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66 Cards in this Set

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In relation to the ribs, where is the inferior tip of the scapula found?
7th rib or interspace
Where is the superior part of the lung found in relation to the clavicle?
2-4 cm above the middle third of the clavicle
Where does the lower part of the lung cross the ribs at the midclavicular line and posteriorly?
midclavicular line = 6th rib, posterior = T10
How can you estimate the oblique fissure in the lungs?
from the T3 spinous process obliquely around the body to th the 6th rib at the midclavicular line
where is the horizontal fissure found in the right lung?
runs along the 4th rib and meets with the oblique fissure at the midaxillary line around the 5th rib
Where does the trachea bifurcate?
at the sternal angle, or T4 spinous process
What part of the lungs is covered by visceral pleurae
outer surface of each lung
What part of the lung is covered by parietal pleurae
inner rib cage and upper surface of the diaphragm
what is the pleural space?
area between the visceral and parietal pleuraes
what is cyanosis and what can it signify?
blue coloration of the skin, signifies hypoxia
a stridor, or a high pitched wheeze in breathing pattern signifies what?
airway obstruction in the larynx or trachea
what does contraction of the sternocleidomastoid during breathing mean?
severe difficulty breathing
what odes a lateral deviation of the trachea midline signify?
pneumothorax(collapsed lung), pleural effusion(fluid in the lungs), or atelectasis(collapsed alveoli
When noting the diameter of the patients chest, what may an increased diameter indicate?
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
during inhilation, what can cause unilateral decrease or delay in chest expansion?
chronic fibrotic disease, pleural effusion, lobar pneumonia, unilateral bronchial obstruction
what can cause a decreased or absent fremitus?
obstructed bronchus, COPD, pleural effusion, pleural thickening, pneumothorax, tumor, or a very thick chest wall
What are vesicular sounds?
soft and low pitched. inspiratory sounds last longer than the expiratory sounds. can be heard over most of the lungs
what are bronchovesicular sounds?
they are intermediate in intensity and pitch, and can be heard equally throughout inspiration and expiration and heard best at the 1st and 2nd interspaces between scapulae
what are tracheal sounds?
they are loud and high pitched with expiration sound lasting longer than inhilation and are heard best over the manubrium
what are tracheal sounds?
very loud and high pitched and heard equally during exhalation and inhilation and heard over the trachea in the neck
What does it mean if specific breathe sounds are heard in locations other than where they are normally heard?
fluid or solid filled instead of air filled
what does a gap indicate in breathe sounds?
bronchial breath sounds
What do crackles in breath sound indicate?
pneumonia, fibrosis, early congenitive heart failure, bronchitis, or bronchiectasis(dilation of bronchi)
what do wheezes suggest in breath sounds?
narrow airways, like asthma, COPD, or bronchitis
What does Rhonchi indicate in breathe sounds?
secretions in large airways
what does abnormal retraction of the lower interspaces during inspiration indicate?
severe asthma, COPD, or upper airway obstruction
when doing forced expiration time, how many seconds indicate obstructive pulmonary diease?
6 seconds
how can you test for a broken rib?
squeeze the chest with one hand on the sternum and the other on the thoracic spine. An increase in local pain suggests a fractured rib
What deformity in the thorax is characterized by a depression in the lower part of the sternum
a funnel chest. compression of the heart and great vessels may cause murmurs
what deformity of the thorax is recognized as an increased anterioposterior diameter?
Barrel chest. Normal in infants and COPD
Waht deformity of the thorax is recognized by a sternum displaced anteriorly causing the adjacent costal cartilage to to be depressed?
pigeon chest
what deformity of the thorax is recognized by an indention during inspiration?
traumatic flail chest
what deformity of the thorax is recognized by an abnormal spinal curvature
thoracic kyphoscoliosis
what abnormality is characterized by moist, often malodorous, and result from the human papillomaviras?
venereal warts
what abnormality is characterized by a cluster of small vescicles, with painful nonindurated ulcers on red bases, usually worst the first time.
