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150 Cards in this Set

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The two major types of symptoms noted in schizophrenia include

positive symptoms and negative symptoms

A person who believes that others are plotting against them is most likely suffering from a delusion of



are beliefs that are contrary to fact

The fact that the odds that a child born to two schizophrenic parents will become schizophrenic is less than 50 percent suggests that

schizophrenia is not produced by a single gene

With regard to the genetic basis of schizophrenia

genes impart a susceptibility to develop schizophrenia

The risk of a child developing schizophrenia is increased by

paternal age

The dopamine schizophrenia hypothesis is supported by the finding that

dopamine antagonist relieve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Which of the issues below are serious problems for the use of antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia?

These drugs may reverse the positive but not the negative symptoms

Clozapine is referred to as an "atypical" anti schizophrenic drug because it

can reverse schizophrenic symptoms without production the motor disorder tardive dyskinesia

An example of a neurological symptom evident in schizophrenia would be

Having poor problem solving and problems in learning and memory

Which of the following supports the contention that schizophrenia is associated with brain damage?

The size of the lateral ventricles increases in schizophrenic patients.

Which of the following is true of the seasonality effect

the seasonality effect rarely occurs in rural settings

The risk of a person developing schizophrenia is higher for a person

born in a northern latitude during the late winter months

A key prediction of the viral hypothesis of schizophrenia is that

children born a few months after a flu outbreak are more likely to develop schizophrenia

Complications of prenatal development and delivery are more likely to result in

early-onset schizophrenia

The likelihood of developing schizophrenia increases to 31 percent for a person with _______ and _______

a family history of schizophrenia; physical anomalies

The majority of schizophrenia cases will develop between the ages of


Ketamine is used as an anesthetic in children but not adults because

adults but not children experience an episode of psychosis when recovering from ketamine anesthesia

The major affective disorders are also known as

mood disorders

Episodes of mania are characterized by

intense euphoria

Alternating episodes of elation and sadness are referred to as

bipolar disorder

Susceptibility to develop affective disorder is most strongly associated with

specific chromosomes linked to sleep and circadian rhythms

Lithium is an effective treatment for ______ but not ________

bipolar disorder; unipolar depression

The ability of fluoxetine (Prozac) to function as an effective treatment for ____ is related to its capacity to _______

depression and obsessive-sumpulsive disorder; block serotonin reuptake

The mood disorder characterized by depression, lethargy, sleep disturbances. craving for carbohydrates, and weight gain is called

seasonal affective disorder

A key characteristic of anxiety disorders is

the presence of unfounded feelings of fear and dread

Recurring attacks of acute and debilitating anxiety are a primary symptom of

panic disorder

Which of the following is a trigger for inducing a panic attack

injection of lattice acid

A person who cannot control his or her anxiety will exhibit

an increase in neuronal activity within the amygdala

A problem for using benzodiazepine drugs as long-term anxiety treatment is that these drugs

cause sedation

An obsession is a ______. while a compulsion is a ____

thought; behavior

Although obsessions are seen in schizophrenia and in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a person with OCD

is aware of the obsession and would like it to stop

Deep brain stimulation of the ____ is partially effective in treating ____

sub thalamic nucleus; OCD

The specific compulsion known as ____ involves hair pulling


The childhood disorder known as autism

includes affective, cognitive, and behavioral abnormalities

____ is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves deficient social interactions, stereotyped behavior, and obsessive interest in a narrow field

Reit's syndrome

A general finding is that the brains of autistic children exhibit

enlarged brain size

A persistent difficulty in concentrating, remaining still, and working on a task are the key characteristics of

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

The observation that ____ is an effective treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggests that ADHD results from ____

methylphenidate; under stimulation of dopamine transmission

A situation or stimulus in the environment that is perceived as being threatening or aversive is deemed to be

a stressor

Prolonged stress can result in cardiovascular disease because

stress can increase blood pressure

A person who has been subjected to long-term stress

is more likely to suffer poorer health later in life

Long-term exposure to steroids can result in

reduced blood pressure

Intense feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror are key symptoms of

post traumatic stress disorder

Which of the following is true to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Women are more likely than men to develop PTSD

A person with ____ who is exposed to a trim is more likely to develop post traumatic stress disorder

a past history of trauma

____ refers to the study of the interactions among the nervous system, the immune system, and environmental stimuli


The immune system develops ____ through exposure to ____

antibodies; antigens

The primary means by which the immune system defense agains invading organisms is to

generate antibodies that bind to and kill a foreign cell

The key role of immunoglobulins in immune functions is to

bind to antigens on the membrane of a foreign cell

Which of the following is a known negative consequence of alcohol addiction?

fetal alcohol syndrome

Which of the following is an adverse consequence of the use of "designer drugs"?

toxic consequences of drug adulteration

Your text suggests that ____ is the most universally used recreational drug

ethyl alcohol

The use of ___ by pregnant women leads to reduced birth weight.

nicotine in tobacco

Drugs are reinforcing when

they rapidly activate the reinforcement mechanism

The drug ___ is an agonist at CB1 receptors.


