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160 Cards in this Set

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Soft Tissue (average)
Liver and Blood
What are the acoustic variables?
pressure, density, and distance
concentration of force in an area, Pascals (Pa)
concentration of mass in a volume, kg/cm3
measure of particle motion, cm, mm
Parameters to describe a sound wave:
period, frequency, amplitude, power, intensity, wavelength, propagation speed
time it takes a wave to vibrate a single cycle; units of time; determined by sound source
number of particular events that occurs in a specific duration of time; units of per sec (Hz); determined by sound source
3 parameters that describe the "bigness" of wave:
amplitude, power, and intensity
bigness of a wave; units of pressure, density, particle motion; determined by sound source (US system)
rate of energy transfer or rate of work; units of watts; determined by sound source
concentration of energy in a sound beam; units are watts/cm2; determined by sound source
distance of one cycle; units of length; determined by source and medium
propagation speed
distance that sound travels in a medium in one sec; units of m/s,mm/microsec,or distance/time; determined by medium
2 characteristics of a medium affect the speed of sound
stiffness, and density
the ability of an object to resist compression
the relative weight of a material
Stiffness and Speed
Increase, Increase
Density and Speed
Increase, Decrease
Duty Factor
the percentage or fraction of time that they system is transmitting a pulse; determined by sound source; max value = 1 or 100%
What affects duty factor?
imaging depth; as imaging depth increases, duty factor increases (shorter listening time)
ten times larger
dB; a logarithmic and relative scale
weakening of a sound wave as it propagates through a medium
2 factors that determine attenuation
path length, and frequency of sound
more attenuation:
longer distances, higher frequencies
less attenuation:
shorter distances, lower frequencies
3 processes contribute to attenuation
reflection, scattering, absorption
as sound strikes a boundary a portion of waves energy is reflected back to sound source
Two forms of reflection
specular and diffuse
specular reflection
boundary is smooth sound is reflected in one direction in organized maner
diffuse reflection
reflections in more than one direction, or backscatter
reflected in many directions, no organized maner
rayleigh scattering
occurs when structures are much smaller than the beams wavelength, equal in all directions
total attenuation(dB):
=attenuation coeff x dist
attenuation coeff (dB/cm):
=frequency (MHz) / 2
acoustic resistance to sound traveling in a medium; Rayls
Impedance (Z)=
=density x prop speed
oblique incidence
sound beam strikes boundary at any angle other than 90
normal incidence
sound beam strikes boundary at 90 degrees
oblique incidence and diff propagation speeds
Snells Law
13 micro sec rule
for every 13 micro sec of go return time, the distance traveled is 1cm
axial resolution
measures the ability of the system to measure two structures parallel to the sound beam
axial resolution is determined by
spatial pulse length
axial resolution =
axial resolution is improved by
shorter pulses
Axial resolution-LARRD
Longitudinal, axial, radial, range, depth
To improve axial resolution
shorter spatial pulse length, shorter pulse duration, higher frequencies, lower numerical values,fewer cycles per pulse
range or difference between highest and lowest frequencies in the pulse
imaging probes create ____ range of frequencies
CW probes create ____ range of frequencies
quality factor
unitless number related to bandwidth
quality factor =
main frequency/bandwidth
wide bandwidth probes have ____ Q factor
narrow bandwidth probes have ____ Q factor
Imaging Transducers
pulses with short duration in length, uses backing material, reduced sensitivity, wide bandwidth, low Q factor, improved axial resolution
Non imaging transducers
CW or pulses with long duration in length, no backing material, increased sensivity, narrow bandwidth, high Q factor, no image
Curie temperature or Curie Point
temperature at which PZT becomes polarized
which resolution is best?
axial resolution
CW transducer frequency
continous; determined by the frequency of the electrical signal created by the ultrasound system
PW transducer frequency
creates short duration; determined by speed of sound in PZT and thickness of PZT
Speed of sound in PZT affect frequency?
PW; speed of sound and freq are directly related; When speed of sound in PZT is faster, the frequency is higher
Thickness of PZT crystal affect frequency?
