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114 Cards in this Set

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Important Aspects of Forces



Distribution (over the surface)


Point of application (Line of action of force)

Time history of force (force as a fn of time)

Model- What is it

Simple representation of the system

Diagram of the system under specific conditions (forces)

Equations that permit calculation of some unknown parameters


The study of forces and their effects


The study of objects in equilibrium


The study of objects in motion


The 3D universe in which we live

Unit: meters (m)


measured between the intervals of repeatable events

Unit: seconds (s)


The rate of change of a points location in space

Unit: meters per second (m/s)


The rate of change of a velocity

Unit: meters per second squared (m/s² )

Newton's Laws of Motion

1. If the net force on an object is zero, its velocity is unchanged

2. Fnet = ma (net force = mass times acceleration)

3. the forces exerted by 2 objects on each other are equal but in opposite directions (every action has an equal and opposite reaction)


The study of the effects and control of forces that act on or are produced on living tissue

Understanding the generation of internal forces in the human body

Model - how does it help?

Used to predict the behaviour of the system under the influence fo forces (using the eqns) without having to build the real system and test it

repeated calculations of unknown parameters = simulation

Steps to Problem Solving


- given information, given parameters (input)

-unknown parameters to determine (output)


-draw diagram

-identify principles that apply

-write eqns that apply

Predict the answer

Solve Eqn for unknown parameters

Interpret results:

-does the answer make sense

-is the answer reasonable

Significant Digits and Rounding

Count left to right, starting with the first non-zero digit. Zeros after a decimal point count

Do not round intermediate calculations

Answer should have same sigfigs as given data

Newtonian Gravitation

A particle attracts every other particle in the universe according to Newton
F = gravitational force
m = mass
r = distance between radius of 2 objects
G = gravitational constant 

A particle attracts every other particle in the universe according to Newton

F = gravitational force

m = mass

r = distance between radius of 2 objects

G = gravitational constant


Weight due to attraction to Earth

(NOT sea-level)

Weight of an object of mass m due to gravitational attraction to the earth

W = (G*m*mE)/ r²

mE = mass of earth

r = distance from center of earth

Acceleration due to attraction to Earth

(NOT sea-level)

Acceleration due to gravity at a distance r from center of earth

a = (G*mE)/ r²

mE = mass of earth

r = distance from center of earth

Gravitational Constant G

6.67 x 10^-11

Weight at sea-level

g = gravitational constant at sea-level

= 9.81 m/s²

m = mass of object

W = mg


A quantity that has both a magnitude and direction

Position Vector

The location of a particle relative to the origin 
rA describes the position of point A
magnitude of  rA is  | rA| = rA
rA has a direction θ from the x-axis

The location of a particle relative to the origin

rA describes the position of point A

magnitude of rA is | rA| = rA

rA has a direction θ from the x-axis

Relative Position Vector

Relative position of point B from point A

rA + rAB = rB

rAB = rB - rA

The distance between the two points is the magnitude of the vector


Vector rules

u + v = v + u

( u + v ) + w = u + ( v + w )

if the sum of 2 or more vectors is 0, they form a closed polygon

au has a magnitude of |a||u|

so -3u has a magnitude of 3|u|

a (bu) = (ab) u

(a+b) u = au + bu

a (u + v) = au + av

Unit vectors

vector with a magnitude of 1

i is x direction, j is y direction, k is z direction

u = |u| eU

eU = u / |u|

eU has a magnitude 1 and direction of u

Unit vectors are helpful in specifying direction

Unit vectors wear a hat ^

Two-Dimensional (2D) Components

A vector can be broken into perpendicular components: ux and uy

u = ux + uy

and using unit vectors

u = ux i + uy j

Magnitude of a Vector

Use the Pythagorean theorem

|u| = Sqrt(ux² + uy² )

