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13 Cards in this Set

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What affects the breaking time?

-weather conditons

-road surface

-poor breaks

-tyres (tread, inflation)


-mass of carji

Things that affect the thinking distance







What is the thinking distance

The distance travelled before our brains react to danger

What is the breaking distnace

The distance travelled by the car,after the breaks have been applied, to stop completely



Force equation


Acceleration equation


Equation relating momentum to force

F= Mv-Mu / T

Work definitions

-when a force makes something move, energy is transferred in the direction of movement, the amount of energy is called the work done

-If there has been ANY transfer of energy, we also define this as work having been done

Equation for work done

E / FD (e can also be swapped for w- work done)

E- j

F- N


Equation for power

Power= work done / time taken (work done can also be swapped with energy transferred)

P- watts

W- J

T- s

Equation for kinetic energy

KE = 1/2 x M x V(^2)

KE- j

M- kg

V- (m/s)2

Gravitational potential energy

M x G x change in H

Mass in kg

GPE: kg m^2/s^2 (like all types of energy)