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51 Cards in this Set

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5 Steps hand washing contaminated with blood

1) wash w/ antimicrobial soap

2) rinse well w/ running water

3) apply solution of 50% isopropyl alcohol

4) leave on skin for 1 min, then rinse

5) rewash, repeat

Glucose is a measure of what in your blood

Sugar levels

Iron is necessary for the formation of


What is the single most ordered blood test


Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) are blood components that carry what throughout the body


MCV stands for what and indicates the cell what

Mean cell volume, size

List two characteristics of capillaries

1) exchange vessels

2) microscopic vessels

The major veins for venipuncture located in the what

Antecubital fossa

Name the 3 main veins in the antecubital fossa and give their locations

1) Median cubital: inner elbow

2) cephalic: lateral (thumb side)

3) basilic: medial (pinky side)

Leg, ankle, and foot veins should be used for venipuncture when no other sites are available and with what

The permission of the patient's physician

The most common antiseptic used for routine blood collection

70% isopropy alcohol

A tourniquet is applied to the patient's arm to act as what against blood flow


The [blank] the number of needle gauge, the [blank] the diameter

Larger; smaller

[Blank] gauge is the needle gauge of choice and the most common gauge for a venipuncture


Evacuated tubes fill automatically because of the [blank] in the tube


Palpating will help you determine the [blank], [blank], and [blank] of the vein. An artery will have a [blank]

Size, direction, depth. Pulse

Never leave the tourniquet on for more than [blank]

1 to 2 minutes

Inverting each tube with an additive will help prevent [blank] of the cells

Clumping/ clotting/ coagulatuon

Always remove the [blank] before removing the needle from the patient's arm


What is the primary function of WBCs

The body's defense/ immunity

What is the primary function of thrombocytes/ platelets

To stop bleeding/ clotting

What are the 3 conditions of a basal state

1) early morning

2) patient @ rest

3) patient fasting

What are the 3 correct ways of IDing a patient

1) asking them to state their name

2) ID bracelet, picture ID

3) nursing verifying their identity

What are the 4 things that each specimen should be labeled with?

1) the patient's full name

2) the time (military time)

3) the date

4) phlebotomist's initials

What do you do when a patient refuses to have their blood taken?

Document it in writing, and let someone know of authority (doctor, nurse, phleb supervisor)

Define transfixation

Needle passes through vein top and bottom

BD order of draw

1) blood culture-sps

2) citrate tube

3)SST, gel separator

4)serum tube

5) rapid serum tube (rst)

6)PST, gel separator with heparin

7) heparin tube

8) EDTA tube

9) PPT separator tube with k2edta with gel

10) fluoride (glucose) tube

What position should a patient who has a tendency to faint be placed in while performing any blood collecting procedure?

Laying on back (supine)

What is the concern with patients with petechiae

Excessive bleeding

What is the major concern with blind probing

-veins can be torn

-tissue destroyed

-nerves damaged

- psychological trauma to patient


A hematoma is caused by leakage of [blank] into the tissue from a [blank]

Blood; vein

Recommendation for patients who develop a hematoma

Ice for the first 24 hours (10 minutes on/off), then use heat after first 24hours

List probable causes of hemoconcentration

1) prolonged tourniquet time

2) massaging

3) squeezing or probing the site

4) pumping the fist

5) long term IV therapy

What is hemolysis

Rupture of red blood cells

Why should burn or scarred areas be avoided for sites of blood draw?

Burned areas are sensitive to pain and infection. Scarred areas are hard to palpitate for veins

What caution should be taken when using a plunger on a syringe

Pull slowly because if you pull to quickly the vein will collapse

What is the concern if the patient is dehydrated

Vein shrinkage

7 requirements of a quality specimen

1) patient is properly prepared, and drug interference is avoided

2) correct specimen collected with correct labeling

3) the correct anticoagulant with sufficient amount

4) the specimens are not hemolyzed

5) fasting samples are taking in a timely manner and patient is fasting

6) timed specimens are correctly timed and documented

7) specimens are transported to lab in timely manner to maintain freshness

A phlebotomist may attempt to obtain blood from a patient?

2 times

What are the order of patient priorities

1) STAT (immediate)

2) timed

3) fasting

4) routine

A blood culture is used to detect

Septicemia, bacteria, or infection

GTT sample should be drawed in intervals of?

Fasting, 30 min, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr

What is the single most crucial procedure when performing a cross match


The purpose of bleeding time is to detect what

Platelet function disorders

When doing a blood culture, once you've cleaned the arm with alcohol, you must again clean the arm with what?


The tube for cold agglutinins must be places in an what to prewarm

37°C incubator

A prenatal screen is ordered to determine what, to see whether the blood is what?

Type and Rh; Rh positive or Rh negative

Incision for a bleeding time test is performed [blank] cm below and [blank] to the [blank]

5cm, parallel, antecubital crease

A platelet is actually part of a large cell called a [blank]


A normal, healthy person will have [blank] in the blood

No bacteria

Requests for tests and results are strictly [blank]