Determining Vector Components

F = Fx + Fy

Fx = |F|cosθ i

Fy = |F|sinθ j


F = Fcosθ i + Fsinθ j

Vector Components in 3D

u = ux i + uy j + uz k

|u| = Sqrt(ux² + u + uz²)

the direction cosines are the components of a unit vector in the direction of u

Direction of vector described by θx, θy, θz

ux = |u|cosθx or ux = |u|ex

uy = |u|cosθy or ux = |u|ex

ux = |u|cosθz or ux = |u|ex

cos²θx + cos²θy + cos²θz = 1

Right Hand Rule for Cartesian Planes

hand points in line with X-axis

bend fingers towards Y-axis

thumb points in direction of Z-axis

Vector Dot Products by Angle

Useful in determining component of a vector parallel or perpendicular to a given line

u·v = |u||v|cos θ

Result of dot product is a scalar

if u and v are NOT 0:

u·v = 0

IF AND ONLY IF u and v are perpendicular

(cos θ = 0)

Dot Product Rules

u·v = v·u

a(u·v) = (au) · v = u · (av)

u · (v + w) = u · v + u · w

i · i = 1 (by itself is 1)

i · j = 0 (by perp. vector is 0)

Vector Dot Product by Components

u · v = uxvx + uyvy + uzvz

Find angle between 2 vectors

cosθ = (u · v) / (|u||v|)

Determining the components of parallel vector (u//)

|u//|= |u|cos θ

u// = (e · u) e

where e is a unit vector on the line you want to be parallel to

Determining the components of a perpendicular vector (uperp)

uperp = u - u//

Law of Sines

sina/A = sinb/B = sinc/C
A/sina = B/sinb = C/sinc

sina/A = sinb/B = sinc/C


A/sina = B/sinb = C/sinc

Law of Cosines

C² = A² + B² - 2ABcosc

C² = A² + B² - 2ABcosc

Vector Cross Products

Input 2 vectors, output is 3rd vector, perpendicular to other 2 vectors

Often related to rotation

Cross Product Right Hand rule

Calculating cross product with components

Calculating Cross Product with Angle

u x v = |u| |v| sin θ e

in which e is a unit vector perpendicular to u and v

u x v = 0

IF AND ONLY IF u is parallel to v

Cross Product Rules

u x v = -(v x u)

a(u x v) = (au) x v = u x (av)

u x ( v + w ) = ( u x v ) + ( u x w )

Cross products of Unit Vectors

In direction of arrows = positive
Against arrows = negative
Crossed with itself = 0

In direction of arrows = positive

Against arrows = negative

Crossed with itself = 0

Mixed Triple Product

components from cross product dotted by other vector

components from cross product dotted by other vector

Mechanics Problems: Main Steps

Free Body diagram to identify forces on objects

Force equilibrium eqns to identify unknown forces

Moment Equilibrium Eqns to identify unknown moments

Need same number of equations as unknowns or more (3 eqns, 3 or less unknowns)

Surface Force

Force acting on a body's surface.

Line of action

Imaginary line in the direction of the force and passing through the point where the force is applied

Useful in determining if a force will cause a moment

If passes through the point around which you are calculating moment at, no moment is produced

External Force

Force applied to a system from outside the system (weight, normal force, friction, etc.)

Internal Force

Force that one part of a structure exerts on other parts within the same structure

Exposed when making a cut in a system

Ex. When analyzing a shank foot, the force of the knee is an external force, but in the entire leg, it is an internal force

Body Force

Force that acts on the volume of the body (gravity, magnetism, etc)

System of Forces

A particular set of forces. Can be 2 dimensional (coplanar) or 3 dimensional.

Concurrent Forces

Forces whose lines of action all intersect at a common point

Forces whose lines of action all intersect at a common point

Parallel Forces

forces exerted on the same body and along parallel lines of action

Contact Force

Forces which result from contact between objects

Contacting objects exert equal and opposite forces on each other


Normal force is perpendicular top tangent plane of surface

Friction Force is parallel to tangent plane

Smooth vs Rough Surfaces

Smooth = friction is negligible

Rough = friction must be considered

Guidelines for Rope/pulley problems

Assume the weight of the rope is negligible and cable is completely straight

Force in rope/cable is the Tension in the cable

Line of action of T is collinear with cable

Assume that the tension throughout the rope is uniform


A state of balance or equality between opposing forces so there is no acceleration.

