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161 Cards in this Set

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What is a key concept to server-side scripting languages?

A web server will only ever return a web-page

What do web servers respond to requests for?

CGI scripts

CGI engines have what passed to them?

Requests for CGI scripts, with parameters

What protocol do the Apache, IIS, MySQL, and MS-SQL servers have?


What is the process for a web-client process?

Client to server:

HTTP request -> server to scripting engine

parameters -> scripting to database

SQL query and parameters -> database to scripting

recordset -> scripting to server

HTML output -> server to client

HTTP response

What tier is PHP?

Middle tier, server-side scripting web technology

What does PHP generate?

HTML output, in response to requests from a browser

How does PHP work?

Code is saved on an Apache server

The code is input, parsed, compiled, executed, and its output is shown on a web browser through HTML code

How is a PHP script cached?

It is pre-compiled, zend-compiled, then the op-codes are stored

What functions can be used for debugging?





What does the PHP Formal Specification specify?

How PHP should work, defines structure, syntax, grammar of the language

What is a data structure?

A way of storing and organising data in a computer so it can be used efficiently

How is text outputted?

Echo, print, print_r, var_dump

How do the logical operators &&, AND, compare against ||?

|| has a higher priority than AND, but less than &&

What are the four scalar data types?





What are the two compound data types?



What are the two special data types?



What property does a variable in PHP have?

Its name and the content it stores can be independent of each other

How do arrays in PHP behave?

They are ordered maps, maps being a type that associates values to keys

How can multidimensional arrays and trees be initialised in PHP?

Arrays values can be other arrays - an array within an array

How do you create single line comments?

// or CTRL + /

How do you create multi-line comments

/* */ or Shift + CTRL + /

How do you create Doc Blocks

/** */

What are strings known as?

Literals, distinguishing them from variables

Why are strings in single quotes processed faster than double quotes?

PHP evaluates strings in double quotes, inserting values stored in embedded variables, if there are any

What are string blocks?

Constructs that handle blocks of text

How are string blocks defined?


What are the two main types of string blocks?


What is the difference between the two string blocks?

HEREDOC can embed variables

What are the requirements for a block close statement?

Must start in column 0,

Must have a ';'

Must be a new line after the block close statement

How do you typecast a variable in PHP?

(type) $variable

How do you define a web page header in PHP?

$page_header = <<< HEADER

How do you define a web page body in PHP?

$page_body = <<< BODY

How do you define a web page footer?

$page_footer = <<< FOOTER

What command is used to include files?


Issues a warning if the file is not available

What command is used to require files?


Fatal error if the file is not available

What is Agile Software Development?

A group of software development methods, based on iterative and incremental development

Name some benefits of Agile Software Development

Promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, and delivery

Encourages rapid, and flexible response to change,

Conceptual framework

List some of the Agile Principles

Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software

Welcome changing requirements, even late in development

Working software is delivered frequently

In what way is Agile incremental?

Tasks are broken down into small increments

In what way is Agile iterative?

Teams work in all functions, planning, requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, etc.

What is the philosophy of Agile development?

Agile development mainly targeted at complex systems and projects with dynamic undetermined, non-linear characteristics

What are adaptive methods?

Methods that focus on adapting quickly to changing realities

If the needs of the project change, the team changes too

What is the downside of adaptive methods?

An adaptive team struggles to describe what will happen in the future, to the point where they'd only describe the mission statement

What are predictive methods?

Methods that focus on analysing, planning for the future, catering for known risks

What type of method are Agile methods?


What is the preference within the Agile manifesto - code or documentation?

Code, working software more useful and welcome

Documentation not unnecessary, lack of documentation is a major problem

What is a function?

A named section of a program that performs a specific task

What are two main types of function?

Pre-written - set of functions in a library

User-defined - developer creates their own functions

What are the benefits of functions?

Allows developer to organise code to logical structure

Allows developer to allocate specific behaviour to code

Promotes the reuse of code

What should a function achieve?

The completion of a single outcome

The function may or may not return a result

How are functions called?

Functions are invoked by their names e.g.:


What can function parameters be?


Variable Names

What does a function prototype define?

The number, and type of, parameters

The data type of the returned value, if any

How are user-defined functions defined?

Defined in a function declaration

What does PHP 7 add to functions?

Return type declarations (return 'whatever')

Scalar Type Hinting (function doSomething(int $count, string $widgets))

What are variable functions?

Variables with parenthesis appended to them

PHP looks for function with same name as evaluation of variable, attempts to execute

What are anonymous functions?

