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80 Cards in this Set

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olfactory - sense of smell.
optic - vision
Oculomotor - eye movements. Regulation of size of pupil.
Troclear - superior oblique muscle of the eye
CN - V
Trigeminal - general sensation of the head and face. Chewing movements. Proprioception.
Trauma which results in skull fracture, tumors and facial surgery may all result in disturbance of peripheral branches of the sensory component of CN ____. This presents as a decrease in sensation to the area served by the peripheral nerve. ________________ results in pain in the lips, gums, cheek or chin without sensory loss. It is generally idiopathic but may be caused by demyelinative plaque, zoster, or tumor.
CN V - trigeminal

Trigeminal neuralgia
_____________ (lesions of the motor branch of CN V) is caused by tumors of middle cranial fossa, schwannomas of CN V or lesions in cavernous sinus. This leads to asymmetry of jaw on opening or weakness with mastication.
Trigeminal Neuropathy
these cranial nerves give us a view of the midbrain
3 and 4
Cranial nerves _________ are located in the pons and give us a view of this level of the brainstem.
5, 6, 7, 8
This cranial nerve innervates the lateral rectus for eye abduction.
The muscular innervation of CN _____ is tested by first observing the patient's face while at rest, specifically looking for nasolabial fold flattening or drooping of the corner of the mouth. The patient is then asked to raise eyebrows, wrinkle forehead, show teeth, puff out cheeks and close eyes tight (while examiner attempts to open eyes). Any weakness or asymmetry may indicate a lesion in the facial nerve.
CN VII - facial
Vestibulocochlear - balance, equilibrium, hearing.
Cranial Nerve ______ is tested by assessing gross hearing. This can be done by simply talking to the patient or determining if patient can hear sound of fingers rubbing together by ears
Cranial Nerve ____is tested with CN ___ by having patient say "Ah" and looking for symmetrical elevation of palate or by testing the gag reflex.
9 - glossopharyngeal and 10 - Vegas
Glossopharyngeal - sensations of the tongue, swallowing movements, secretion of saliva, aid in reflex control of blood pressure and respiration
Glossopharyngeal - sensations of the tongue, swallowing movements, secretion of saliva, aid in reflex control of blood pressure and respiration
Vegas - Sensation and movements of organs supplied - slows heart, increases peristalsis, contracts muscles for voice production.
This nerve is tested by first observing the patient for atrophy or fasciculation in the trapezius muscles, shoulder drooping or displacement of the scapula. The patient is then instructed to turn head and shrug shoulders against resistance. Weakness in turning head in one direction indicates problem in contralateral CN ___, while weakness in shoulder shrug indicates ipsilateral CN _____ lesion .
XI - Accessory
Accessory - Trapezius and SCM. Shoulder movements, turning head, movements of viscera, voice production.
Accessory - Trapezius and SCM. Shoulder movements, turning head, movements of viscera, voice production.
CN ___ is in charge of parasympathetic
CN10 vegus
hypoglossal - tongue movements.
This nerve is tested by first observing the tongue (while in floor of mouth) for fasciculations. If present, fasciculations may indicate peripheral CN___ dysfunction. Next, the patient is asked to protrude tongue and move tongue in all directions.
Extraocular movements are tested by having patient follow examiner's finger throughout 360° range. CN ____?
CN III - Oculomotor - eye movement
The pupillary light reflex tests for both CN ___ and CN ____.
Cranial Nerve ______ is tested by assessing facial sensation to light touch and pain on the forehead (V1), cheeks (V2) and chin (V3)
5 - facial
The corneal reflex tests for both CN ___ and CN ____.
5 (trigeminal) and 7 (facial)
A ________ is a change in the color of the skin. It is flat, if you were to close your eyes and run your fingers over the surface, you could not detect it.
A macule greater than 1 cm. may be referred to as a _____________.
Freckles are considered _________
Describe a papule
1. Solid raised lesion
2. Distinct Borders
3. less than 1 cm in diameter
***Papules may have a variety of shapes in profile (domed, flat-topped, umbilicated) and may be associated with secondary features such as crusts or scales
A ____________ is a solid raised lesion with distinct borders and
Is less than 1 cm in diameter.

They may have a variety of shapes in profile (domed, flat-topped, umbilicated) and may be associated with secondary features such as crusts or scales.
_____________ lesions are
raised and scaly.
_________ is a raised solid lesion
more than 1 cm. It may in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous tissue.
Describe a nodule
_________ is a raised solid lesion
more than 1 cm. It may in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous tissue.
A ________ is a solid, raised, flat-topped lesion greater than 1 cm. in diameter. It is analogous to the geological formation, the plateau.
___________are raised lesions less than 1 cm. in diameter that are filled with clear fluid.
__________ are circumscribed fluid-filled lesions that are greater than 1 cm. in diameter.
___________ are circumscribed elevated lesions that contain pus. They are most commonly infected
A ________ is an area of edema in the upper epidermis.

