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91 Cards in this Set

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antiarrhythmic drugs work by
blocking ion channels to impact the depolarization or repolarization phases of the nodal and ventricular muscle cells
whose classification of antiarrhythmics are we learning
Vaughn-Williams - classifications aren't exact - always exceptions - but he does a good job trying to classify them
Vaughn-Williams classification is
used by ACLS and bases classifications on what channels they impact, what phase of the action potentials, and what side effects they cause
Class I drugs are
drugs that inhibit sodium channel
examples of class I drugs are
local anesthetics
subdivisions of Class I drugs are
IA, IB, and IC
subdivisions of Class I drugs are based on
speed of onset or speed of binding to the sodium channels
class II drugs
are beta-adrenergic antagonists (beta blockers). they decrease spontaneous depolarization of phase 4
class III drugs work by
blocking potassium channels - prolonging depolarization and delaying repolarization
class IV drugs are
calcium channel blockers that inhibit calcium influx
example of miscellaneous drug category
verapamil is what class
class IV - calcium channel blocker, but also blocks fast sodium channels
RMP of the SA node
-60 mv
why is the RMP of the SA node so high
cell membrane is leaky to sodium and calcium so when -60 mv is reached it doesn't stay there for long and creeps back up to threshold
threshold for cardiac conduction tissue is
-40 mv
why is the rise for depolarization in the nodal action potential not a steep rise?
because the fast acting sodium gated channels are already inactivated (around -55mv)
phase 0 of the nodal action potential
when the interior of the cell becomes positive enough to reach threshold then the slow gated sodium-calcium channels open to cause depolarization
what happens in phase 3 of the nodal action potential
as the sodium-calcium channels close, the potassium channel opens and potassium leaves the cell to repolarize
what happens in phase 4 of the nodal action potential
the Na-K pump restores the gradients to baseline
automaticity is
the ability of the heart to self-depolarize due to leaky sodium calcium channels
sodium channel blockers work by
decreasing the conduction velocity and decreasing the automaticity by decreasing the permeability of sodium into the cell.
a lower level of sodium in the cell as a result of a sodium channel blocker means that
the sodium calcium exchanger will kick it up a notch and bring more sodium into the cell and more calcium is kicked out leading to less intracellular calcium and therefore decreased contractility
lidocaine is assumed to reduce cardiac contractility because
it reduces the intracellular calcium level by blocking the sodium channels which then cause the Na Ca exchanger to kick out Ca in favor of Na
the QT interval includes
both the depolarization and the repolarization of the ventricles
delaying depolarization will affect the QT how
will increase the QT interval and will slant the slope of depolarization
why is automaticity decreased by sodium channel blockers
because it decreases the leakiness of the cell to sodium
potassium channel blockers work by
inhibiting the opening of the K+ channels in phase 3 of repolarization thereby increasing the duration of the action potential, increasing the refractory period and lengthening the QT interval
beta blockers work by
affecting the beta receptors on the heart tissue and nodal tissue (predominantly beta 1) and thus blocking these receptors will cause a decreased heart rate and some decrease in contractility
a nonselective beta blocker
affects both beta 1 and beta 2 receptors
beta 2 receptors are
found in the lungs and cause bronchodilation
a nonspecific or nonselective beta blocker is a problem if
in triggers bronchospasm in asthmatics - so always use a specific beta 1 blocker in asthmatics or find another drug entirely
labetalol is specific or nonspecific?
nonspecific - 7 beta: 1 alpha effect - therefore will reduce heart rate but will also cause some vasodilation
beta blockers work on what phase of the action potential
phase 4
how do beta blockers affect phase 4 of the action potential?