Sum of forces = 0

Sum of moments = 0

Static Equilibrium

A condition where there are no net external forces acting upon a particle or rigid body and the body remains at rest

Sum of forces = 0

Sum of moments = 0

Free Body Diagram (FBD)

Focus attention on the object of interest and identify external forces acting on it. Drawing shows the object isolated from its surroundings

Can tilt axis to simplify calculations

Focus attention on the object of interest and identify external forces acting on it. Drawing shows the object isolated from its surroundings

Can tilt axis to simplify calculations

Steps to draw a FBD

0. Identify the x and y directions

1. Identify the object to isolate

2. Sketch the object isolated from its surroundings with dimensions and angles

3. Draw vectors representing all of the external forces acting on the isolated object and label them

NOTE: External force could result from a cut made where object was connected to a larger body

Gravitational Forces (Weight)

Weight of an object can be represented as a vector. At sea level, where m = mass in g and g= accel. due to gravity= 9.81|W| = mg

Sum of forces in System

ΣF = ΣFx + ΣFy (+ ΣFz)= 0


ΣFx = 0

ΣFy = 0

(and ΣFz = 0)

Moment (Definition)

The turning effect of a force around a fixed point called a pivot

Calculating a moment

Mp = DF
The moment about point P (Mp) is equal to the perpendicular distance from P to the line of action of F (D) times the magnitude of Force F
A counterclockwise moment is positive
A clockwise moment is negative
If the line of action cross...

Mp = DF

The moment about point P (Mp) is equal to the perpendicular distance from P to the line of action of F (D) times the magnitude of Force F

A counterclockwise moment is positive

A clockwise moment is negative

If the line of action crosses P, D=0 so MP = 0

A moment in components

Even if you break an force F into components, the moment of F about P is equal to the sum of the moments of the components of F about P

Moment Vector

Given a point P and a force F,

Mp = r x F (NOT F x r)

where r is a vector from P to any point on the line of action of F

|Mp| = |r| |F| sin θ

where theta is the angle between r and F tail to tail

|Mp|= DF when r is perpendicular to F

Finding Direction of a moment

Mp is always perpendicular to r and F

Right Hand Rule: hand along r, curl fingers towards F. Thumb points in direction of moment

Ground Reaction Force (GRF)

Force exerted by the ground on a body in contact with it

A combination of Normal and Friction forces of the ground on the body

Ground exerts a reaction force equal in magnitude opposite in direction to the foot force

Point of Application of Force

Point where the force is applied to the body

Important to determine if the body will tend to rotate (like line of action)

Analysis of Equilibrium Steps

Use FBD to analyze if object is in equilibrium

ΣF = 0, but this is not enough

If forces are along different lines of action, they could cause a moment


2 forces with equal magnitude, opposite direction and a different line of action

tend to rotate (cause a moment)

A rigid body acted on by 2 forces is in static equilibrium only if...

the 2 forces are collinear, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction

A rigid body acted on by a couple is in static equilibrium only if...

It is acted on by another couple equal in magnitude and opposite in sense (perpendicular)

F1d1 = F2D2

where F1 and F2 are the magnitudes of the forces of each couple and d1 and d2 are the distance between the two forces in each couple

Moments about any point

A moment applied to a body from a cut on the body and a couple exerts the same moment about any point

Making a cut to simplify a FBD

When making a cut in a body, a moment is (often?) added

Tip for Taking Moment about a point

Take moments about a point on the line of action of many forces

this eliminates these forces from the moment equation and reduces unknowns

Tibialis Anterior (location and function)

Muscle on front of shank
Lifts the foot using flexion of the ankle (dorsiflexion)

When walking, generates a moment (MA) to slowly lower the foot to the ground

Muscle on front of shank

Lifts the foot using flexion of the ankle (dorsiflexion)

When walking, generates a moment (MA) to slowly lower the foot to the ground by resisting the GRF

Gastrocnemius (location and function)

Largest calf muscle

 Responsible for plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint  

Largest calf muscle

Responsible for plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint

Soleus (location and function)

Under the gastrocnemius on the calf

Main function is flexing the foot (plantar flexion) while standing on toes, walking, etc.

Under the gastrocnemius on the calf

Main function is flexing the foot (plantar flexion) while standing on toes, walking, etc.

