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33 Cards in this Set

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What parts of speech do adjective phrases modify?

nouns e.g., the coat with gold buttons
prounouns e.g all of the cake was eaten

What questions do adjective phrases answer about words they modify?

How many
What kind

Where do adjective phrases usually appear in sentences?
after the noun or pronoun it modifies
How can you tell which word the prepositional phrase is modifying?
Find the word it is telling more about.

Or try saying every important word in the sentence with the prepositional phrase? With which word does it go best?
What questions do adverb phrases answer about the words they modify?
When, where, why, how, how much.
If a prepositional phrase comes at the very beginning of the sentence it is almost certainly an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase?
an adverb phrase
What is a participle?
a verb form used as an adjective: e.g., burning leaves
What is a participlial phrase?
It consists of a participle and any words that cluster around it to explain it more. It might contain an object that refers to the verb part of the participle. It may even contain prepositional phrases.
Stopping the car at the rest area....

Stopping the car by the overlook.....
What do participial phrases modify?
Because they are verb forms used as adjectives, they will modify nouns and pronouns.
Where should the participial phrase be in relation to the noun or pronoun it modifies?

The particial phrase should be right next to the noun or pronoun it modifies e.g., Stopping the car at the overlook, my mom let us get out and see the view.

How do you tell what word the participial phrase modifies?

Put a was in front of it and ask "Who or what was stopping the car at the overlook? Answer: my mom.

What is a gerund?
A verb form used as a noun
How do gerunds always end?
What is a gerund phrase?
a gerund plus its object and any other words that tell more about it. It may include prepositional phrases
Swimming laps in the indoor pool....
Where in the sentence may gerunds and gerund phrases be used?
Gerunds and gerund phrases may be in any role in the sentence that you would find a noun or pronoun i.e., subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, and object of a preposition.
What is an infinitive?
An infinitive is a verb form that may be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
What is an infinitive phrase?
An infinitive phrase may contain the object of the infinitive and any words that cluster around it to explain it more. It may contain prepositional phrases. To run a mile in record time.....
How do infinitive phrases usually begin?
With the word "to"
Which verbs sometimes omit the word "to" in front of infinitives?
leave, do, dare
What role in the sentence can an infinitive phrase play?

Since it can be a noun, it can play any role a noun can play except object of a preposition: subject, direct object, indirect object and predicate nominative.

Give an example of an infinitive used as an adjective.
The movie to see is "Lord of the Rings".
Infinitives used as adverbs often answer what question about the verb?
why e.g., I always play to win.

Give an example of an infinitive used as a direct object.

She tried to leave early.
She tried what? to leave

Give an example of a gerund used as subject of a sentence.
Swimming is a great sport.
Give an example of a gerund used as a direct object.
I love swimming.
Give an example of a gerund used as predicate nominative.
My hobby is decorating my dollhouse.
Give an example of a gerund used as indirect object.
You should give dancing a try.
Give an example of a gerund used as object of a preposition>
I am dressed for hiking.
What is an appositive?
An appositive is a noun placed near another noun to explain it more. e.g., Mary, the class president, called a meeting.
What is an appositive phrase?
An appositive phrase contains the noun which is the appositive plus any modifiers and prepositional phrases that tell more about it.
Which noun is the original noun and which is the appositive?
The appositive noun is usually the second one in the sentence.
Joe, my brother,.....
What punctuation is used with appositives?
Appositives are often set off with commas on either side.
What is an appositive phrase?
An appositive phrase contain the noun which is the appositive, plus any modifiers which tell more about it including prepositional phrases. March, my counselor last summer at Camp Tegawitha, ....