Functions with no name, usually pass small sections of logic into functions

Can be assigned to variables

What is the 'scope' of an identifier?

The range of code statements where the identifier is valid

Three levels, global, class, function

How can parameters be passed?

Through value or reference

What is a recursion function?

One that calls itself

What happens when a PHP script is executed?

The PHP engine starts, reading script from file

What is used to set or return location of PHP hosting system?


What are the first three in the OWASP list?

A1 - Injection

A2 - Broken Authentication and Session Management

A3 - Cross-Site Scripting

What are the next three in the OWASP list?

A4 - Insecure Direct Object References

A5 - Security Misconfiguration

A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure

What are the final four in the OWASP list?

A7 - Missing Function Level Access Control

A8 - Cross-Site Request Forgery

A9 - Using Known Vulnerability Components

A10 - Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

What client-side attack vectors are there?

Vulnerabilities in browsers via Javascript

What server-side attack vectors are there?

Web App


How could web forms suffer from buffer overflow?

Input boxes take in long strings, could crash server

What is a Denial Of Service attack?

Overloading a server with too many service requests in a short space of time

The attack is successful because it takes a finite amount of time for a request to be processed

What are SEO attacks?

SEO poisoning attacks are primarily attacks on websites using XSS

Attackers exploit input and display vulnerabilities on sites

iframes then injected into sites, search will redirect to alternate site

What do SEO attacks commonly use?


How do XSS attacks work?

Script injection, usually Javascript, caused by lack of user input sanitisation

Browser often executes malicious script

Scripts access host file system

What are the three types of XSS attacks?



DOM based XSS - rewrites HTML

What are UK MoD Vas?

Vulnerability Assessment Levels

What are the Vulnerability Assessment Levels?


Automated probes

Penetration Test

Physical Test

What attributes does the form element consist of?






Give examples of form elements





How would you have PHP process input forms?

if($_POST['formSubmit']== "Submit")

What do we think about User Input?


Consider types of attack that involve user input

What function does PHP have to filter data?


What argument does filter_var() need to filter a given string?


What argument does filter_var() need to filter a given (amount of) integer(s)?


What argument does filter_var() need to filter a given IP address?


What arguments are needed for filter_var() to both clean, and validate URLs and Emails?



What is an example of XSS?

The web form has an input field, into which the user can type in something like a script

The PHP app computes the input, and a JS string (for example), is reflected to the browser

The browser accepts the JS from the trusted source, and the script is executed

How can XSS be prevented?

Never put untrusted data in:


HTML comments

Attributes names

Tag names

Directly in CSS

What was the main reason for OO design?

To better model the real world

What is OO

The use of class and allied diagrams to create a system of reusable, inter-communicating objects

What is one of the main properties of OO?

Polymorphism - objects are reusable, with different parameters

Concepts of encapsulation and inheritance form from this

What is encapsulation?

An object knows about itself, in terms of its values and its behaviour

What is inheritance?

An object may inherit the values and behaviour of a parent object

What is the S in the SOLID principles?

S: single responsibility principle - an object has one purpose only

What is the O in the SOLID principles?

O: open/closed principle - software entities are open for extension, closed for modification

What is the L in the SOLID principles?

L: Liskov substitution principle - objects should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes, without altering the correctness of the program

What is the I in the SOLID principles?

I: interface segregation principles - many specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface

What is the D in the SOLID principles?

D: dependency inversion principle - one should depend upon abstractions, not upon concretions

How are objects created within PHP?


How are an object's attributes and accessor methods accessed?

Using the keyword '$this', and the arrow operator '->'

What are the three types of visibility for an object?




What file format are classes saved as?


More secure to use .php for all files though, which ensures that the files will be parsed by the PHP parser

What should be given to the name of a class?

The 'class.' prefix

class.Filename.php, for example

How is a class file made available to a program?

With either the 'include' or 'require' commands

What is MySQL?

Open source, multi-platform, client/server, ACID-compliant relational database

What components does MySQL have with PHP?

Information_schema, mysql and test

What are PDOs?

PHP Data Objects

Lightweight interface

Access to various databases

What file format are PDOs in?


What is the advantage of using the .dll extension with PDOs?

All databases accessed with same library functions

SQL injection attacks avoided

How would you return information from MySQL


How would you connect to a database with a PHP script?

Within a try/catch block

Variable assigned to a new PDO with host name, user name and password variables

What is the database wrapper class?