The drug ___ blocks reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.


Match up the correct pairing of a drug with its site of action:

amphetamine; release of dopamine

the key property of addictive drugs relates to

their rapid reinforcing effects

Which of the following is an explanation of why drug addicts prefer heroin over morphine?

heroin exerts effects on the brain faster than does morphine

Micro dialysis studies indicate that administration of ___ will enhance extracellular dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens.

alcohol, PCP, or amphetamine

Which of the following is true of the neural substrates of reinforecement?

release of dopamine within the accumbent is a necessary condition for reinforcement

Early changes in the brain during exposure to addictive drugs involves the insertion of ___ receptors into neuron membranes located within the ___.


Activation of neurons within the ___ during repeated drug injection appears to play a key role in the compulsive nature of drug abuse

dorsal striatum

Volkow and colleagues, using an imaging technique, reported that release of dopamine in the ___ was increased by human exposure to drug-associated cues.

dorsal striatum

persons in the ___ age group are most likely to develop drug addiction


Infusions of the neuropeptide ___ into the ___ reinstates drug taking that was previously extinguished

orexin; VTA

Which of the following illustrates the concept of craving

an injection of cocaine reinstates responding for intravenous cocaine in a rat that underwent extinction of cocaine responding

the ___ plays a key role in the extinction of drug responding

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Which of the following situations would be likely to induce the greatest craving in an alcoholic

sitting is his or her favorite bar during happy hour

Imaging studies suggest that the activity of the ___ is inversely proportional to the amount of cocaine that users take each week

medial prefrontal cortex

a rat is trained to self-administer cocaine. Saline is substituted for the cocaine solution, which results in extinction of responding. In this situation, the capacity for a "free" shot of cocaine to reinstate responding for cocaine can be blocked by

injection of AMPA into the ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Long-term drug use can result in

structural abnormalities of the prefrontal cortex

an important comorbidity of schizophrenia is

substance abuse disorder

a common factor that promotes relapse in recovered drug addicts is

the experience of stress

the drug ___ is unique in that is will NOT support addiction


Which of the following drugs is addictive in humans but dos not harm health or induce intoxication


the analgesic effect of opiates is due to activation of neurons within the

periaqueductal gray matter

Opiate receptors in the ___ are responsible for the sedation accused by opiate drugs

mesencephalic reticular formation

Rats are made dependent on morphine and then given an injection of naloxone while housed in a novel cage. You would expect these rats to express

an aversion to the cage in which naloxone caused withdrawal

cocaine and amphetamine

may cause psychotic behavior and resembles schizophrenia

the behavioral effects of amphetamine are due to

its ability to directly release dopamine from the terminal buttons

which of the following statements about the effects of cocaine in laboratory animals are true

rats that self-injected cocaine were three times more likely to die from an overdose than rats who self-injected heroin

chronic abuse of methamphetamine reduces the number of dopamine transporters in the brain, which may explain why these addicts

are more prone to develop parkinson's disease as they age

which of the following may explain why smokers obtain more pleasure from smoking in the morning than late in the afternoon

abstinence from nicotine has reset their nicotine receptors to the closed state

the drug rimonabant

diminishes craving for smoking during smoking cessation

patients who suffered damage to their ___ were able to effortlessly quit smoking


at low does, alcohol

has an anxiolytic effect

use of ___ by pregnant women is the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States


the analytic effects of alcohol may be due to

increased sensitivity of GABA receptors

administration of haloperidol to a person before he or she consumed alcohol would be expected to

decrease his or her alcohol consumption

imagine that a friend has ingested a drug that prevents alcohol from binding to the GABA receptor and then joins up with you at a bar. Which of the following would you expect to happen to this person?

he or she would show no signs of sedation, even after 19 beers

the chemical cannabidiol is a component of marijuana that

has antipsychotic effects

research on the genetics of drug dependence indicates that

alcoholism and smoking share common genetic factors

according to the research of Goldman and colleagues, the heritability of ___ is highest while that of ___ is lowest.

cocaine; hallucinogens

susceptibility to alcoholism is most likely linked to variability in

reactivity to environment stressors

the drug ___ is useful for the treatment of opiate overdose


a major difficulty for the treatment of opiate addiction is that antagonists for the opiate receptors

produce craving for the opiate

a possible treatment for cocaine addiction involving the immune system would be to administer

antibodies to cocaine

the drug ___ is able to act a s a substitute for heroin but has low abuse potential because it has a slow onset of and duration of action


A ___ is a mass of cells whose growth is uncontrolled and that serves no useful function in the body.


