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36 Cards in this Set

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what are cervical spine tests?
1. Spurlings compression test
2. Distraction test
what is the spurling compression test?

what is the distraction test?
spurling is compression of cervical spine with head laterally rotated and tilted

distraction=head lifted to see if pressure or pain is relieved
what are tests of the shoulder?
*apprehension test (ant instabiility)
*Speeds' test
*Empty can tst
*Gerber lift off
*drop arm
*cross arm test
what is the ant. instability test (apprehension test)

what is it looking for?
abduct shoulder to 90 and externally rotate shoulder while applying ant force on humerus

the test is looking for a feeling of apprehension on the patients resistance to further motion. positive indicates ant instability, labral lesion or bicipital tendonitis
what is the speed's test?

what does it indicate?
speeds is the elbow flexed 30 w/ forearm in supination and arm in about 60 degress of flexion. examiner resists forward flexion of the arm while palpating the pt's biceps tendon over bicipital groove

this test is looking for bicipital tendonitis
what is the empty can test?

what is it looking for?
abduct the shoulder to 90 and bring forward to 45. have pt internally rotate shoulder keeping the elbow fully extended while examiner resists abduction

weakness or pain indicates a tear of supraspinatus muscle or tendon or neuropathy of suprascapular nerve
what is the drop arm test?

what is it looking for?
drop arm is passively abduct arm to 60 and release and ask pt to slowly lower arm in same side arc of movement

positive drop of arm or extremem pain is tear in rotator cuff
what is the cross arm test

what is it testing for?
cross arm test is when pat raises affected arm to 90 degrees and forcible adducts shoulder

test isolates AC joint and indicates AC joint dysfuction
what are tests for the thoracic outlet?

what pulse if felt to assess them?
*Roos test
*Adson maneuver

-the radial pulse is felt
what is the roos test?

what is it looking for?
roos test i when arm is abducted to 45 and brought slightly behind. Pt then opens ans closes the hand x 3 min

looking for pain, numbness, tingling, heaviness or profound weakness that occurs in less than 3 min. positive is for thoracic outlet
what is adson maneuver?
bring arm up and slightly behind. ask pt to look at hand, hyperextend neck and hold breath. a weakneing of disappearance of pulse is positive indicated entrapment of brachial plexus ansd subclavian artery by scalene muscles
what is a test for tennis elbow?
with elbow in full extension make a fist and pronate and extend wrist against resistance.

*pain over lateral epicondyle is positive indicator of lateral humeral epicondylitis
what are tests of the wrist?
*Phalen/Reverse phalen
what is finkelstein test?

what is it testing for?
finkelstein test is when pt makes a fist w/ the thumb inside the fingers then ulnar deviates the wrist

*pain over abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons indicates de Quervains' tenosynovitis
what is the Phalen test?

what is it looking for?
phalen test is when pt puts hand in prayer position and holds x 1 min

*numbness, tingling or pain indicates median n. neuropathy
what is the tinel sign?
tap over volar aspect of wrist at midline of crease w/ pt of reflex hammer

*an electric shock sensation in distribution of median n indicates neuropathy
what are tests for meningitis?
*Brudzinski's test
*kernigs test
what is brudzninski?

what is kernig
brudzinki=supine pt flexes neck into chest and we watch for involuntary flexion of hips and kness

kernigs=pt flexes hip and kness then extends leg. looking for lower back, neck and/or head pain w/ knee extension
what are tests for the lumbar spine?
*Bragards' sign
*Bowstring test
*Hoover test
what is SLR and Bragards?
SLR is examiner flexes hip with knee in full extension until pt complains of pain or tightness

*if pain from 35-70 could indicate nerve root irritation

Bragards is when foot is dorsiflexed from this SLR position
what is the hoover test?

what is it ruling out?
hoover test is pt is supine and examiner places hand under each calcaneus. PT is asked to lift one leg and keep the other knee straight.

*if don't feel a push down with opposite hell against hand then pt is either paralyzed or not trying
*rule out hysteria and paralysis
what are hip and pelvis signs?
*Ortolani's and Bar4lwos'(PEDS)
*FABER test
what is the FABER test?

what does a positive resutl indicate?
FABER is when supine pt hip is flexed, abducted and externally rotated whil heel rests on opposite knee (make a figure 4)

*positive if knee remains above opposite leg for sciatica, sacroiliitis or trochanteric bursitis
what is the trendelenburg test?
pt balances on one leg and instructed to go up and own on toes four or five times

*if ip tilt toward unloaded leg then suspect weak gluteus medius muscle or femoral neck frx

*if pt can't go up and down on toes suspect an S1 nerve root lesion
what is the Gaenslen's test and what is it looking for?
lying on unaffected side the hip and knee are flexed and held to chest while affected leg is hyperextended

*pain is pos test and my indicate sacroiliac joint lesion, hip pathology or an l4 nerve root lesion
what are knee tests?
*patellar glide
*compression test(malacia)
*valgus/varus stress(MCL/LCL)
*Mcmurray's(MMT, LMT)
*Apleys compression(MMT,LMT)
*Pivot shift(ACL)
what is the valgus test?

what is varus test?
valgus=knee in extension and 15 flexion apply pressure to lateral aspect of knee to check MCL

Varus is knee in 30 degrees flexion and apply medial pressure to check LCL
what is mcmurrays
max flex knee and internally rotate tibia. while palpatingjt margin extend knee

*repeat with external rotation of tibia

*snapping or clicking along joint margin indicates a mMMT or LMT
what is lachmans
pt supine with test knee 15 flexed and externally rotated. stabilizeze distal femur and try to pull apart leg from thigh

*pos sign is mushy or soft end feel and suggests ACL injruy
what is drawer test?
flex hip 45 and knee flexed at 90. examiner sits on pt foot and pulls proxiaml tibia forward and pushes backward

*checking for ACL and PCL
what are ankle tests?
*ant drawer
*talar tilt
*thompson test
*morton test
*tinel test
what is ant drawer?
pt lies supine w ankle relaxed. examiner stabilizes tibia and fibula while hold foot in 20 plantar flexion and draws the talus forward

*check for ATFL and/or lateral ligament insufficiencies
what is talar tilt test?
dorsiflex foot

*gapping or rocking of ankle suggets tears of ATFL and CFL
what is thompsons test?
pt prone extend foot off end of table and compress calf muscle

*absence of plantar flexion indicates achilles endon rupture
what is mortions test
*grasp around the metatarsal arch and apply lateral pressure to squeeze the hads of metatarsals together

*pain b/w 2-4 digit that radiates to toes is pos for Moton's neuroma
what is tinel test/
tap inf and post medial malleolus w/ reflex hammer

*paresthesia radiating into foot is positive for tibial nerve damage