Muscles while walking

When the heel strikes the ground:

GRF tends to cause a moment to quickly rotate the foot into the ground

Tibialis Anterior muscle generates a moment MA to slowly lower foot to the ground

Difficulty when walking (Tibialis Anterior)

In some people, the Tibialis Anterior is not functional and the foot slaps down to the ground ("Foot Slap")

In some people, the Tibialis Anterior is unable to lift the foot when the leg lifts off the ground to swing forward, so the toe drags and cannot clear the ground ("Drop Foot")

Functional Electric Stimulation (FES) is used to provide peripheral nerve stimulation to activate the T.A.

Component Equilibrium Equations


3 independent eqns (ΣFx, ΣFy, ΣMp)

can solve for 3 unknowns


6 independent eqns (ΣFx, ΣFy, ΣFz, ΣMx, ΣMy, ΣMz)

can solve for 6 unknowns

Moment about a line

Mp is a moment of F about an arbitrary point P on line L

ML: is a moment of F about line L

is the component of Mp parallel to L

ML = ê · (r x F)
if +ve, ML in direction of ê, if negative opposite to ê

Plantar/dorsi flexion rotation and moments

Rotation is the actual movement of the foor
Moment is the result of forces on the foot

Note: Dorsi flexion moment can occur with plantar flexion rotation and vice versa

Rotation and moment are not necessarily the same! 

Rotation is the actual movement of the foor

Moment is the result of forces on the foot

Note: Dorsi flexion moment can occur with plantar flexion rotation and vice versa

Rotation and moment are not necessarily the same!

Tips for Pulley Problems

Same as cord/rope guidelines, with a few extra:

Assume pulley is frictionless

Pulley is stationary or rotating at a constant rate

Tension on both sides of the pulley are the same

Spring Problems

|F|= k * |L-Lo| OR

|F|= k * Δ x

Magnitude of Force is spring constant (k) times the distance the spring has been stretched or compressed (Δx), which is new length (L) minus unstretched length (Lo)

Rigid Body

Body in which deformation is neglected

When working in a system with multiple parts...

Draw FBD of isolated parts

Don't forget some internal forces become external when you make a cut

Determine unknown forces using equilibrium eqns

Pin Joint support (2D)

Smooth Pin- Frictionless
Resisting forces in x and y directions 
No resisting moment (rotation around pin is possible)
Applies to hinge joints

Smooth Pin- Frictionless

Resisting forces in x and y directions

No resisting moment (rotation around pin is possible)

Applies to hinge joints

Roller Support (2D)

Body lies on rollers or a ball
Resisting force only perpendicular to surface on which it lies (usually in y direction)
no resisting moment
also includes pin in a slot

Body lies on rollers or a ball

Resisting force only perpendicular to surface on which it lies (usually in y direction)

no resisting moment

also includes pin in a slot

Supports (function and types)

Create resisting forces and moments
Pin joint support, roller support, Simple/plane support, fixed support.

Create resisting forces and moments

Pin joint support, roller support, Simple/plane support, fixed support.

Simple/planar support (2D)

Body lies on a planar surface
resisting force only perpendicular to surface
no resisting moment

Body lies on a planar surface

resisting force only perpendicular to surface

no resisting moment

Fixed support (2D)

Resists in x direction and y direction
can also resist a moment (unlike pin)

Resists in x direction and y direction

can also resist a moment (unlike pin)

Contact with curved surfaces

Smooth: Normal force normal to tangent plane

Rough: Normal normal to tangent and friction parallel to tangent

A rigid body acted on by 3 forces can be in static equilibrium only if...

the lines of action of the 3 forces are concurrent at the same point and if the vectors form a closed triangle (therefore sum of forces is 0)
F3 must = -(F1+F2)

the lines of action of the 3 forces are concurrent at the same point and if the vectors form a closed triangle (therefore sum of forces is 0)

F3 must = -(F1+F2)

If F1, F2, F3,... FN are concurrent forces (concurrent at point Q), the moment of the system of all forces about a point P is...

rPQ x (F1 + F2, + F3+ ... + FN)

where rPQ is the position vector from the point of concurrence to the point P

and it is crossed with the sum of all concurrent forces

A body with a single force passing through point p is also equivalent to...