Which of the following is true of a benign brain tumor

benign tumors are encapsulated

The key characteristic of a malignant tumor is that such a tumor

can give off cancerous cells that in turn reach distant sites

Malignant brain tumors are deadly because such tumors

give off cells that travel to other body areas and result in new tumors

Malignant brain tumors directly damage brain tissue by

compression and infiltration

___is characterized by periodic bouts of abnormally high excitation of cerebral neurons

Seizure disorder

A convulsion occurs when a seizure

involves the motor cortex

In contrast to simple partial seizures, complex partial seizures involve

a loss of consciousness

During the ___ of a grand mal seizure, the person experiences ___

a tonic phase; contraction of all skeletal muscles

The ___ seizure disorder is often seen in children and is characterized by a spell of absence

petit mal

A person who has a series of seizures without regaining consciousness would be classified as having

status epilepticus

The most common cause of seizure disorder is

scarring produced by damage within the brain

Hemorrhagic strokes cause brain damage by

exerting pressure on surrounding tissue

Removal of brain tissue in or around a seizure focus

can improve psychological functioning

The mode of action for most anticonvulsant drugs involves

enhancing the effectiveness of inhibitory synapses in the brain

Prolonged interruption of the blood supply to a region of the brain results in


An ischemic stroke involves ___ within the brain

obstruction of blood flow

Which of the following is true regarding strokes

the risk of stroke increases with age

A 50-year-old man has experienced a major stroke caused by a thrombus that occluded brain blood vessels. To prevent the occurrence of another stroke, his physicians would most likely

administer an anticoagulant

Atherosclerosis involves

a buildup of plaque within arteries

A dangerous blockage of the coronary arteries by atherosclerotic plaque can be opened by

placing a stent within the blocked artery segment

Closed head injury

involves damage to the cortex, axons, and ventricles

Brain development in a fetus whose mother contracted German measles early in the pregnancy is impaired because the rubella virus

produces toxins that interfere with the chemical signals that control brain development

A key sign that a child born to a mother who consumed alcohol during the pregnancy suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome involves

abnormal facial development

A key pathway through which alcohol disrupts normal brain development is by interfering with

a protein that helps guide neuronal growth in the developing brain

The prevention of mental retardation in a child suffering phenylketonuria requires early diagnosis and

a diet low in phenylalanine

___is a metabolic disorder in which an infant requires larger-than-normal amounts of vitamin B6 to avoid neurological symptoms

Phyridoxine dependency

A child that has Ty-Sachs disease would be expected to show

exaggerated startle responses, listlessness, and irritability

The term congenital refers to a brain

condition present at birth

The mental retardation shown in Down syndrome is caused by

the presence of an extra 21st chromosome

Whether a fetus will be born with Down syndrome is related to

the age of the mother at the time of pregnancy

The etiology of Down syndrome involves

abnormal cell division of an egg from the mother

a physical exam of the mother using ___ can diagnose the presence of Down syndrome in her fetus before birth


Which of the following is true of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)

TSEs are caused by simple proteins termed prions

___ is associated with the consumption of tainted human flesh


Prions kill neurons by

inducing apoptosis

___ is caused by degeneration of dopamine-secreting neurons of the substantial nigra

Parkinson's disease

The standard drug treatment for Parkinson's disease is the daily administration of


A key distinction is that Parkinson's disease ___, whereas Huntington's disease ___

is characterized by a poverty of movement; is characterized by uncontrollable ones

___ is a degenerative disorder involving a defective gene on chromosome 4 that results in jerky uncontrollable movements

Huntington's disease

The term dementia refers to

deterioration of intellectual abilities caused by an organic brain disorder

The primary cognitive deficit associated with Alzheimer's disease involves

a progressive loss of memory

Alzheimer's disease appears to be caused by excessive levels of ___ in the brain

the long form of the AB protein

Pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's patients with ___ can improve cognitive performance relative to that of control patients

acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs

An autoimmune reaction that damages ___ is the cause of the multiple sclerosis

the myelin sheaths surrounding nerve cells

The etiology of multiple sclerosis may involve

damage to the blood-brain barrier by a virus

The most common infectious diseases that cause neurological disorders are ___ and ___

encephalitis; meningitis

Rabies is a types of

viral encephalitis

The most common cause of encephalitis is

a virus transmitted by mosquitoes

A key symptom of meningitis is

the experience of a stiff neck