormone becasue they resist degradation by the liver. Can be taken orally, escape first pass metabolism.
Commonly used sex hormones in the pill
ethinyl estradiol and mestranol for estrogens. Norethindrone, norethynodrel, ethynodiol, and norgestrel for progesterone.
Most common cause of female sterility
failure to ovulate. This can result from hyposecretion of GnRH or an abnormal ovary that does not allow ovulation.
Testing for anovulation
test for progesterone in the urine during second half of cycle. Anovulation fails to produce progesterone.
endometrial tissue grows on the outside of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries that mestrates into the pelvis. This causes fibrosis and can cover the overy and not allow ovulation.
inflammation of the fallopian tubes that can fibrous and occlude them
Low grade infection of the cervix
can lead to mucous production and block sperm entry into the uterous.