i don't know
calcium channel blockers
inhibit SA and AV node
inhibit cells with abnormal automaticity
calcium channel blockers are very good for
aberrant rhythms that want to take over - like reentry problems
class IA drugs are what
sodium channel blockers
class IA drugs are used most commonly for
conversion of afib, aflutter, and to maintain NSR
class IB drugs are used most commonly for
ventricular arrhythmias - especially those associated with an MI (but don't use prophylactically)
examples of class IA drugs are
Quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide (norpace)
examples of class IB drugs are
lidocaine, mexiletine, phenytoin, tocainide
class IC is used for
prolonging conduction velocity - afib, aflutter - only if patient has normal heart
what class of drugs should not be used for patients post MI
class IC (unless you want to kill them)
class II drugs are
beta blockers
class III drugs cause
prolonged action potential
class III drugs are used to treat
both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias (but can also cause arrhythmias)
examples of class IC drugs are
Flecainide, propafenone, moricizine
examples of class III drugs are
amiodarone, sotalol (betapace), bretylium, ibutilide (covert)
the proarrythmic effects of class III drugs are due to their
prolonging the QT
why do we not use as many class III drugs anymore
more use of the electrical pacemakers
why don't we use bretylium any more
because it came from the bark of a rainforest tree that doesn't exist anymore
class IV drugs are
specific calcium channel blockers that have an antiarrythmic effect
examples of class IV drugs
verapamil, cardizem
why are some calcium channel blockers not a class IV
they don't affect heart tissue - only smooth muscle receptors
all antiarrhythmic drugs work best when
EF is high
antiarrhythmic drugs are more likely to cause arrhythmias when
EF is low
which classes of drugs are negative inotropes
Ia, Ic, II, IV (and possibly lidocaine)
what to consider before using an antiarrhymic
risk vs benefit
will it alleviate symptoms?
will it prolong survival?
is there another cause that could be treated to fix the arrhythmias? (intrinsic vs extrinsic cause)
treat arrhythmias in the OR only if
continue despite removal of event
hemodynamic compromise
predisposes to a more serious arrhythmia
hypoxemia can produce what arrhythmias
PAC's or PVC's
do you take your prescribed antiarrhymic drug on the day of surgery?
when do you see bradycardia in surgery
with inflation of the belly - will often self correct - as will most OR arrhythmias
common cause of a prolonged PR is
a conduction delay in the AV node (as long as p wave looks normal meaning that the atria are contracting ok)
1st degree AV block is defined as
a long PR interval (>.20)
2nd degree type I or a Mobitz type I is defined by
increasing PR interval and dropped ventricular beats (sometimes don't even have a p wave on the dropped beats)
what do you set pacers at
about 20% higher than initial capture
if you turn down or off your volatile remember
to give versed so they don't remember
mobitz type II or 2nd degree type II is
a consistent PR interval with some dropped beats
mobitz type II may degenerate to
3rd degree or complete heart block
3rd degree heart block is defined as
no coordination between p waves and q waves but they march out consistently between themselves
if pressure drops with irregular rhythm
try to fix the rhythm first - if fixed and still a problem then address preload, afterload, and contractility
a mobitz type II can have
up to 4 p's for every q wave but more often is 2:1 or less
treatment for 3rd degree heart block
pacer - if not available try atropine
atropine works by
blocking the parasympathetic stimulation of the vagus nerve allowing for more epi from the sympathetic system to bind to the muscarinic receptors to speed up the heart
muscarinic receptors are found predominantly in the
AV node
sinus arrhythmia is
found a lot in kids and young people and isn't usually a concern at all
treat a fib with
treat a flutter with
cardizem (1st choice), digoxin (2nd choice)
afib with rapid response can cause
CHF in older paitents
new onset a flutter can cause
a clot to be flicked and cause a stroke
torsades de pointes looks like
a twisted party streamer
torsades de pointes is often caused by
prolonged QT intervals
what classes of drugs will cause a prolonged QT interval?
K+ and Na+ channel blockers (Class III and Class IA)
a danger associated with a long QT is
the R on T phenomenon
describe the action potential in torsades de point
slanted depolarization to peak and extended repolarization
hyperkalemia will show on the EKG as
a peaked T wave
SVT is defined as
rate over 160 or so (usually can't see the p waves anymore)
RVR is differentiated from SVT by
the width of the QRS
(a wide QRS is ventricular response, a thin QRS in SVT)
treat SVT with
Adenosine to slow it down and see what it really is
dosing of adenosine is
6 mg, 12 mg, 12 mg then done (push it fast)
vtach or vfib treatment
look at what's going on - make sure it's not bovie - check waveform on sat monitor to make sure it is real - check for pulse, give adenosine or lidocaine and then start ACLS if necessary