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52 Cards in this Set

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aeroslinzed histamined used as a provacative test for nonspecific bronchial hyperactivity, flushing, hypotension, tachycaria, head ache, whals, broncoconstirction, GI upsent, don’t give to asthamtics and pts with active ulcer disease or active GI bleeding
tx for anaphalactic shock
release inibitos used in tx of asthma, reduce degraulation of mast cells that result from immunologic triggering by antigen IgE interaction.
release inibitos used in tx of asthma, reduce degraulation of mast cells that result from immunologic triggering by antigen IgE interaction.
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma
first generation, H1 inverse agonsit blocks contraction of bronchiol and GI muscle, bind o clohlinergic, alpha adrenergic, serotoni nadn local anestheci receltor sites, useful in treating allergies caused by antigens to IgE, tx for bronchial asthma , adverse effects- dry mouth and sedation
second gen H1 blockers, removed form market because led to cardiac toxicity due to blockage of HERG K channels in the hrt
active metabolite of terfnanidine, lacks cardiac toxicty of terfanidine, seconcod general H1 blocker, more sedating
second gen H1 blockers,(less sedating) removed form market because led to cardiac toxicity due to blockage of HERG K channels in the hrt when used with CYP43AA inhbitors such as etrhymormyxci, macrolides, itraconazome, ketoconazole , adverse- dry mouth and sedation
seocnd gen H1 blocker, less sedating, less liposolbue, substrates of P glycoprotein transporter, block GI muscle and bronciolar muscle contraction , adverse- dry mouth ahd sedation
seocnd gen H1 blocker, less sedating, less liposolbue, substrates of P glycoprotein transporter, block GI muscle and bronciolar muscle contraction , adverse- dry mouth ahd sedation
H2 Receptor Antagonists , inhibit gastric secretion by compeptive blockage, reduce intracellular cAMP, increase basal food stimulated and nocturla secretion of gastric acid , recersible inhibtior of H2, complete inh gastric secrtertion induced by histamine or gastrin, only parilaly inhibit gastric acid secretion by muscaric agonists , used for peptic ulcers, acute ulcers, GERD, adverse- HA, dizziness, muscle pain, inibits CY450, dlow metab of other drugs, binds to androgen receptors and can lead to gynecomastia and low sperm count, blood dyscriais
H2 Receptor Antagonists , inhibit gastric secretion by compeptive blockage, reduce intracellular cAMP, increase basal food stimulated and nocturla secretion of gastric acid , recersible inhibtior of H2, complete inh gastric secrtertion induced by histamine or gastrin, only parilaly inhibit gastric acid secretion by muscaric agonists , used for peptic ulcers, acute ulcers, GERD, adverse- HA, dizziness, muscle pain, inibits CY450, dlow metab of other drugs, binds to androgen receptors and can lead to gynecomastia and low sperm count, blood dyscriais
H2 Receptor Antagonists , inhibit gastric secretion by compeptive blockage, reduce intracellular cAMP, increase basal food stimulated and nocturla secretion of gastric acid , recersible inhibtior of H2, complete inh gastric secrtertion induced by histamine or gastrin, only parilaly inhibit gastric acid secretion by muscaric agonists , used for peptic ulcers, acute ulcers, GERD, adverse- HA, dizziness, muscle pain, inibits CY450, dlow metab of other drugs, binds to androgen receptors and can lead to gynecomastia and low sperm count, blood dyscriais
H2 Receptor Antagonists , inhibit gastric secretion by compeptive blockage, reduce intracellular cAMP, increase basal food stimulated and nocturla secretion of gastric acid , recersible inhibtior of H2, complete inh gastric secrtertion induced by histamine or gastrin, only parilaly inhibit gastric acid secretion by muscaric agonists , used for peptic ulcers, acute ulcers, GERD, adverse- HA, dizziness, muscle pain, inibits CY450, dlow metab of other drugs, binds to androgen receptors and can lead to gynecomastia and low sperm count, blood dyscriais
