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81 Cards in this Set

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Suppositional explanations that have no truth value but has utility are what?
The scientifc study of behavior and mental processes along with the application of the understanding developed through such study is known as what?
The study of man/woman as he or she actually behaves is called?
A statement of invariable sequence between specified conditions and specific phenomenon that is universally accepted and has truth value is called what?
a pattern of observable behaviors that is the expression of a subjectively experienced feeling state(emotion) that varies over time in response to changing emotional states is called?
normal expression of affect that is congruent with speech, context, facial expression etc... is called
Broad or Normal Affect
Note:considerable variability within normal limits can differ widely among individuals as well as cultures.
A severe restriction of the intensity of affective expression is known as?
Blunted Affect
Virtually no affective expression with a monotonous voice and immobile face
Flat Affect
emotion that is clearly discordant with the content of the person's speech or ideation such as a person smiling and laughing while describing the death of their child is known as?
Innapropriate Affect
repeated, rapid and abrupt shifts in affect generally without apparent reason is known as?
Labile Affect
A pursuasive and sustained emotion that in the extreme may markedly color the person's perception of the world.
Three common examples of mood can include:
depression, elation and anxiety
Speech that is indirect and delayed in reaching the point because of unnecessary tedious details and paranthetical remarks. Clauses of speech maintain meaningful connection to speaker with them remaining aware of the original point, goal or topic
Thinking characterized by speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another with topics that are completely unrelated or obliquely related to one another without the speaker's showing any awareness that topics are unconnected.
Loosening of Associations
a nearly continous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic usually based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli or plays on words
Flight of Ideas
Repetitive and seemlingly purposeful behavior that is in response to an obsession or performed according to certain rules in a stereotyped fashion.
Recurrent, persistent, often senseless ideas, thoughts, images, or impulses that are not experienced as voluntarily produced but rather ideas that invade consciousness
an unreasonable and sustained belief or idea that is maintained with less than delusional intensity. It differs from an obsessional though in that the person holding the belief does not recognize its absurdity and thus doesnt struggle against it. The idea is not normally accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.
Overvalued Idea
a false personal belief based on incorrect inference about external reality and firmly sustained in spited of what almost everyone else beliieves and in spited of what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof to the contrary. The belief is not normally accepted by other members of the person's cultre or subculture.
fabrication of facts or events in response to questions about situations or events that are not recalled because of memory impairment. differs from lying in that the person is not conciously trying to decieve
A sensory perception without external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ. it has the immediate sense of reality of a true perception, although in some instances the source may be perceived as within the body
Describe the types of hallucinations
auditory - sound
gustatory - taste
olfactory - smell
somatic - perception of physical experience localized within body
tactile - sense of touch or something under the skin
visual - involves sight, either formed images such as people or unformed as in flashes of light
a misperception of a real external stimulus. Example the rustle of leaves sinds like voices
Awareness of where one is in relation to person place and time
confusion related to person place and/or time
an idea held less firmly than a delusion, that events, objects or other people in the person's immediate environment have a particular and unusual meaning specifically for the individual. example taco bell commercial late at night is directed to all the drunken munchy cravers in the house!!!
Ideas of Reference
the person believes that his or her thoughts words or actions might or will in some manner cause or prevent a specific outcome in some way that defies the normal laws of cause and effect. Example The rally monkey helping the Angels win the World Series
Magical Thinking
discrete periods or sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness or terror often associated with feelings of impending doom.
Panic Attacks
Name some signs of panic attacks
dyspnea, palpations, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations and fear of going crazy or losing control.
persistent repetition of words ideas or subjects so that once a person begins speaking about a particular subject or uses a particular word it continually recurs. Can also pertain to persistent repetitive behavior.
state of alarm, dread thats caused by perceived impending danger.
a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that results in compelling desire to avoid the dreaded object.
gross impairment in reality testing and the creation of a new reality. The person incorrectly evaluates the accuracy of his or her perceptions and thoughts and makes incorrect inferences about external reality, even in the face of contrary evidence.
Direct evidence of psychosis is the presence of what 2 things
delusions or hallucinations
psychological disordes that interfere with person's ability to function up to his or her full potential, but the patient does not typically engage in bizarre behavior that violates social norms
Neurotic Disorder
Neurotic distortions do not involve gross distortions of what?
an OBJECTIVE manifestation of a pathological condition.