genital herpes
what abnormality is characterized by an oval or round, dark red, painless erosion or ulcer with an indurated base, usually associated with large inguinal lymph nodes, and are infectious, and can be painful with a secondary infection?
syphilitic chancre
what abnormality is characterized as a congenital displacement of the urethral meatus to the inferior surface of the penis?
what abnormality is characterized as a palpable non tender, hard plaque found just beneath the skin, usually at the dorsum of the penis? Often associated with crooked and painful erections
peyronie's diseaese
what abnormality is normally only found in men that are not uncircumsized, and is an indurated nodule or ulcer that is not tender.
carcinoma of the penis
what are firm yellowish, non-tender, cutaneous cysts that are common and usually multiple?
epidermoid cysts
what abnormality is characterized as a nontender fluid-filled mass within the tunica vaginalis that you can get the fingers above in the scrotum?
what type of hernia is normally found with the scrotum?
indirect inguinal hernia
what abnormality is generally seen with congestive heart failure or nepgrotic syndrome, and causes pitted edema?
scrotal edema
what abnormality is characterized by atrophied testis that may be in the inguinal canal or abdomen, which raises the risk for testicular cancer
what can cirrhosis, myotonic dystrophy, use of estrogens, and hypopituitarism do to the testis
cause small testis
what abnormality is characterized by inflamed, painful, tender, and swollen testes, and is seen in viral infections such as mumps, and is usually unilateral
acute orchitis
charcteristics of an indirect hernia?
more common in children, exits the internal inguinal ring, often courses into the scrotum
characteristics of a direct hernia?
usually in men over 40. exits through the external inguinal ring, rarely enters scrotum,
what abnormality is characteristic of a small firm round cystic nodule in the labia that are yellowish in color?
epimeroid cyst
what abnormality is characterized by a firm painless ulcer that normally develop internally and go undetected?
syphillitic chancre
what anomoly is characterized by shallow, small painful ulcers on red bases, with the initial infection being very extensive?
genital herpes
what anomoly is characterized by warty lesion on the labia and within the vestibule that results from infection with human papillomavirus
vereneal warts
what is the difference between primary and secondary syphillis with females?
secondary syphillis has raised round or oval papules with gray exudate and they are highly contagious
what can indicate vulvar carcinoma?
reaised red vulvar lesion in an elderly woman
what is the difference between a cystocele and a cystourethrocele?
cystocele is a bulge of the upper 2/3 of the anterior vaginal wall. The other is when the entire anterior vaginal wall and urethra and bladder are involved in the bulge.
what anomolly is characterized by a swollen red ring around the urethral meatus and usually occurs before menarche or after menopause?
prolapse of the urethral mucosa
what can lead to a bartholin's gland infection
trauma, gonococci anaerobes, and chlamydia trachomatis. It is also charcaterized by pus coming out the ducts
what is a rectocele?
herniation of the rectum into teh posterior wall of the vagina
what is mucopurulent cervictis?
when the cervical os produces a purulent yellow drainage as a result of infection with chlamydia trachomatis, gonnerrhea, or herpes
what increases the risk for cervical cancer?
early frequent intercourse, multiple partners, smoking, and infected with human papillomavirus
what are the abnormalites that can be seen in a fetuswhen the mother took DES?
columnar epithelium covering the cervix, vaginal adenosis, and a circular collar or ridge of tissue between the cervix and vagina
how can you tell the difference between cysts and tumors in the ovaries?
cysts tend to be smooth and compressible, tumors are more solid and often nodular. cysts in young girls is common and they normally dissapear at the next menstrual cycle
What is pelvic inflammatory disease?
sexually transmitted infection of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. It is caused by gonnerhea, chlamydia, and can lead to infertility.
What 3 lung disorders will cause a shift in the trachea?
atelectasis (toward same side), pleural effusion (opposite side), pneumothorax (opposite side)
what lung disorder would you expect to see an increase in tactile fremitus and transmitted voice sounds?
consolidation, seen in pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary hemorrhage
What 2 lung disorders usually cause late inspiratory crackles
chronic bronchitis, and early left sided heart failure