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14 Cards in this Set

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Dinoflagellates (phylum pyrrophyta)

Unicellular flagellated protists

Marine environment

Biflagellate - dinoflagellate - one long (distal and free) and other flat and ribbon like — called whirling whips

Dinoflagellates - nutrition

photosynthetic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic

Contains chlorophylls a and c

Dinoflagellate symbionts

Lack armored plates and appear as golden spherical cells called zooxanthellae

Dinoflagellates - Reproduction

Primarily asexual by longitudinal cell division

Diatoms (phylum Chrysophyta)

Chief producers (autotrophs) in oceans

Both marine and freshwater

Unique glass like wall made of hydrated silica ( silicon dioxide) embedded in an organic matrix

Cell wall known as frustule divided into two halves (theca) - epitheca and hypotheca

Two main groups of diatoms - radial symmetry (centric diatoms) anf bilateral symmetry (pennate diatoms)

Diatoms - nutrition

Chlorophyll a and c and cartenoids, fucoxanthin

Diatoms energy reserves - lipids and water soluble polysaccharides chrysolaminarin in vacuoles

Diatoms - Reproduction

Primarily asexual by binary fission

Euglenoids (phylum Euglenophyta)

Unicellular flagellated protists


Devoid of cell wall

Protein rich layer under plasma membrane called pellicle (periplast) - flexible body

Biflagellate - one short and other long

Euglenoids - Nutrition

Two third - colour less heterotrophs

One third - contain chloroplasts

Chlorophylls a and b

Do not store starch in chloroplasts

Carbohydrate is stored as glucose polymer m, paramylon in cytosol

Slime Mold

Heterotrophic protists

Two main groups - plasmodial slime molds (phylum Myxomycota) and cellular slime molds (phylum Dictyosteliomycota)

Plasmodial Slime molds

A large non cell walled, multinucleated single cell structure called plasmodium

In unfavourable conditions plasmodium develops fruiting bodies (or sporangia) — non flagellated myamoebas or haploid flagellated swarm cells

Cellular slime molds

When nutrients are abundant - exist as solitary free living amoeba like cells

When nutrition inadequate - aggregate and move in a single body called pseudoplasmodium or slug

Dictyostelium dicoideum

Cellular slime mold - model organism for studying the evolution of multicellularity

Oomycetes or oomycota (egg fungus)

Include the water molds, the white rusts and the downy mildews

Traditionally placed in kingdon fungi

Unlike true fungi - do not have cell walls of chitin

They no longer have plastids and do not perform photosynthesis

Best studied oomycete - phytophthora infestans, causing late blight of potato