Another body with a force of the same magnitude a certain distance from P (causing a moment) with an additional resisting moment to negate it

Another body with a force of the same magnitude a certain distance from P (causing a moment) with an additional resisting moment to negate it

Statically Indeterminate object

more unknown forces or moments than independent eqns

caused by:

1) Redundant supports

2) Improper supports

Redundant supports

can cause a statically indeterminate system

more supports than needed for equilibrium

causes too many reaction forces

1 more unknown than eqn = 1 degree of reduncancy, etc

Improper supports

can cause a statically indeterminate system

supports that do not maintain equilibrium

some equilib eqns cannot be satisfied

ex. parallel reaction forces, non-parallel force

or concurrent rxn forces, non-concurrent force

Statically Indeterminate Systems in Biomechanics

Multiple muscles at a single joint lead to more unknowns than can be solved for easily

One way to help solve is using assumptions about muscle stress

Ex. Biceps brachii and brachialis both act on elbow joint

Muscle Stress

assume proportion of load in muscles is proportional to cross-sectional area of the muscles

Muscles have same stress per square cm therefore

FB/AB = FBB/ABB (using brachialis and Biceps Brachii)

Ex. if ABB/AB = 1.5

then ABB = 1.5AB

then FBB = (ABB/AB) FB

Biceps Brachii (location and function)

Upper arm, between shoulder and elbow
Helps control the motion of shoulder and elbow  

Upper arm, between shoulder and elbow

Helps control the motion of shoulder and elbow

Brachialis (location and function)

Lies under the lower section of the Biceps Brachii 
Aids in flexion of the elbow joint  

Lies under the lower section of the Biceps Brachii

Aids in flexion of the elbow joint

Ball Joint/Ball and socket (3D support)

resists 3 orthogonal forces (Ax, Ay, Az)
Resists translation (movement) in any direction
Permits rotation in any direction (allows all moments)

Ex. Hip joint

resists 3 orthogonal forces (Ax, Ay, Az)

Resists translation (movement) in any direction

Permits rotation in any direction (allows all moments)

Ex. Hip joint

Roller Support (3D)

Somewhat like ball joint in structure
Resisting force in 1 direction (Ay) only 
Can roll in any direction, allows moments

1 reaction (translation in y)

Somewhat like ball joint in structure

Resisting force in 1 direction (Ay) only

Can roll in any direction, allows moments

1 reaction (translation in y)

Hinge (3D support)

3 forces resisted (Ax, Ay, Az)

2 moments resisted (about x and y axis)

allows moment about 1 axis (z)

5 total reactions :

3 translations & 2 rotations resisted

Fixed Support (3D support)

6 reactions total

3 force reactions (Ax, Ay, Az)

3 moment reactions (x, y, z axes)

Erector spinae (location and function)

bundle of muscles and tendons in back
Functions to straighten the back and provides for side-to-side rotation  

bundle of muscles and tendons in back

Functions to straighten the back and provides for side-to-side rotation

Analysis of system with multiple members

Link-Segmented Model

bottom-up approach

use body segments as links

1 moment applied by muscles between each segment

GRF measured by force plate/sensors

separate analyses performed in order (foot, shank, thigh... move up)

3 eqns and 3 unknowns for each as you move up (planar analysis)

Special case: pin joint and moment from muscles

quadriceps (location and function)

Group of muscles on front of thigh
Main function: extension of the knee
Also: move the hip, prevent the knee from buckling

Group of muscles on front of thigh

Main function: extension of the knee

Also: move the hip, prevent the knee from buckling

2 force member

System of forces and moments acting on object is equivalent to 2 forces acting at different points

the line of action of the 2 forces must be coincident or they form a couple

System of forces and moments acting on object is equivalent to 2 forces acting at different points

the line of action of the 2 forces must be coincident or they form a couple

3 force member

If the system is equivalent to three forces acting on different points, it is a 3 force member.

For the system to be in equilibrium, the forces must either be parallel or concurrent.

3 force member calculations

1. prove the forces are coplanar

let L be a line between F1 and F2. since moment about L due to F1 and F2 are 0, moment about L due to F3 is also 0. This means F3 is perpendicular to L x rF3 therefore F3 is in plane, therefore forces are coplanar

2. if forces are not parallel, their lines of action will intersect at one point (if system is in equilib)