Who is more likely to observe signs, the exmainer or the individual
manifestation of a pathological condition that is most usually reported thru SUBJECTIVE complaints made by the patient
mechanism in which the person acts without reflection or apparent regard for negative consequences that might follow
Acting Out
What youd really like to tell Odonohuudududuahgduuuu about his Neuro Test but hopefully you wont use this mechanism
a mechanism in which the person acts to win the respect or prestige in some activity or pursuit as a substitute for perceived inabillities or deficits in some other realm or personal attribute
a mechanism in which the person fails to acknowledge some aspect of external reality that would be appearant to others
Denial - not the river in Egypt - Khajotia Special for that ass
a mechanism in which the person generalizes or redirects a feeling about a person or response to a person or situation onto another, usually less threatening person or situation. Bad day at clinic so you take it out on the dog or old lady/old man
a mechanism in which the person sustains a temporary alteration in the integrative functions of consciousness or identity. Happy gilmore going to his happy place when shooter pisses him off
can be employed as a defense mechanism when it serves to mask the person's true feeling or as a socially acceptable means of expressing negative sentiments
Humor -
think youll see a few slides in the set in which i have utilized this defense mechanism
a mechanism in which the person attributes exaggeratedly positive qualities to self or others
a mechanism in which the person is as unable to experience simultaneously the cognitive and affective components of an experience because the affect is kept from consciousness. Example when im cowhorn exploring a patient mrs severson cant come over and comment that their mouth looks like a deer with a thirty ought hole in the side of its chest. She has to maintain professonalism to keep patient from freaking out
a mechanism in which the person indirectly and unassertively express agression towards others. Example you tick your assistant off so they start "dropping" instruments to get under your skin
Passive Aggression
a mechanism in which the person falsely attributes his or her own aknowledged or unacceptable feelings, impulses or thoughts to others. You see a guy at a party hating on it and you automatically dislike them because of your own dislike for the party
a mechanism in which the person divises reassuring or self serving but incorrect explanations for his or her own or other's behavior. Person busy corvette over SUV for family of 4 because it gets better gas mileage
a mechanism in which the person engages in excessive abstract thinking to avoid experiencing disturbing feelings. Unibomber's reason for doing what he did
a mechanism in which the person engages in behaviors more appropriate to an earlier stage of development. 12 year old walks calmly to chair but then starts commenting on how he's going to "get a wittle shotty wotty"
a mechanism in which the person substitutes behavior, thoughts, or feelings that are diametrically opposed to his or her own true, unacceptable ones. Raped woman's child resembles her attacker and deep down she dispises the childs but she pretends to be overly doating
Reaction Formation
a mechanism in which the person is unable to remember or to be congnitively aware of disturbing wishes, feelings thoughts or experiences. Person forgets bad experience and puts it into unconsciousness forever
a mechanism in which the person intentionally avoids thinking about disturbing problems, desires, feelings or experiences
a mechanism in which inappropriate drives are expressed through socially accepted, sanctioned events. Football allows aggresion in socially acceptable ways.
a mechanism in which the person becomes preoccupied with physical symptoms disproportionate to any actual physical disturbance.
a mechanism in which the person views himself or others as all good or all bad failing to integrat the positive and the negative qualities of self and others. Your first cowhorning experimentee tells you did a great job but bring blood one time and they are ready for the monthly partner change
a mechanism in which the person engages in behavior desiged to symbolically make amends for or negat previous thoughts, feeling or actions. Kobe Bryant's old lady faired well from this mechanism
Patterns of feelings, thoughts or behaviors that are relatively involuntary and arise in response to perceptions of psychic danger.
Defense Mechanisms

something that OU is severly lacking right now
Can defense mechanisms be consciously controlled and manipulated?
Yes in some cases but for the most part they are unconscious mechanisms.
These are designed to hide or alleviate conflicts or stressors that give rise to anxiety
Defense Mechanisms
Whats another term for Defense Mechanisms?
"Ego Defenses"
This part of the three entities that Freud postulized is responsible for fundamental drives
This part of the three entities that Freud postulized is responsible for the basic idea of social demands put upon the being.
This part of the three entities that Freud postulized is responsible for being the mediator between the ID and the Superego. It works out agreements between the two.
The study of death and dying
cessation of bodily processes that are an unavoidable biological fact.
process involved during period preceding actual death.
Note: commonly follows diagosis of a terminal disease
Process of adjustment to the loss of someone to whom the person feels close to
the emotional response experienced in the early phases of bereavement.
What are the 3 phases of grief?
Shock and disbelief
preoccupation with the memory of the deceist
Would unanticipated or anticipated death more significantly affect the pattern of grief
the ways in which the bereaved and the community act while adjusting to the death
Who authored a book about the five stages of grief?
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
The name of E. Kubler Ross's book was?
On Death and Dying
Kubler Ross pioneered what form of medical treatment that has gained lots of popularity for elderly disabled patients?
Hospice Care
The five stages of grief that Kubler Ross proposed were?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance
The two types of depression are?
Reactive Depression and Preparatory Depression
depression that stems from/related to consequences of illness such as lost job, inability to meet familial needs etc.. is known as
Reactive Depression
depression not related to past or present losses but to future losses such as loss of life, loss of oppurtunities and experiences etc.. is known as?
Preparatory Depression