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30 Cards in this Set

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aspects of the aging skin

our skin is the largest organ in our body.

Epidermis- thins, making blood vessels and bruises more visible

dermis- losing 20% thickness with aging

collagen decreases

hypodermis-fat decreases

physical aspects of the aging skin

age or liver spots are visible from sun exposure

fat decreased- causing wrinkles, & sagging skin

skin produces less oil and moisture

sweat production reduces causing altered body temperature

changes in the skin can cause numerous problems for the elderly........

increase for




decrease in wound healing

average temp is 35.5 - 36.1- so many wear sweaters and keep homes warm

how to promote healthy skin while aging

avoid excess exposure to uv light

avoid using drying soaps (use low ph soaps)

apply moisturizer to damp skin after bathing

always use sunscreen

keep hydrated

use humidifier in winter

hair with older adult

more hair in ears

more hair in nose

older woman may develop chin hair & facial hair

age spots and wrinkles

baldness impacts men


harder & thicker

change shape and flat or concave

nail growth rate decreases

need to ensure proper foot care


"poverty of the flesh"

loss of skeletal muscle mass & strength

structure, posture & body composition with the older adult

vertebral discs become thin, causing shortening of the trunk


body shape and weight change becoming lean

reduced bone density


brittle & break easily

osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density

biggest complaint of seniors

no stamina or strength to play 9 holes of golf etc......

cardio vascular system in the aging adult

like a garden hose in the winter=build up gets stiff and hard

max artery blood flow, stroke volume, and cardiac output are decreased

more prone to arrhythmias and orthostatic


blood vessels

Most significant change is decreased elasticity & recoil

Blood supply to various organs decreases

Peripheral resistance increases

decreased perfusion of liver and kidneys


biggest problem=cigarette & toxins

loss of elastic recoil

stiffening of chest walls

inefficiency in gas exchange

increased resistance to air flow

decreased cough & gag reflex

renal system

blood flow thru kidneys decrease

loss of as many as 50% of nephrons

decrease in size & function in the kidney cortex

urine creatinine declines

Endocrine system (Pancreas and Thyroid Gland)

Pancreas: tissues of the body often develop decrease sensitivity to insulin

Thyroid gland: some atrophy, fibrosis, inflammation occurs

diminished secretion of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine,


teeth loose enamel

tooth root become more brittle

teeth break more easily

gums more susceptible to periodontal disease

salivary secretion decreases

less efficient chewing

dry mouth

lose taste buds

lose taste sensation


contractions increase in frequency, less effective

aspiration & pneumonia increases




decreased gastric motility and volume

Reduction in secretion of bicarbonate and gastric mucus

Decreased production of intrinsic factor

More susceptible to peptic ulcer

Fats not tolerated well

Increase in stomach acids

accessory organs

liver decreases in volume and weight

impaired medication metabolism in the liver

gallstones increase

gas goes up

changes in the brain with aging

Central Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

Central Nervous System:

dendrites wear out

# of neurons decrease

decrease brain weight

after age 20, 10,000 brain cells are lost daily

Peripheral Nervous System:

Tactile sensitivity decreases in connection with loss of nerve endings in skin

eye and vision changes

eyelids loose elasticity

cornea becomes flatter, less smooth, thicker, & duller in appearance

color clarity diminishes

retina has less distinct margins

ear & hearing

auricle looses flexibility becomes larger and wider

lobes sag, elongate, & wrinkle

wax build up*****

stiffer more course hair in ear canal

stapes develop calcification

decrease in vestibular sensitivity

conduction & sensory neural hearing loss

promoting healthy digestion

good oral hygiene

wear proper fitting dentures

eat meals in relaxed atmosphere

provide time for reflux

respond to urge to defecate

avoid immobility

avoid tobacco products

chronic illness

a condition lasts 3 months to a year or more & requires ongoing medical attention, limits activities of daily living

top chronic illnesses in Canada




acute illness & name some examples

occurs sudden without warning



hip fracture


prevention of chronic illnesses

healthy lifestyle

early detection

manage risk factors

*improved diet


*medical treatment

*not smoking

key strategies for improving the health of older people

1. healthy life style

2. injury prevention (hip protector)

3. delivery of culturally appropriate

4. immunization

5. self managed techniques for those with chronic illness

5 C's

competence (ability & nursing skills)

compassion (sensitivity to pain for patient)

conscience (moral awareness)

commitment (stay with person on the journey)

confidence (trust nurse)

maximize wellness of chronic illness

holistic care-

managed care

case management

disease management

care co-ordination