PW; thinner elements create higher frequency pulses, PZT thickness and frequency are inversely related. Thicker elements create lower frequency pulses
thickness of PZT crystal in PW =
wavelength of PZT sound/2
Focal Depth also called
focal length, or near zone length
Focal depth
distance from transducer to narrowest part of the beam, also known as the focus
2 factors combine that determine focal depth
transducer diameter, frequency of the sound
transducer diameter affects focal depth
increasing diameter results in deeper focus, decreased diameter results in shallower focus
frequency affects focal depth
higher frequency results in deeper focus, lower frequency results in shallower focus
shallow focus
smaller diameter of PZT,
lower frequency
deep focus
larger diameter of PZT,
higher frequency
2 factors combine to determine beam divergence
transducer diameter,
frequency of sound
Smaller diameter crystals produce beams that spread out or diverge ____ in the far field
larger diameter crystals produce beams that diverge ___ in the far field
larger diameter crystals improve _____ resoultion in the far field
Frequency affect beam divergence?
lower frequency sound beams diverge more in the deep far zone; high frequency diverge less
higher frequency sound improves ______ resolution in the far field
lateral resolution
identify two structures that are side by side, or perpendicular to sound beam
lateral resolution is determined by
width of sound beam
Lateral resolution: narrow width
better resolution
beam diamter varies with ?
Lateral Resolution: LATA
lateral, angular, transverse, azimuthal
Lateral resolution is best
at focus where beam is narrowest
Which type of resolution is superior in the clinical setting?
Adv's of using high frequency transducer?
improves axial and lateral resolution
temporal resolution is determined by
frame rate
temporal resolution
"accuracy in time" ; precisely position moving structures from instant to instant
temporal resolution is improved by
higher frame rate
temporal resolution is degraded by
lower frame rate
frame rate is determined by
sounds speed in a medium,
the depth of imaging; Hz or "per second"
imaging depth and frame rate
shallow-higher frame rate, better temp res; deeper-lower frame rate, degrades temp res
number or pulses in image affect temp resolution
fewer pulses-higher frame rate, better temporal resolution; more pulses-vice versa
Multi focus_____ frame rate and ______ temp resolution
decreases; degrades
Advantage of multi focus?
increases lateral resolution
sector size affects temp resolution
increased sector size- decreased temp resolution; decreased sector size- vice versa
line density affects temp resolution
increased line density-decreased temp resolution; decreased line density-increased temp resolution
adv of increased line density
improved spatial resolution
6 ultrasound system components
transducer, pulser and beam former, receiver, display, storage and master synchronizer
5 Receiver operations
amplification, compensation, compression, demodulation and reject
entire image is made brighter or darker; does not improve signal-to-noise ratio
amplification (units)
amplification is also called
receiver gain
creates an image that is uniformly bright from top to bottom: treats echoes diff depending on depth
compensation effect on image
near zone-stronger sound beam
far zone-weaker sound beam
compensation also known as
TGC, depth gain compensation, swept gain
TGC curve- superficial depth
near gain
TGC curve- deep depth
far gain
keeps images grayscale content within the range of detection of the human eye, 20 shades; dB
compression effect on image
changes grayscale
compression synonyms
dynamic range, log compression
changes electrical signals to a form more suitable for display
converts all neg voltages into positive voltages
smoothing or enveloping
places smooth line around bumps to even them out
demodulation effect on image
controlled by sonographer; displays low level echoes, does not affect bright echoes
reject is also called
threshold or suppression
reject effect on image
affects all low level echoes regardless of location
dynamic range
dB; ratio of smallest and largest signals
Narrow dynamic range
fewer gray shades; high contrast images display few shades of gray
wide dynamic range
many shades of gray; low contrast images display many shades of gray
Harmonic imaging
equals twice the frequency of transmitted sound
transmitted freq is called
fundamental freq
harmonic frequency waves are
fundamental freq
sound created by the transducer and transmitted into the body
2 forms of harmonics
tissue and contrast
tissue harmonics
miniscule amount of energy is converted from fundamental freq to harmonic freq
tissue harmonics are created
deeper in tissues, created during transmission, more likely to be created along beams main axis
3 forms of flow
pulsatile, phasic, steady
pulsatile flow
blood moves with variable velocity; arterial flow
phasic flow
blood moves with variable velocity; venous
steady flow
constant speed or velocity
plug flow
all levels of blood travel at same velocity
velocity of blood is highest at center of lumen and gradually decreases to minimum at vessel wall
pressure gradient=
flow x resistance
Nyquist limit
1/2 PRF
aliasing exists only with ____ doppler
Less aliasing
slower blood velocity, low freq transducer, high PRF
More aliasing
faster blood velocity, high freq transducer, low PRF
To eliminate aliasing
use lower freq transducer, higher PRF, shallow sample gate, use CW doppler and use baseline shift
aliasing on color map
colors wrap around
flow reversal
colors seperated by black line (no doppler shift)
Power =
Intensity x area
annular array uses what kind of steering?
linear phased array has a ?
spatial pulse length can be improved by
using greatly damped transducers
curved fireing pattern means what kind of beam?
which transducers can be electronically steered?
sector phased array and linear phased array