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88 Cards in this Set

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What is the most inferior region of the pharynx?
larynx (hypopharynx)
What group of muscles pull trachea up and away during swallowing to let food go into esophagus?
infrahyoid muscles
The 3 concha of the nasal cavity are lined with what epithelium?
pseudostratefied ciliated columnar epithelium
What is the main function of the meati (sp?) or choanae between the 3 concha of the nose?
to filter, warm, and humidify air as it enters
How do choanae warm air as it enters?
blood vessels very near the surface
What region of the pharynx equilibrates air pressure in the head?
auditory tube
What nerve of what CN has parasympathetic fibers to nasal glands?
greater petrosal nerve of CN VII
What artery supplies blood to the nasal region through the IFT and pterygomaxillary fissure?
maxillary artery
What 3 things make up the nasal septum?
1. septal cartilage
2. perpendicular plate of ethmoid
3. vomer
Which concha is its own bone?
inf. concha
What region of the pharynx equilibrates air pressure in the head?
auditory tube
What nerve of what CN has parasympathetic fibers to nasal glands?
greater petrosal nerve of CN VII
What artery supplies blood to the nasal region through the IFT and pterygomaxillary fissure?
maxillary artery
What 3 things make up the nasal septum?
1. septal cartilage
2. perpendicular plate of ethmoid
3. vomer
Which concha is its own bone?
inf. concha
What 2 concha are parts of the ethmoid bone?
mid and sup. concha
Where does the pituitary gland sit?
sella terseca
Where is the opening to the auditory tube from the nasopharynx?
just posterior to the inf. concha
What are the 4 nasal air sinuses?
1. frontal
2. maxillary
3. sphenoid
4. ethmoid
What branches provide sensory innervation to the 4 nasal air sinuses?
branches nasociliary of V1
branches of V2
Where does the sphenoid sinus drain to and into what region of the nasal cavity?
spheno-ethmoidal recess just posterior to sup. concha (so the sinus drains anteriorly)
Where do the ethmoid air cells drain to and into what region of the nasal cavity?
ethmoid bulla in the middle meatus
What does the frontal sinus drain through and into what region of the nasal cavity?
frontonasal duct drains the frontal sinus into the middle meatus
What duct drains the tears from your eyes, and into what region of the nasal cavity?
nasolacrimal duct drains into the inf. meatus
What drains the maxillary sinus and into what region of the nasal cavity?
Hiatus semi-lunaris into the middle meatus
What is the largest sinus and what drains it?
maxillary sinus drained by Hiatus Semi-lunaris
Where is the Hiatus Semi-lunaris located in regards to the maxillary sinus, and what does this mean?
Hiatus semi-lunaris is at the most superior end of the maxillary sinus, so the sinus doesn't drain until it's full or you are lying down
Where is the pterygopalatine fossa located in relation to the maxillary sinus?
the pterygopalatine fossa is just posterior to the maxillary sinus
V2 and the pterygopalatine ganglion (parasympathetic fibers from greater petrosal n) are located in what distinct region just posterior to maxillary sinus?
pterygopalatine fossa
What nerve has GVE components that innervate nasal glands from post-ganglionic fibers after the pterygopalatine ganglion?
greater petrosal n. of CN VII
What branches of CN V innervate the internal nasal regions with GSA?
V1 -> nasociliary -> ant. and post. ethmoidal

V2 -> pterygopalatine -> nasopalatine
What CN has SVA to posterior palate for some taste buds there?
What canal opens into inf. meatus?
nasolacrimal canal
What 3 canals open into middle meatus?
1. frontonasal duct
2. Hiatus Semi-lunaris
3. openings to ant. ethmoidal air cells
What 2 canals open into superior meatus?
1. opening to sphenoid sinus
2. openings to post. ethmoidal air cells
What are the 3 pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
sup, mid, inf
What group of muscles begins peristalsis?
3 pharyngeal constrictor muscles
What are the 3 longitudinal muscles of the posterior pharyngeal wall?
1. salpingopharyngeus
2. palatopharyngeus
3. stylopharyngeus
What is the largest pharyngeal constrictor muscle?
inf. constrictor
What muscle lifts the soft palate up?
levator palatini
What muscle puts lateral tension on the soft palate by reaching around the pterygoid hamulus?
tensor palatini
What is another name for the velum?
soft palate
What are the 4 papillae of the tongue and their shapes?
1. fungiform - mushroom
2. filiform - hair
3. foliate - fold
4. vallate - trench
What is the largest and 2nd most numerous papillae?
Taste buds are associated with what papillae?
1. fungiform
2. foliate
3. vallate
What innervates all the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and all extrinsic tongue muscles except the palatoglossus?
CN XII (hypoglossus)
What are the 4 extrinsic muscles of the tongue and their innervations?
3 by CN XII
styloglossus, hyoglossus, genioglossus

1 by CN X
What 2 CNs make up the pharyngeal plexus?
CN IX and CN X
What structure divides the tongue into ant 2/3 and post 1/3?
sulcus terminalis (vallate papillae)
Through what foramen does the Chorda Tympani run?
petrotympanic fissure
What are 2 components of Chorda Tympani?
SVA (taste)
What gland secretes through Wharton's Duct into ant. of mouth under the tongue?
What is the autonomic ganglion for parasympathetic fibers going to the sub-mandibular and sub-lingual glands?
sub-mandibular ganglion
What is the relationship of the Lingual Nerve to Wharton's Duct from post. to ant?
in posterior, lingual n. is superior and lateral to Wharton's Duct

in anterior, lingual n. is inferior and medial to Wharton's Duct
What 3 CNs have SVA for taste?
Where are filiform palillae located?
all throughout tongue but mostly in ant. 2/3
Where are foliate papillae located?
sides of tongue
What 2 CNs provide innervation to ant 2/3 of tongue and what are their components?
1. CN V - GSA
What 1 CN innervates post 1/3 of tongue and what are its 2 components?
What 1 CN innervates the root of tongue and what are its 2 components?
What innervates the geniohyoid?
cervical plexus C1
What are the 3 unpaired laryngeal cartilages from sup to inf?
sup: epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid: inf
What are the 4 paired laryngeal cartilages?
1. arytenoid
2. corniculate
3. cuneiform
4. triticeal
All of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are innervated by what?

What is the only muscle that is not an intrinsic muscle of the larynx, and what innervates it?
recurrent laryngeal branch of CN X innervates intrinsic laryngeal muscles

external portion of sup. laryngeal branch of CN X innervates the cricothyroid
What is the primary function of the larynx?
protect the airway
What is the flat area at the superior region of the larynx called?
What are the 2 vocal folds?
1. true vocal folds
2. vestibular (false) vocal folds
What is located between the true and false (vestibular) vocal folds?
the sinus/ventricle of the larynx
What is the only external muscle of the larynx and what is its innervation?
cricothyroid: ext. portion of sup. laryngeal branch of CN X
hyoid bone
thyrohyoid membrane
thyroid cartilage
Corniculate cartilage
arytenoid cartilage
vocal ligament
cricothyroid membrane (ligament)
cricoid cartilage
vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
What is another name for the conic ligament?
cricothyroid ligament (membrane)
What is the only muscle that can abduct (open) the vocal folds?

What is its innervation?
posterior crico-arytenoid muscle

recurrent laryngeal branch of CN X because it's an intrinsic muscle
What is the process of vocal fold adduction?
bringing them closer together
aryepiglottic muscle
oblique arytenoid muscle
transverse arytenoid muscle
posterior crico-arytenoid muscle