5-HT increases GI mitolity, 5HT2 constricts vascular smooth muscle, 5HT2A causes platelet aggregation
selective got 5HT1B and 5-HT1D, migraine head ache, reduce seonsry activation in periphery and nociceptive transmissioon of brain, first line therapy for migtaine attachs
prokinetic agent, facilates Ach release from enteric neurons, supression of antagionis of 5HT3 receptors and stimulation of exccitaoy neurons via activation 5HT4 receptros, central and peripheral antidopaminergic actions, antinauseant and antiemietic, mediated via dopamine D2 receptors on cholinergic enteric neurons
prokinetic agent, activates 5-HT4 receptros, used to be used for GERD and pastroparesis, serious cardiac effects that extends AP and the QT interval, seriosu cardiac arrtymas and deaths from ventricualr tachycardia, ventricuallr fibiration, torsaes de poitnes and QT prolongation, epsecially when used with CYP inhibitrs, only avainable on limited bases
potent H1 blocking action, prevents smooth muscle effects of seronotin and histamine, no effec on gastric secretion by histamine, antimuscarinic and sedative
antiemetic for severe nausea and vomtiting during cancer therapy
oral, siblingual, rectal, inhaler, migraine attacks , ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
effective in reducing high levels of prolactin from pituary tumors, regression of tumors ,ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
more potentt againt hyperprolactinemia than bromociptine ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
dx agent to provoke cornary artery spasm, given to pts with variant angina to check for segmental abnormalties in the cornary artery , IM for postpartum hemorrage ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
used for tx against post partum herrmorage, given IV, ergot alkaloid from claviceps purpera fungus
PGE2, used to ripen cervix at term before induction of labor with oxytoxin, used in conjuction with carboprost tromethamine as a abortifacient in second trimester of pregnants, produce oxitoic effects- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
PGE1 analog, prevention of peptic uncles in pts with high doeses of NSAIDs for arhtiris or hx of ulcers with this use , also used in combo with mifespristone(progestrone antagonist) as an abortifacient combo
infusion to maintain PDA open for intants with transposition of great vessels until surgical correction takes place, PGE1 used in tx of impotence, injection in penis and urethra
PGI2, lowers peripherla, pulmonary and cornoary resnstance, epostrostenol alloved for severe pul hypertension and to prevent platelet agregation in dialysis machines
a PGF 2 alpha derivative used for glaucoma
inhibition of 5 lypooxygenase(zileuton)
inhibition of binding of LTD4 to its receptor in target tissues
inhibition of binding of LTD4 to its receptor in target tissues
thiazie diuretci with long dueation of action 40-60 h, used to treat HTN once daily
ceiling dureetics, act on distal tubule- all have equal maximal effects, differ in potency, HTN(either aolone or with other antihypertensive such as ACE inhibitors or B blockers , used for heart failure, hyercalciculra, diabetest insipidus, premesntrual edema , act predominanly on DCT, blovks NCCT Na Cl cotransporter, increased Na and Cl in tubular fluid and icnreased H20 secretion, increased K exrecretion, increased Mg excretion, decrease Ca excretion, decreased PVR due to decrease in blood bolume, with continued therapy volume recovery occurs alhtough ypotensive effects remain, adverse- hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hyeruricemia, volume depletion, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidema, hyersensitivy
most potent causes Na excretion in advance kidney failure
ethacrynic acid
