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114 Cards in this Set

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God's intelligence is the basis of human intelligence
alienation from God, from others, from nature, and from ourselves is the essence of redeemed humanity
The phrase "God is sovereign" expresses
c. His rule
God created the world ex nihilo. This expression means that creation:
a. was out of nothing
Humanity, according to theists, derives its dignity from
a. being created in God's image
According to Sire, human history subsumed under four words. which of the following is not one of these
c. law
Lyotard defined postmodernism as
c. an incredulity towards metanarratives
According to postmodernism, all language is
a. a human construct.
"In short, the only kind of truth there is is ___ truth. There is no truth of___"
a. pragmatic ... correspondance
In postmodernism, all narratives..
b. mask a play for power
According to postmodernist Richard Rorty, truth is ...
a. whatever we can get our colleagues to agree to.
The two key notions shared by modernism and postmodernism are
b. The cosmos is all there is
c. The autonomy of human reason
Existentialism's major goal is to transcend optimistic humanism
The fact of Christ's resurrection is a key element in the existentialism of Barth and Bultmann
Existentialists say that embracing meaning in life is taking a blind "leap of faith"
For existentialists, people are guilty of ...
c. guilt
The two main kinds of existentialism are
b. atheistic and theistic
To the existentialist, reality appears in two "forms". Which of these do they consider to be more important?
b. subjective
Which of the following two statements about humanity better reflects the existentialists' position?
b. Existence precedes essence
To the existentialist, the ultimate absurdity is
d. death
An action is considered "good" by an existentialist if it
c. reflects a conscious decision
Existentialism is most clearly presented by which of the following?
c. Sarte, Camus, Kierkegaard
Strictly speaking, nihilism is
a. a denial of philosophy
For the Nihilist, ultimate meaning in life
b. is an absurdity
Nihilism is the logical extension-the "natural child"- of which other worldview?
c. naturalism
"Determinism" or "mechanism" is the result of a belief in
b. The universe as a "closed system"
Art is the only truly consistent way that Nihilism can be expressed in human activity
For naturalists, the sole criterion for truth is reason.
naturalists believe that there is no such thing as life after death.
According to Naturalists, the chief goal of history is the emergence of mankind through evolution.
Marxism is essentially a philosophy of science, and human history is primarily the struggle to learn new technologies.
Humanism is the overall attitude that human beings are of special value.
Sire identifies two main factors which led to the rise of deism.
(2 answers)
a. A desire for unity amis the theists' squabbles among themselves.

d. A shift in the basis of knowledge from special revelation to reason
According to Deists, God is personal but not all-powerful
According to deists, the universe is a "closed system"
Deists believe "whatever is, is right." Sire says the result of this view is that
b. ethics disappears
The study of God's acts in human history is a key element to deism
A worldview is ...
c. a person's commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart that can be expressed as a story
8 questions that determine a worldview
-What happens to a person at death?
-How so we know what is right and wrong?
-Why is it possible to determine anything at all?
-What is the nature of the world around us?
-What is prime reality-the really real?
-What is the meaning of human history?
-What is a human being?
-What personal, life-orienting core commitments are consistent with this worldview?
Lyotard's near synonym for the concept of worldview is
d. metanarrative
According to Derrida and other postmodern theorists, the most fundamental aspect of reality is ...
c. language
The existence of consumerism depends upon ...
b. our needs being met
The cardinal virtue in postmodernism is ...
a. tolerance
According to G&B, one of postmodernism's chief rivals in the contemporary world is the resurgence of ...
b. Islam
The term Renaissance means
c. something is "born again"
Luther stated "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and _____, I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils"
c. plain reason
The four core beliefs of a scientific humanism are faith in progress, faith in_____, faith in___, and faith in_____
-a rationally-ordered social world
G&B say that thinking about a Christian worldview starts with a gospel and it's emphasis upon
b. Kingdom
G&B state that Jesus' teaching on "kingdom" is
a. the goal of human history
"Our identity as God's people comes from...
b. that missional role in God's story
G&B identifies 2 complications to the modern story of progress
Kierkegaard's arlternative to reason is
d. faith
The Biblical story that served to define kierkegaard's life was
a. God's command for Abraham ro sacrifice Isaac
kierkegaard says that every moral value is
b. arbitrary apart from God
kierkegaard believes that knowing God
d. requires a leap of faith
John-Paul Sarte believed that we are condemned
a. to be free
According to Sarte, our essence becomes reality by
b. the decisions we make
For Sarte, the idea of God results from ...