Ex. Hives
__________ are linear lesions produced by infestation of the skin and formation of tunnels (e.g., with infestation by the scabitic mite or by cutaneous larva migrans).
Brown to gray pigmented, papillomatous-keratotic skin lesions. Changes develop predominantly at the neck, axillae, and cubital fossae, with occasional involvement of mucous membranes.
Acanthosis Nigricans (pre daibetic lesion)
Seldom metastasizes
Local invasion and destruction
Nodular, cicatricial (scaring), morphaic (ameba like), and erythematoid
>age 40 (95%); hair-bearing skin, most commonly on sun-exposed areas (H&N-85%)
Basal Cell Carcinoma
An infection of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue that consists of a cluster of boils. Commonly, the causative agent is STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS.
Produce fever, leukocytosis, extreme pain, and prostration.
Acute benign self- limiting
scaly papular skin eruption
salmon-coloured maculopapular lesions. The long axis is paralle to the line of the cleavage.
Affects chiefly the trunk, and the course is often self-limited.
Pityriasis Rosea
Small, reddish papules surmounted by fine scales and progress to patches or plaques that measure from one to several centimetres or more in diameter.

Central portions of the patches may heal so that annular, gyrate or circinate figures may be produced.
Nail changes are present in 25 - 50 per cent of patients with psoriasis.
Characteristic nail changes include:
1. pitting
2. discolouration
3. subungual hyperkeratosis,
4. crumbling of the nail plate
5. onycholysis (separation of the nail plate from the nail bed).
Acquired koilonychia may be associated with __________. The nails take a long time to return to normal.
Iron Xu Anemia
Most common telangiectasia characterized by a vascular, occasionally elevated, central body with symmetrically radiating thin branches, the central vessel being an arteriole.

It occurs mainly on the face, neck, upper trunk, and hands. LIVER DISEASE (cirosis),
spider nevus
____________ are small derogative blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, measuring between 0.5 and 1 millimeter in diameter. They can develop anywhere on the body but are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks, and chin. They can also develop on the legs, specifically on the upper thigh, below the knee joint, and around the ankles
_________ Pox are angry looking and mostly on the trunk?
Small pox
__________ Pox start on the limbs.
Burn in which only the outer layer of skin is burned. The skin is usually red, with swelling and pain sometimes present. The outer layer of skin hasn't been burned through.
1st degree
Burns involving the entire epidermis
erythema and blistering
moist with exudates.
Hypertrophic scarring and postinflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation may occur.
2nd degree
Burns that involve all layers of the skin and cause permanent tissue damage. Fat, muscle and even bone may be affected. Areas may be charred black or appear dry and white.
3rd degree
Tension and Migraine headaches are the most common recurring headaches
Tension headaches arise in the ________
temporal area
cluster headaches may be _______?
changing or progressively severe headaches increase the likelihood of ___________
tumor, absess or mass lesion
extremely severe headaches suggest
subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis
nausea and vomiting often occur with migraine but may also present with __________
brain tumor and subarachnoid hemorrhage
coughing, sneezing or changing head position may have an effect on a headache. An increase in pain due to such maneuvers may be due to
acute sinusitis or brain tumor
change in vision can be due to refractive errors or ____________
sudden visual loss suggests
retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, or occlusion of the central retinal artery
difficult with close work =
hyperopia = farsighted or presbyopia = aging vision
difficult with far off work =
nearsighted = myopia
Seeing flashing lights and floaters suggests?
detachment of vitreous from retina. see doctor asap
___________ loss leads to difficulty understanding speech. Noisy environments worsen hearing.
sensorineural loss.
In _________ hearing loss, noisy environments lake it better.
conductive loss
otitis media is associated with
middle ear and respiratory infection
When associated with hearing loss and vertigo, Tinnitas suggests ___________
Menier's disease
Fever, pharyngeal exudates, and anterior cervical lymphadenopathy - especially without cough - suggests?
strep throat -
hoarseness may arise from
Thyroid function - Cold intolerance is related to?
Thyroid function: heat intolerance, palpitation and involuntary weight loss
Presentation - localized vesicles and bullae on erythematous skin, lichenified plaques
contact dermatitis
Carbuncles produce _______ ?
fever, leukocytosis, extreme pain, and prostration.
Hard or bony swellings that can develop in the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP) (the joints closest to the end of the fingers and toes) They are a sign of osteoarthritis and are caused by formation of osteophytes (calcific spurs) of the articular (joint) cartilage in response to repeated trauma at the joint.
Herberden's nodes
freckles are also called