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14 Cards in this Set

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clear mucous membrane of the eye. components are bulbar conjunctiva (covers anterior of eyeball) and palpebral conjunctiva (lines the eyelids)
Cushings syndrome
pituitary adenoma causes hypercortisolism. Signs are buffalo hump, moon face, central obesity, hirsutism, excess sweating, thinning skin=easy bruising, psychological disturbances.
name the components of the external ear
auricle, canal, tympanic membrane
what are the components of the middle ear?
ossicles- malleus, stapes, incus
what is in the inner ear?
cochlea (vestibular unit)
what is cataracts?
Clouding of the lens
What is macular degeneration?
Damage of the retina causes the macula (outer ring of fovea) to degenerate - leading cause of blindness in adults. Caused by undigested cellular debris, or subretinal hemorrhages of chorioid supplying blood to retina. Poor central vision in elderly
What is glaucoma?
Gradual vision loss from optic nerve damage, loss starts at periphery. Caused by increased IOP (narrow-angle glaucoma) can see change in size, color of optic cup.
What is myopia? How is it adjusted in the otoscope?
impaired far vision (near sightedness) caused by eyeball being too long, or cornea being too curved. (-) dopters
What is hyperopia?
Eyeball is too short, cornea is too flat images are focused behind the retina. "farsightedness" Can't see up close. (+) diopters
What is presbyopia?
Decreased strength in ciliary muscles or elasticity of lens to make the lens curve to focus on close objects. AGE!
What are nystagmus?
fine rhythmic oscillation of eye (on extreme lateral gaze normal)
What is papilledema?
swelling of optic disc and anterior bulging of physiologic cup (increased IOP, meningitis, CVA)
what is PERRLA?
"Pupils are equally round, reactive to light and accomodation"