A class that incorporates some error handling

Used for connecting to the relevant database

How is user data transmitted to PHP?

Via a form

What are ORMs?

Object-Relational Mappings

What is the purpose of an ORM?

To map between the different data types - scalar values and data within objects

What is the idea behind a Software Design Pattern?

A general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design

A template that can be used to solve problems, and can be used in many different situations

What is the purpose of an OO Design Pattern?

A pattern can show relationships and interactions between classes or objects

What are web-application Design Patterns?

Patterns used by PHP developers

Container, Factory, Observer, etc.

What things should you consider when designing your application?

Partition aspects of it logically

Use abstraction, implementing loose coupling between layers

Understand how components will communicate with each other

Reduce round trips

What is the MVC pattern?

Model, View, Controller

What two ways can the model be considered as?

Active - allows the model to inform the view and controller components of required changes

Passive - objects are completely unaware of being part of a larger application

What is the third variation of the model?

The Presentation Model

What is the single point of entry for a PHP application?


How do you instantiate objects with autoloading?


What is the router class?

The class responsible for instantiating the correct Controller class

What is the config class?

The class that stores any configurable values that will be used throughout the application

Could extend to storage of actual data in database

What are the three As?

Authentication - proving that you are who you claim to be

Authorisation - system decides what you're allowed to access

Accounting - keeping track of what you've done whilst using the system

How is authentication achieved?

Usually with a username and password

Modern systems starting to use biometrics, fingerprints

What is two-factor authorisation?

Any authentication process that requires two separate means of identification

What can hash functions be used for?

Authentication, but simpler functions have been broken many times

How does MD5 work?

A hash function takes an input string and transforms it into a fixed size string

One way function

What is MD5 used for?

Used to check the integrity of a file

Can be used to detect tampering of web application scripts

What is SHA-1?

Hashing function that produces a message digest of 160 bits

Has been cracked, SHA-2 developed

What is salt?

Passwords are encrypted with this

Salt is an extra piece of information, appended to the password, the string is then encrypted

What is the DES algorithm?

An algorithm based on transpositions, rearrangement of bits

An encryption algorithm

What is Mcrypt?

Encryption that uses PHP generic functions

What happens when a script terminates?

All variables declared are nullified

Allocated RAM returned to the heap

Contents lost

How can the contents of variables be stored for use in later scripts?

Store values in a special session file

Store values in alternative persistent storage

What is SID?

Session ID

How are SIDs stored?

Keys stored in session cookies on client machine

Can be a problem if client has cookies disabled as a security measure

How are sessions created?

session_start() function

What happens when the session_start() function is called?

Other than a session starting, looks for SID from client machine

If none exists, SID created and stored

How are sessions removed?

By PHP's garbage collector

How are emails sent from within PHP scripts?

mail() function

Email format must conform to RFC2822

What is the purpose of the Sender Policy Framework?

It attempts to authenticate an email to spam filters, prevents sender address forgery

How does SPF work?

Adds an SPF record to DNS domain of sender, contains policy of sender

Receiving email server checks if SPF record exists, and if message compiles with DNS record policy

What should be done before optimisation of PHP code?

Take snapshot of current performance

Allows improvements in performance to be measured

What is memory caching also known as?


How does memory caching work?

Cache compiled bytecode

Avoids processing overhead of parsing and compiling source code

What is varnish?

A caching server, HTTP accelerator

What two variants of PHP scaling are there?

Horizontal scaling - adding more servers

Vertical scaling - higher spec hardware

What can be used to accelerate the processing of PHP scripts?


What is Hoare's Law?

Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out,or

Premature optimisation is the root of all evil

How would you implement micro-optimisation to your PHP scripts?

Use ' instead of " to delineate Strings

Use the concatenation operator to insert variables into strings

Consider the performance of echo vs. print

What is the main bottleneck of any web-application, usually?

Retrieving data from the database

What can you do to help reduce the bottleneck from the database?

SQL optimiser package

Third party library

Other than the server, what else causes web-page latency?

Network latency,

Browser processing time, if their hardware is better then this will be faster

What is a sprite?

An image file that contains every image to be used on relevant web-pages

What is code minification?

The process of removing all extraneous characters, white spaces for example

What is the GD Library?

It's used to create images composed of lines, arcs, text, other images, multiple colours

How do both PHP and GD2 relate?

PHP can use the library to create graphics 'on-the-fly'

What is LibChart?

A simple-to-use library that produces horizontal and vertical bar, pie, and line charts

The output is rendered as a PNG image