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15 Cards in this Set

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What age is a newborn's visual acuity close to normal adults?
6 months
In terms of hearing, newborns are only slightly less sensitve to ______ than adults and auditory ____ is evident following birth but seems to go away b/n 2 nd 4 mths and then improves during the rest of 1st year.
sound intensity
While the lower centers of the brain are sufficiently developed at birth to control life maintaining reflexes, the ______ is almost completley undeveloped.
cerebral cortex
At age 30 the brain begins to shrink as a result of
By age ______, about 50% of children use the toilet during the day; by age ________ most children are completely toilet-trained.
2 years,
3 years
Beginning in adolescence, the disparity b/n boys and girls widen in terms of
According to Piaget, adaptation reflects two complentary processes: ______ involves incorporating new info into existing schemas, while __________ entails modifying existing schemas to incorporate new information
assimilation and accomodation
Piaget distinguished b/nn 4 stages of development that occur in an invariant sequence: During the _______ stage, thought is based on action. A major accomplishment of this stage is the development of ________ permanence
object relation
Piaget's preoperational stage begins with the emergence of the ________ (representational thought), which enables a child to use a symbol, object, gesture or word to stand for something.
semiotic function
Children in Piaget's stage are capable of mental operations such as reversibility and decentration, which underlie the ability to __________.
concrete operational
Finally, Piaget's _________ stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, relativistically, and hypothetically.
formal operations
The information processing approach also views cognitive development as a function of both __________and experience but focuses more on specific cognitive processes and views cognitive ability as ________________
Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of the zone of __________, while Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory describes cognitive development as involving interactions at four levels: microsystem, _________, exosystem and macrosystem.
proximal development

the face2face relationships between the personn and immediate environment
the interrelationships between the major settings in which the person participates

composed of social structures that impinge upon or encompass the person's immediate settings
refers to the ideologies, customs, values and so on of the person's culture and subculture.