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42 Cards in this Set

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Muscular Strength
maximum force that can be applied by a muscle during a single maximum contraction
Cardiovascular Endurance
ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver oxygenated blood to the muscles of the body to be used as fuel for sustained physical work
aerobic exercise
large amounts of oxygen for a sustained period of time
Physical education program in school.
When is a person physically fit?
-When they use the 5 components of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition
-Knows the skills related: balance, power, speed, coordination, timing, agility, reaction time
-Knows the benefits of being physically fit
-Leads a healty, active lifestyle
Dietary Intake vs. Dietary Expenditures
-If you ingest more than you burn, you will gain weight
-If you burn more than you intake, you will lost weight overtime
-Muscle tissue consists of about 70% water, 22% protein, and 8% fats and minerals
Principle of Overload
to see real improvement in muscular strength and/or endurance, resistance must be added to overload and fatigue the muscle to muscular failure
FIT principle (principle of overload)
Frequency: # of times you work
Intensity: amount of resistance on your muscle
Time: (how long) the way you vary reps and sets
SAID principle: Specificity
means the body responds and adapts to the type and amount of physical demand under which it is placed
bones, teeth, and muscular development
conbines to form hemoglobin
essential for proper function of the thyroid gland
Maintains heartbeat, water balance, nerve transmission, and breakdown of carbohydrates
maintains proper balance of body fluides and plays major role in nerve transmissions, cardiac functions, and normal metabolism
Anabolic Steroids
Show increase in strength only when you lift weights; serious side effects including lowering of sperm production and greater cholesterol. Also cardiovascular disease
Causes the release of adrenaline for energy production, muscular production, not well studied
undigestible materal; in starches such as potatoes, rice, and cereal
Water soluable. Overcooking destroys vitamins.
positive stress
negative stress
Stress coping strategies
May be used to deal with stress you cant avoid; temporary relief
having a fear of being overweight and refusing to eat; generally has a distorted body image; may die from vitamin/mineral loss; starves self
uses laxatives and self-enduced vomiting to avoid gaining weight; frequently eats too much them gets rid of it by enducing vomiting, using laxitives, and exerting strenuous activity
The Blood Flow (cycle)
Heart, oxygenated blood pumped out of left ventricle --> aorta --> muscles --> right atrium --> right ventricle --> pulmonary artery --> lungs --> left atrium
osteoporosis + ways to reduce risk
regular weight bearing exercise can reduce the risk and also help stop further process of the condition; walking 1 mile a day stops bone loss
Isometric Exercises
You contract or tighten your muscles but do not change their length
Isotonic Exercises
Those which you shorten and lengthen the muscle through a full range of movement while working against resistance
Isokinetic Exercises
exercises done with special machines that allow for max resistance over the complete range of motion
Fast twitch in muscle fibers = ___
white muscle fibers contract quickly
Slow twitch in muscle fibers = ___
red muscle fibers contract slowly
the completion of a single, full-range movement of the body part being exercised
the intensity of the weight training program
group of repititions performed on after the other
muscle disappears
How much of your body weight does water make up?
the primary component of blood and tissue; helps digestion and temperature control, as well as carrying nutrients
How much water should you drink a day?
2 quarts, 64 ounces
How much water should you drink while exercising?
8 ounces of water every 20 minutes to avoid heart problems
Systolic Blood Pressure
Pressure against wall of heart, high pressure.
Relaxed, low pressure.
Bad cholesterol, builds up in arteries.
Good cholesterol, a high level of it seems to protect against heart attack