b. our desire to transcend nothingness
In contrast to Plato, aristotle is much more interested in...
a. the physical world of nature
The Biblical story that served to define kierkegaard's life was
a. God's command for Abraham ro sacrifice Isaac
Aristotle believed that the goal that people seek above everything else is ...
c. happiness
kierkegaard says that every moral value is
b. arbitrary apart from God
Aristotle believed that what distinguishes human beings from everything else is ..
e. rationality
kierkegaard believes that knowing God
d. requires a leap of faith
"The virtuous person is one who..."
d. is guided by reason
John-Paul Sarte believed that we are condemned
a. to be free
According to Sarte, our essence becomes reality by
b. the decisions we make
For Sarte, the idea of God results from ...
b. our desire to transcend nothingness
In contrast to Plato, aristotle is much more interested in...
a. the physical world of nature
Aristotle believed that the goal that people seek above everything else is ...
c. happiness
Aristotle believed that what distinguishes human beings from everything else is ..
e. rationality
"The virtuous person is one who..."
d. is guided by reason
According to Aquinas, God designed us so that all could know of his reality by...
a. reason
Aquinias believed that philosophy can discover truths independently of scriptural revelation. This is known as...
c. natural theology
Aquinias says that we only get to real faith when ...
e. our will chooses to act on what we trust intellectually
What is meant by the phrase Atman is Brahman
c. The soul of any person is one with the soul of the cosmos
In pantheistic Monism, the chief thing about God is his...
a. oneness
Karma refers to the notion that
b. one's present fate is the result of past action
Which of the following is not believed by pantheistic monists
d. the human soul is mortal
according to pantheistic monists, human beings in their truest, fullest being are impersonal.
The New Age bases its hope upon
d. the evolutionary model
In the New Age thinking, which of the following is not true
d. There are four dimensions of reality
New agers give one of three answers to gaining "cosmic consciousness" Which is not one of these
c. "Authentically" choosing what is of ultimate value
The New Age movement borrows from every major worldview
The NEw Age emphasizes spiritual unity with all humanity while de-emphasizing individual selfhood
The NEw Age denies the reality of the visible world in favor of the invisible world
Terms such as "alternative consciousness," "a separate reality," and "MInd at Large" are used to describe knowledge of the visible world
Plato understood all reality to exist in two realms or dominions
These are..
b. Physical and Metaphysical
Another way to describe Physical and Metaphysical are
a. being and becoming
Plato used the term "form" to describe things which are...
b. physical, measurable, concrete
Plato's best known example of of the two-tiered world is the allegory of the..
a. cave
Plato argues that we often confuse what is____ with what is true
a. familiar
"The soul, like the eye, is an instrument of...."
d. knowing
Those who have "seen the light" of "the Good" should become...
b. political leaders
Descartes wanted to rebuild philosophy so that
c. it had the same certainty as mathematics and geometry
Descartes is best known for his dictum...
a. I think therefore I am
Descartes believed that ____ is more reliable than___ in grasping the unchanging essence of things.
b. thought ... sensations
According to Descartes, God necessarily exists because ...
c. only a perfect being could be the cause of our idea of God
Descartes believed what makes us most like God is...
a. the power of decision
Cartesian dualism refers to his belief that a person is a combination of two substances..
b. a thinking, nonphysical mind and a non-thinking, physical body
Descartes is called...
c. the father of modern philosophy
The basic element of human existence, according to Nietzsche, is...
a. the will to power
Nietzsche believed that it is a good for human nature ....
b. to see and inflict suffering
According to Nietzsche, truth...
c. is perspectival
Nietzsche saw the role of conscience as
d. a means of self-inflicted punishment
Nietzsche's ubermensch
c. lives without the limits of morals or purpose
Nietzsche's ideas can be seen as an antithesis to
b. Christianity
Nietzsche's philosophy is best described as being
b. postmodernist
The story of the way that Christian thinkers today approach the topic of worldview begins with
d. Kant, Orr, Kuyper
G&B respond to the criticism that a worldview approach intellectualizes the gospel by emphasizing the importance of
a. relationship
In the opinion of G&B, "all worldviews originate in..."
d. a grand story
The framework and basic beliefs for the Christian is comprised of 4 elements. These are Scripture, biblical theology and .....
-Christian worldview
-systematic theology
Faithful contextualization demands discernment in three dimensions.."
-creational design
-cultural idolatry
-healing potential
According to G&B, the mission of the church "is about a healthy life of prayer and meditation" and two other priorities. These are...
-Immersion in Scripture
-Participation in the life of the community