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33 Cards in this Set

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Epicurous' view of philosophy?
it is essential for happiness
How should we pursue pleasure?
maximizing total pleasure in then long run
Why shouldnt we fear death?
people can be harmed if they have sensations. The dead dont have sensations.
What should we be seeking?
have pleasure but avoid pain
What type of diet?
Simple and inexpensive
Central principle of morality
actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness
How can we determine whethere one pleasure (A) is more valuable than another pleasure (B), according to Mill
Pleasure A is preferred to pleasure B by most people who are aquainted wih both
How does mill think we can go about proving 1st principles
1st principles are incapable of proof
What does mill claim is the only evidence we can produce that something is desireable?
People actually desire it
Mill admits virtue is desireable but also claims that happiness is the only thing desireable for its own sake. How does he reconcile these claims?
He claims virtue is sometimes part of happiness
Define happiness
Pleasure and absence of pain
According to your course syllabus, and class announcements, it is possible to get partial credit for the course extra credit.
Accordin to your syllabus, you will write your exam essays during class
We will drop your lowest exam grade
If you miss one of the exams, and provide craig with notification within one week of the missed exam, then you may take a make-up in november
midgley argues that moral isolationism helps us to make better moral judgments
A descriptive moral claim tells us what ought to be the case
According to mary midgley criticizing other cultures is never justified, but praising them sometimes is.
According to midgley it is wrong to make moral judgments
According to your syllabus, the assistants for this course are taking attendance each lecture class and this will count as part of your final grade
The descriptive version of cultural relativism claims that different cultures believe different moral values
we will not drop any of your quiz grades
the philosophy department is located in the psychology building
What does Midgley say about the practice of judging?
Judging is simply forming an opinion and expressing it, which is often appropriate.
A Prescriptive Moral Theory describes how people pay for legal pharmaceutical drugs.
According to Epicurus, one should seek pleasure . . .
. only when it will not result in greater amounts of pain later.
According to Midgley . . .
we are sometimes justified in criticizing and praising other cultures.
What sort of diet does Epicurus recommend in order to attain happiness?
A simple and inexpensive diet.
According to Epicurus, philosophy . . .
is a worthwhile activity for young and old people alike.
Epicurus claims that the end (or goal) of all our actions is . . .
to be free from pain and fear.
Midgley argues that one problem with moral isolationism is that cultures . . .
are usually the products of many different cultural influences.
Which of the following does Epicurus think is not conducive to a pleasant life?
Enjoying lots of fine food and drink
An objective moral theory is the view that physical objects are the most important things for human life