most commonly used loop(high ceiling) durectic, produces lots of urine, highest eficay in remvoing Na and Cl from body, act mainly on ascending limb of loop of henle, clnical- durectic of choice for reducing acute pul emeda associated with hrt failure and hepatic or renal dsiease, HTN, act in ascening limp of look of henle, block NKCC2 Na/Cl/Cotransporter increased Na, Cl and K in tubular fluid, increase H20 excretion, increased excretion of Ca, Mg, decreased renal vasciular restance, increased renal blood flow, increased prostoglandi synthesis, oral or parenteral, 2-4 h half life, adverse- ototocity, hyperuricemia, acute hypovolemia, K depletion, hypomagnesemia, allergic rxns
most commonly used loop(high ceiling) durectic, produces lots of urine, highest eficay in remvoing Na and Cl from body, act mainly on ascending limb of loop of henle, clnical- durectic of choice for reducing acute pul emeda associated with hrt failure and hepatic or renal dsiease, HTN, act in ascening limp of look of henle, block NKCC2 Na/Cl/Cotransporter increased Na, Cl and K in tubular fluid, increase H20 excretion, increased excretion of Ca, Mg, decreased renal vasciular restance, increased renal blood flow, increased prostoglandi synthesis, oral or parenteral, 2-4 h half life, adverse- ototocity, hyperuricemia, acute hypovolemia, K depletion, hypomagnesemia, allergic rxns
most commonly used loop(high ceiling) durectic, produces lots of urine, highest eficay in remvoing Na and Cl from body, act mainly on ascending limb of loop of henle, clnical- durectic of choice for reducing acute pul emeda associated with hrt failure and hepatic or renal dsiease, HTN, act in ascening limp of look of henle, block NKCC2 Na/Cl/Cotransporter increased Na, Cl and K in tubular fluid, increase H20 excretion, increased excretion of Ca, Mg, decreased renal vasciular restance, increased renal blood flow, increased prostoglandi synthesis, oral or parenteral, 2-4 h half life, adverse- ototocity, hyperuricemia, acute hypovolemia, K depletion, hypomagnesemia, allergic rxns
K sparking- Na Channel inhbitos, block Na transport channles, decreased NaK exchange, do not rely on presence of alodsterone, can present K loss associated with thiazide and furosemide, adverse- hyperkalemia, hypponatremia, leg craps, GI upset, dizziness,prurutis, head ahce and minor visual changes , act in colecting duct, directly block epithelial sodium channel(ENac) in order to decrease Na/K exchange, decreased Na reabsorption and K exrection , decrease K excretion and increased Na excretion, increased urinary volume
aldolsterone antagaonist, inhibition of Na and H20 retention-->inhibiton of vasoconstruciton, reduces K excretion, risk of hyperkalemia, more promiment in pts with chronic kidney disease or in pts taking concurrent ACEI, ARB, or other K sparing durectis, tx for HTN and hrt failure, first line therapy for pts with HTN and severe LV dysfunction, acts in colecting tubules, used for heart failure, HTN, primary hyperaldosteronism, edema decreased Na reabsorption and decvrased Kexretion , adverse effects- gastric upset, peptic ulcers, endocrine efects, hyperkalemia, nausuea, theargy, metnal confsion ,decrease K excretion and increased Na excretion, increased urinary volume
aldolsterone antagaonist, inhibition of Na and H20 retention-->inhibiton of vasoconstruciton, reduces K excretion, risk of hyperkalemia, more promiment in pts with chronic kidney disease or in pts taking concurrent ACEI, ARB, or other K sparing durectis, tx for HTN and hrt failure, first line therapy for pts with HTN and severe LV dysfunction, acts in colecting tubules, used for heart failure, HTN, primary hyperaldosteronism, edema decreased Na reabsorption and decvrased Kexretion , adverse effects- gastric upset, peptic ulcers, endocrine efects, hyperkalemia, nausuea, theargy, metnal confsion ,decrease K excretion and increased Na excretion, increased urinary volume
K sparking- Na Channel inhbitos, block Na transport channles, decreased NaK exchange, do not rely on presence of alodsterone, can present K loss associated with thiazide and furosemide, adverse- hyperkalemia, hypponatremia, leg craps, GI upset, dizziness,prurutis, head ahce and minor visual changes , act in colecting duct, directly block epithelial sodium channel(ENac) in order to decrease Na/K exchange, decreased Na reabsorption and K exrection , decrease K excretion and increased Na excretion, increased urinary volume