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28 Cards in this Set

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How does Hume define causality?
causality can only be known thru experience ie. food causes our hunger to subside. if no experience causality is just ideas we create. the ideas can't be genuine bc we cant trace them back to any impression
According to Hume, what makes up the contents of the mind?
-impressions (vivacious)
*hear, see, feel, love, hate, desire, will
-ideas (derived from impressions)
*copies that come when we remember an impression
Why is Hume considered to be an empiricist?
because he believes that knowledge can only be attained through experience not through the mind
What implications does Hume draw from his view of causality?
What is the ontological proof for the existence of God? Precisely state the proof.
Anselm: I have a concept than which nothing greater can be concieved. If this concept does not exist in reality, then it wouldn't be the greatest concept. Therefore this concept exists in reality. This concept is God
What is Guanilo's criticism of the proof for the existence of God?
you cant prove that something exists in reality purely by saying it exists in the mind. (the perfect island)
How does Anselm respond to Guanilo’s criticism?
he agrees w the island argument but says his theory only applies to infinite things. finite things-you can think of something greater
What is Paley’s teleological proof for the existence of God?
watch and watchmaker. find a watch in nature assume there was a watchmaker who made it. so find nature, assume there is a designer
What is Dawkin's response to Paley’s teleological proof? Be sure explain what Dawkins writes about cumulative selection in your answer:
admires Paley's explanation due to the biological info during his time.
-believes in evolution
-cumulative selection-designer is blind forces of natural selection
-when genetic mutation occurs if it is adaptive it is kept and passed on
when that offspring has genetic mutation it keeps it and passes it on along with all the previous mutations
What view is Dawkins defending?
darwins idea of evolution
How far does Descartes extend his method of doubting in the Meditations? List the types of objects he doubts.
he doubts everything except for I which is the mind. he doubts the body, the soul, all physical objects, sense perceptions
Is there anything Descartes does not doubt? Why or why not?
he does not doubt I or the mind because he is thinking therefore he must be.
What does Descartes claim about the nature of the relationship of mind to body?
the body and the mind interact because the body sends signals to the mind such as pain and hunger while the mind makes the body move
According to Descartes, is mind the same as body? Why or why not?
no because the mind is indivisible but the body is divisible
Why does Descartes write about wax in the Meditations? What is he trying to show?
he is comparing the wax to the body. because the body is always changing yet the mind believes it is still the same person
-the body can not exist as well as the wax cannot exist
-it is just an idea that the mind creates
According to Kant, what are two characteristics of a priori knowledge?
-prior to experience
Provide an example of a priori knowledge.
-circle isn't a square
-melting point of gold
Provide an example of a posteriori knowledge
-sun rising
What is Kant’s distinction between noumena and phenomena?
-phenomena is appearances(how we experience things)
-noumena is how things exist independently of the mine
Precisely state the characteristics of the phenomenal and noumenal world, including the domain of objects in both worlds.
According to Aquinas, what different types of law are there?
1-Eternal law- Gods immutable truth
2-natural law-how humans are able to participate in eternal law
3-divine law- bible/scripture revelation
4-human law- civil laws
-->must reflect natural or divine law to be just
What practical implications follow from Aquinas’ view?
What is the contract theory which Hobbes provides?
the only way for individuals to escape war of all against all and attain peace is to join together and agree to transfer some of their rights to a common power
How does Hobbes theory differ from Plato and Aristotle?
Plato and Aristotle say humans are political animals, social by nature while Hobbes says humans are individualistic by nature, striving to further their own interest by any means possible
How does Hobbes view of government differ from Locke’s?
What is Pascal’s wager?
if there is a god he's incomprehensible because hes infinite and were finite
How does Pascal’s differ from the proofs of Aquinas?
Pascal does not try to prove the existence of God while Aquinas does
What implications does this distinction of phenomenal and noumenal world have for human knowledge?