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83 Cards in this Set

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Why does auscultation preceed percussion and palpation in the abdominal exam?
Because these 2 techniques can alter motility of the bowek and heighten bowel sounds
What causes assymetry in the shape/contour of the abdomen?
pregnancy, masses, obstruction, and increased fluid.
sunken (dehydration) shape/contour of the abdomen
Protruding shape/contour of the abdomen- from pregnancy, rapid weight gain, or large weight loss
stretch marks. May be silvery, or red after weight loss. Due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain, or large weight loss.
Inspect Umbilicas
note contour, location, and signs of inflammation or hernia (umbilical hernia protrudes through the umbilicus)
Inspect shape/contour of abdomen
Is it:
Inspect skin (abdomen) for:
Auscultate abdomen techniques:
Listen in all 4 quadrants
Note frequency and character of bowel sounds
Listen for bruits
Liver and spleen for friction rubs
What do bowel sounds sound like and how often do they occur?
High pitched gurgling sounds
Occur every 5 to 15 seconds and range from 5-30 per minute
Normal bowel sounds
5-30 per minute
Hypoactive bowel sounds
less than 5
Hyperactive bowel sounds
greater than 30
hyperactive bowel sounds
stomach growling
What causes absence of bowel sounds?
decreased intestinal motility, paralytic ileus, late bowel obstruction, peritonitis, and appendicitis. also in patients who have had surgery in the past 24 hours.
Friction rubs
abnormal rough grating sound (like 2 pieces of leather rubbing together)
usually heard over the liver and spleen and can possibly indicate infection, inflammation, and malignancy
abnormal "purring" sound; likely to be heard over the abdominal aorta or renal arteries with the bell of the stethoscope. auscultate renal arteries, iliac arteries, and aorta for bruits
Venous hum
a continuous medium pitched sound auscultated in the epigastric and umbilical area. may indicate hepatic cirrhosis
What 3 things do you percuss in the abdomen?
Stomach-Gastric air bubble (for tympany)
Where do you percuss the stomach?
located at the left 6th-7th rib
The liver width is greater in ____ and ____
1. men
2. tall individuals
What should percussing the spleen sound like? What would dullness indicate?
1. tympanic
2. the spleen is enlarged
What 3 things do you lightly palpate for?
Muscular resistance
Abdominal tenderness
Superficial organs and masses
What 6 things do you deeply palpate for?
tender areas
If mass is discovered, note these 6 characteristics:
consistency (soft, firm, hard)
Spleen must be ___ times its normal size to be palpated
When palpating the aorta, a prominent pulsation with lateral expansion suggests ____
aortic aneurysm
Superficial reflexes in abdomen
upper abdominal reflexes
lower abdominal reflexes
cremastic reflex
Inspect upper extremeties for:
size and symmetry
color and texture of skin and nailbeds
venous pattern
normal nail bed angle
160 degree angle between fingernail and nail base
Shamroth technique
place first phalanges of each finger together and assess for diamond-shaped space between
normal capillary refill
2 seconds or less
sluggish capillary refill
3-4 seconds
abnormal capillary refill
>4 seconds
prominence in venous pattern and edema may suggest ____ ____
venous obstruction
Impaired circulation to extremety may be judged by:
skin color
skin temperature
peripheral pulse
blanching nail beds
peripheral edema
edema in interstitial fluid causes area to appear:
swollen, shiny, and taut
dependent edema
found in areas of dependence such as feet in erect individual and sacrum in bedfast client
peripheral edema
feet, hands
pitting edema
press your finger into edematous area for 2-3 seconds and note the depth of indentation
Grades of pitting edema: 1+
slight pit, normal contour
Grades of pitting edema: 2+
deeper pit, fairly normal contour
Grades of pitting edema: 3+
puffy, appearance of deeper pit
Grades of pitting edema: 4+
extremely deep pit, definately swollen
generalized edema- massive edema.
Example is in renal disease where fluid retention continues over an extended period of time
pulmonary edema
fluid accumulation in lungs due to imbalanced capillary dynamics
cerebral edema
fluid within the brain
pulmonary edema
fluid accumulation in lungs due to imbalanced capillary dynamics
cerebral edema
fluid within the brain
What do you auscultate the upper extremeties for?
bruits on the brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries
what does enlargement of the epitrochlear lymph nodes mean?
infection of the hand and forearm
What do you do if you can palpate the epitrochlear lymph node?
note size, consistency, & tenderness. Should be very difficult to palpate, shouldn't be enlarged.
What do you palpate the upper extremeties for?
rate, rhythm, and quality of the brachial, radial, and ulnar pulses
Deep tendon reflexes
elicited by tapping a tendon
superficial/cutaneous reflexes
obtained by stimulating the skin
pathological reflexes
usually present only in disease
reflexes grading scale:
4+ brisk, hyperactive, clonus

3+ more brisk than norma, not necessarily indicitave of disease

2+ normal

1+ no response
normal response of the triceps reflex
palpable extension of the elbow
normal response of the supinator or brachioradialis
flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm
loss of hair on the lower extremeties indicates early signs of:
peripheral arterial disease or arterial insufficiency
to assess for arterial insufficiency in the lower extremeties, use:
the 3 P's:
Pain (intermittent



*A client will have pain, decreased/absent peripheral pulses, pale skin color, cool skin temperature, mild edema, thin, shiny skin, loss of hair over the feet and toes, thickened nails. Ulcers may or may not be present
intermittent quadication
pain in legs
Homan's sign indicates
deep vein phlebitis/thrombosis
normal response of the knee reflex
leg extends, quadriceps contract
normal response of the ankle reflex
plantar flexion
Normal response of the babinski reflex
toes flex or remain still.

*Toes should not fan out, except on an infant
Tandem walking
heel-to-toe walking
Romberg test
-test for sensory equilibrium
-normal- slight swaying
-abnormal- loss of balance
A positive Romberg test indicates
cerebellar ataxia or vestibular dysfunction
Muscle strength scale
0 no movement at all
1 muscle contracts but extremety cannot move (you wil see muscle twitch)
2 extremety can move, but not against gravity
3 full range of motion against gravity only, not against resistamce
4 full range of motion against moderate resistance and gravity
5 normal movement against gravity and resistance
abnormal response to finger to finger or finger to nose test
cerebellar disease
Loss of sensation and an abnormal position test response indicates
peripheral neuropathy, alcoholism, and vitamin B12 deficiency
tactile agnosia
abnormal response to stereognosis test- inability to recognize objects by touch, may indicate a parietal lobe lesion
number identification
tongue minimal distance for two-point discrimination
fingertips minimal distance for two-point discrimination
toes minimal distance for two-point discrimination
palms of hands minimal distance for two-point discrimination
chest and forearms minimal distance for two-point discrimination
back minimal distance for two-point discrimination
upper arm and thighs minimal distance for two-point discrimination
Meningeal signs
brudzinki's sign
kernig's sign
a __ bruzinski's sign and a __ kernig's sign indicates disc disease