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49 Cards in this Set

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Name 3 types of bits
Snaffle, pelham & kimberwicke
Which bit applies "direct" pressure?
What is a two-beat gait?
Roans all have what color?
Grain is a type of roughage or concentrate?
Beet pulp is a type of roughage or concentrate?
A pastern that is not sloped is considered a fault - true or false?
A long back is considered a good thing on a pony - true of false?
A fever in a horse is a temperature over 101 - true or false?
What bit uses two reins?
A Pelham Bit
What's the first thing you should do after you load a pony onto a trailer?
Secure the Butt Bar
What does it mean to "trot a pony in hand"?
It means to jog beside the pony
What is a short, thick neck called?
A Bull Neck
How many inches are in one hand?
Name all the face markings.
Snip, Star, Strip, Blaze, and Bald Face
What is the equivalent of a knee on the back leg?
A hock
The pastern is located between...
The hoof and the fetlock joint
How much water does a horse drink each day?
8 - 12 gallons
Name two types of hay
Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy and Bermuda
Grass, Beet Pulp and Hay are all types of what?
Name two diseases that your pony gets vaccination for
Tetanus, Influenza, Rabies, and Potomac Fever
How often should the pony be checked by the Farrier?
Every 6 - 8 weeks.
What's the first thing you do when you muck out a stall?
Remove the manure
What's a common shoulder fault?
Not angled enough
Name three rules of riding on private land.
Ask permission, leave gates as they are found, and write thank you notes.
What's the first thing you do when you are unloading your pony from the trailer?
Undo the lead rope.
If a pony is colicing, it is a problem in which part of the body?
Name three natural aids
Voice, hands, seat, and legs.
Name two artifical aids
Crop, whip and spurs
Why should you bank a stall?
To prevent a pony from getting cast (stuck too close to the side of the stall)
What happens if you hang a hay net too low?
The pony can get his leg stuck
Why do you need to clean out a trailer after each use?
The floor will rot if manure and urine is left
Name five disciplines in pony club
Mounted Games, Eventing, Tetrathalon, Show Jumping, Dressage and Polocrosse
What does it mean when a jump has a ground pole on both sides?
You can jump in either direction
When jumping, your stirrup hole should be one hole longer or shorter than when riding on the flat...
Before you get on your pony what should you always do?
Do a safety check
Name three stable vices
Cribbing, weaving, pawing, chewing and kicking
What are clinches?
It's the head of the nail in a horse shoe.
What is the correct position for a Cavesson Nose band
1/2 inch below the cheek bone.
What is the energy that a horse uses?
What kind of breed is the size of a welsh and the color of an apaloosa?
Pony of the Americas
Name three parts of the hoof.
Frog, White Line, Bulbs, Bar and the Cleft.
What part on a horses back legs are not on the front legs?
What are the initials for the safety requirements?
When you're on a pony and you have to adjust your girth, should you take your foot out of the stirrup?
As a member of the USPC, I stand for the best in "blank" as well as in "blank"
Sportsmanship and Horsemanship
Why should you never tie a pony by his bridle?
It could hurt his mouth.
Why should you always use a quick release knot?
So that you can quickly untie your pony. Other knots are hard to undo when a pony pulls.
If you have to put a saddle on the ground, what is the best way to place it?
Upside down so that the cantle is leaning against a wall.