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115 Cards in this Set

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something we can tell by using our 5 senses
physical science
the study of the nonliving things that make up the world
the study of how atoms, molecules and chemicals interact with each other
the total collection of knowledge gained through man's observations of the physical world
the study of matter, energy, motion and forces
the confident belief in the authority or reliability of something
scientific method
the series of steps scientist use when investigating a problem or trying to answer a question
prediction of what you think will happen
the changeable factors that could affect an experiment's outcome
the sample in an experiment in which the variables are kept at a base level
an educated guess based on observation
empirical laws
generalizations based on observations that describe the way an object behaves under specific conditions
explanations of scientific laws
metric system
also known as the SI system, a system of measurements based on the number 10
the standard unit for length in the metric system
the standard unit for the volume of liquid in the metric system
the standard unit for mass in the metric system
Celcius Scale
the temperature scale used by scientists
a push or pull that changes the motion, size or shape of a body
newton (N)
the unit of force
contact forces
forces that require contact between two objects
buoyant force
the upward force exerted on objects in a fluid
elastic force
the force that acts to pull a stretched object back to its regular shape
a force that resists motion in two objects that are moving against each other
compressional force
a force that results from pushing or squeezing an object
tensile force
a force that results from a push or pull exerted on an object
shearing force
the force that distorts material by slippage along a plane parallel to the force
noncontact forces
the forces that don't require contact between two objects
net force
the total of all the forces acting on an object
the rate at which an object moves
the formula for speed
speed = distance / time
the speed of an object in a particular direction
the rate of change in velocity over time
the formula for acceleration
accelleration = final velocity minus initial velocity over final time minus initial time
the tendency of an object to resist a change in its movement
terminal velocity
the constant velocity after which an object stops accelerating
projectile motion
the curved path an object follows when it is thrown or propelled near Earth's surface
centripetal force
the force that continuously pulls objects traveling in a circular path toward the center of the circle.
the property of a moving object that depends on it mass and velocity
conservation of momementum
when a moving object hits another object, momentum can be transferred from one object to the other, but the total amount of momentum stays the same.
any substance that flows and takes the shape of its container (gas or liquid)
force per area
hydraulic devices
devices that use liquid to transfer pressure from one point to another
bernoulli's principle
the force a fluid exerts on its surroundings decreases as its speed increases
the action that results when a force causes an object to move (the movement must be in the same direction as the force)
the ability to do work
kinetic energy
the energy contained in moving objects
potential energy
energy that is stored either because of an object's position, chemical makeup, or elasticity.
law of conservation of energy
energy cannot be created or destroyed
nonrenewable resources
resources that can't be replaced once they are used or can be replaced only over long periods of time
renewable resources
resources that are constantly available or that can be replaced in a relatively short period of time
the amount of work done or energy provided in a period of time
formula for power
power = work / time
a device that makes work easier by changing the size or direction (or both) of a force
resistance force
the force needed to do work without a machine
effort force
the force needed to do work with a machine
mechanical advantage
a measure of how much a machine increases a force applied to it
ideal mechanical advantage
mechanical advantage that does not consider friction
inclined plane
a simple machine that has a slanted surface
a simple machine made of a rigid bar that pivots at a fixed point
a simple machine consisting of a rope that turns around a wheel
fixed pulley
a pulley that is attached to something that doesn't move
movable pulley
a pulley that is attached to the object being lifted/moved.
block and tackle
an arrangement of pulleys designed to move heavy objects
a simple machine that consists of an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
a simple machine that consists of two back-to-back inclined planes
wheel and axle
a simple machine that consists of a wheel with a larger diameter attached to an axle with a smaller diameter
compound machine
a machine made from a combination of two or more simple machines
kinetic energy
energy contained in moving objects
the measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object
the energy that is transferred between substances that are different temperatures
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 deg celcius.
specific heat
A substance's ability to absorb the kinetic energy of heat : the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of that substance 1 deg celcius
heat of fusion
the amount of heat required to melt a certain amount of a substance
heat of vaporization
the amount of heat required to vaporize a certain amount of a substance (liquid to gas)
the transfer of heat from one substnace to another through direct contact of the substances' molecules
thermal conductor
a substance that conducts heat well
thermal insulator
a substance that doesn't conduct heat well
heat transfer that occurs in moving fluids caused by the circulation of currents from one region to another
the transfer of energy through space or matter by waves
heat engine
a machine that converts heat energy into mechanical energy in order to do work
the burning of a substance
external combustion engine
a heat engine that burns fuel outside the engine
internal combustion engine
a heat engine that burns fuel inside the engine
spark plug
a device that ignites gasoline-vapor in a gasoline engine
a disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space
any substance through which a wave can travel (solid, liquid or gas)
the ability of a medium to return quickly to its original shape
transverse wave
a wave with a motion that is at a right angle to the direction in which the wave travels (the slinky moving up and down)
longitudinal wave
a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path the wave travels (the long straight slinky)
the highest point of a transverse wave
the lowest point of a transverse wave
the maximum distance a wave vibrates from its rest position
wave height
the distance between the trough and crest
wave length
distance between two crests
the number of complete waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time
the unit used to measure wave frequency
wave period
the time it takes for two successive wave crests to pass a given point
wave speed
the reate at which a wave is traveling
the bouncing back of a wave after it hits a barrier that does not absorb all of its energy
the conversion of a wave's energy into another form of energy, such as heat
the bending of a wave due to a change in the wave's speed as it passes from one medium to another
the bending of a wave around a barrier or through an opening
the effect produced by the combination of two waves
energy produced by an object's vibrations
the most common unit used to measure the intensity of sound
how high or low a sound is
ultrasonic sounds
sounds with frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz (too high to hear)
Doppler effect
the change in the frequency and pitch of a sound caused by the motion of the sound source or the listener
a method using ultrasonic waves to calculate under water distances or locate underwater objects
sound with a pleasing quality, an identifiable pitch, and a repeated timing called rhythm.
what occurs when an object vibrating at or near the natural frequency of a second object causes the second object to vibrate
the quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume
the scientific study of sound
noise pollution
a level of noise that causes irritation, pain, or damage to a part of the body