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44 Cards in this Set

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Comparative Planetology

: the approach of comparing and contrasting planets to identify principles and understand planets better

*We use Earth as a standard for comparative planetology b/c we know its best and it contains all the phenomena found on the other Terrestrial planets

The Terrestrial Worlds

-Differ in Size


1) Low-density crusts

2) Mantles made of dense rock

3) Metallic cores

Terrestrial Planets

include: Earth, the Moon, Venus, & Mars

*moon is included b/c it is a complex world and makes a striking comparison to Earth

Comparative Planetology: Key Points

1) Cratered surfaces are old

2) Heat flowing out of a planet is what drives geological activity

3) The nature of the planet's atmosphere depends on the size of the planet and it's temperature

4 Stages of Earth's Evolution

1) Differentiation: the separation of material into layers according to density

2) Cratering: after a solid surface has formed, heavy bombardment of the early solar system made craters

3) Flooding: by lava and water

4) Slows Surface Evolution: constant changing sections of crust slide over and against each other

Seismic Waves

: Vibrations caused by earthquakes and are detected by seismographs

Pressure Waves

: waves that can pass through a liquid, such as sound

Shear Waves

: travel as a side-to-side vibration and cannot pass through liquid

Earth's Structure

-4.6 billion years old and happened from the inner solar nebula

-Core: liquid (we know that b/c seismic waves don't travel through it) and composed of iron and nickel

-Mantle:plastic-like and can deform and flow under pressure

-Crust: brittle and breaks under stress

Primary Atmosphere

: Earth's first atmosphere that was composed mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor

Secondary Atmosphere

: current atmosphere, seawater absorbed most of the carbon dioxide and plants have added oxygen

Greenhouse Effect

: process by which carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat and raises the temperature of the planets surface


: debris blasted out of craters

*can produce rays and secondary craters

Multiringed Basins

: very large pits formed by large impacts


: tiny and constantly bombard the Moon's surface

the Moon's Surface

Highlands: oldest part of surface and heavily cratered

Lowlands: filled by lava, causing it to be smooth maria

Lunar Rocks: Vesicular Basalts

: lava-made rocks that contain holes and bubbles

Lunar Rocks: Anorthosite

: light-colored and low-density rock that floated to the surface of the highlands when it was a magma ocean

Lunar Rocks: Breccias

: rocks made of fragments of broken rock cemented together under pressure


-smaller than Earth (1/3 of Earth's diameter)

-larger than the Moon

-old, heavily cratered surfaces

-extremely thin atmosphere

-very high density (metallic core is large compared to its diameter)

-Lobate scarps

Lobate scarps

: long curving cliffs formed by a wrinkling crust, which forms when it's large metallic core solidifies and contracts


-almost as large as Earth

-can't be seen from Earth b/c of the atmosphere

-CO2 in atmosphere drives and intense greenhouse effect and makes the planet a world of Volcanoes and lava flow

-Slightly closer to the sun than Earth

-Shield Volcanoes

-Geological activity due to volcanism and vertical tectonics

-Coronae: large circular uplifted regions

Shield Volcanoes

-found on Earth, Venus, and Mars

-Caused by rising columns of magma (hot spots)

Composite Volcanoes

-only found on Earth

-associated with plate tectonics and subduction zones


-1/2 size of Earth

-thin atmosphere

-cold and has low escape velocity

-air pressure is too low for water

>liquid water would boil away

>remaining water is frozen in polar caps and as permafrost in the soil

-water-related features:

>outflow channels: appear to have been cut by massive floods

>valley networks: long-term drainage caused riverbeds with sandbars, delta, and tributaries

-has 2 moons (Phobos & Deimos)

Jovian Planets

-large, massive low-density worlds in the outer solar system

-Includes: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Belt-zone Circulation

: cloud belts parallel to the planet's equator

"Liquid Giants"

Jupiter and Saturn are composed mostly of liquid metallic hydrogen

"Ice Giants"

Uranus and Neptune are abundant in solid water

Jovian Satellite Systems

*all Jovian worlds have extensive satellite systems classified as:

Regular Satellites-large, close to parent planet, move in prograde direction (with rest of the solar system)

Irregular Satellites-small, far from parent planet, have high orbital inclinations


-core made of heavy elements surrounded by a deep mantle of liquid metallic hydrogen (large and strong magnetic field)

-Magnetosphere: around Jupiter; traps high-energy particle from the sun to form intense radiation belts

-Atmosphere:3 layers of cloudes formed of hydrogen-rich molecules

-Moons: Galilean moons


-Roche Limit

Jupiter's Magnetosphere

-around Jupiter

-traps high-energy particle from the sun to form intense radiation belts

Jupiter's Atmosphere

-3 layers of cloudes formed of hydrogen-rich molecules

-cloud layers are located at certain temperatures w/in the atmosphere

-cloud strips parallel to equator are:

---1-light-colored, high-pressure regions of rising gas

---2-darker belts, lower-pressure areas of shrinking gas

-spots in Jupiter's atmosphere, including the Great Red Spot, are circulating weather patterns

Jupiter's Moons

Galilean moons

-linked together in orbital resonance

-Lo: active volcanoes, orbits Jupiter 4 times

-Europa: smooth ice and cracks, orbits 2 times

-Ganymede: grooved terrain, orbits once

Jupiter's Ring

: composed of small particles that are bright when illuminated from behind (forward scattering)

-Lies within the Roche Limit

Jupiter's Roche Limit

: the distance from a planet within the tidal stress can destroy or prevent one from forming

*Jupiter's ring lies within the Roche Limit


-less dense than water

-contains a small core w/ less metallic hydrogen than Jupiter, therefore its magnetic field is 20 times weaker

-Saturn's moons are icy and heavily cratered

-Rings: composed of icy particles ranging in size from boulders to dust

-Shephard satellites

Saturn's Moons


-Saturn's largest moon

-cold, cloudy nitrogen atmosphere

-so cold that gas molecules do not travel fast enough to escape


-has a light surface with some uncratered regions

Saturn's Rings

: composed of icy particles ranging in size from boulders to dust

-composition and brightness of the rings' particles vary

*grooves in the rings can be produced by orbital resonances, or waves, that propagate through the rings, caused by the moons near or within the rings

Saturn's Shephard Satellites

: the gravitational effect of small moons; can cause narrow rings and sharp edges

-Jovian planets' rings cant be material left over from the formation of the planet; rings are replenished occasionally with material produced by meteoroids, asteroids, and comets colliding with moons


-1/3 the diameter of Jupiter, 1/20 as massive

-internal pressure cant produce liquid hydrogen

-heavy-element core, mantle of solid slushy ice and rocky material below a hydrogen-rich atmosphere

-atmosphere is almost featureless at visible wavelengths (*pale blue color is caused by traces of methane, which absorbs red light)

-rotates on it's side

-Uranus' larger moons are icy and heavily cratered




Uranus: Ovoids

: grooves on Miranda (the innermost moon) cause by internal heat driving convection in the icy mantle

Uranus: Occultations

: the passage of the planet in front of a star during which the rings momentarily blocked the star's light

***How the rings of Uranus were discovered

Uranus: Rings

-narrow hoops of ice with traces of methane confined by shepherd satellites