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81 Cards in this Set

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sedative, CIV; (7-10d) short term tx of insomnia; 0.125-0.25 mg @ HS (elderly), usual/max: 0.25-0.5 mg; short t1/2; rebound insomnia, anterograde amnesia; 3A4 sub, int w/ azoles, omeprazole, nefazodone; ci: preg X, azoles, nefazodone; w/d potential; amnesia; not good in elderly
sedation, CIV; 10d; 15 mg 30 min ā HS; u/m: 30 mg, 7.5-30 mg; conjugated, no active metab; preg X
Ambien, Ambien CR
sedation, CIV; 10d; female, elderly & liver dx 5, 6.25 (CR) mg; usual: 10, 12.5 (CR) mg; don' t crush/chew CR; preserves sleep cycle stage 3/4; preg B
sedation; 10d; CIV; 5-10 mg (elderly & liver dx)@ HS; u/m: 20 mg; use low dose if low wt, on cimetidine; use for sleep initiation, no dec in sleep awakenings or time prolongation; less resid sedation/memory imp b/c short t1/2; 3A4: cimetidine, rifampin, gfj; food delays abs by 3 hrs-empty stomach; preg C
sedation; CIV; 6 mo; 2 mg @ HS, u/m: 3 mg, 1 mg-elderly, liver dx 3A4 inhib; rapidly abs-1 hr, empty stomach; 3A4: azoles, clarithromycin, nefazalone; preg C
sedation, insomnia 2°, difficult sleep onset; 8 mg @ HS w/i 30 min of bedtime; no renal adj; ci: h/o angioedema, on fluvoxamine; avoid high fat meal-inc AUC/dec Cmax, delays inc man; 1A2 sub-fluvox is 1A2 inhib; preg C; observe for complex behab dec amnesia; mech: melatonin, not scheduled; good in hx subs abuse
symptomatic relief of anxiety, tension, pruritus; 25 mg tid-qid, u/m: 50-100 mg qid; base and pamoate salt (vistaril); parent of cetirizine; int CNS dep; dry mouth, drowsy; mech: antihistamine
vertigo; 12.5-25 mg tid-qid; use 1 hr ā travel for motion sickness; OTC-bomine; oral, chew tab; caution-asthma, glaucoma, BPH; antichol: dry mouth, drowsy; aboid EtOH
TCA; depression; 40-150 mg ÷ or QHS; more sedating
TCA; depression; 75-150 mg ÷ or QHS; less sedating
Tofranil, Tofranil PM caps
TCA; depression, enuresis ≥ 6 yo; 50-150 mg QD; start < 25 mg 1° ā HS; u/m: < 12 yo 50 mg, ≥ 12 yo 75 mg, max 2.5 mg/kg/d; less sedating
TCA; OCD; 25 mg QHS, u/m: 25-100 mg, 250/d
TCA; depression, anxiety; 75-150 mg ÷ or QHS; 300 mg/d severe dx; more sedating
Paxil, Paxil CR
SSRI; dep/OCD dep; 10-20 mg QD (50, 60/OCD) (elderly), 12.5-25 mg CR QD (62.5 mg OCD); also: panic, social anxiety dis; strong 2D6 inhib: phenytoin, phenobarb, cimetidine, warfarin; somnolence, wt gain, constip; don't crush/chew CR; short t1/2; risk w/d if miss dose
Prozac, Prozac Weekly
SSRI; dep/OCD, dep (Wkly); dep: 10-20 mg QD (80), OCD: 10 mg QD (80), dep/OCD: ÷ if > 20 mg; Wkly: dep: 90 mg weekly initiate 7d after 13 wks of 20 mg/d; also: panic; transition to weekly: QD 13 wks, then off 1 wk, then weekly; 2D6, 1A2 inhib: phenytoin, carbamazepine, benzos, sumatriptan (all SSRI's); ci: MAOI, thioridazine, insomnia, anorexia; less wt gain
SSRI; dep/OCD; 25-50 mg QD (200); also: panic; 3A4, 2D6: warfarin, diazepam; 98% protein bound; transient N dyspepsia
SSRI; dep; 10-20 mg QD (40), max 20 if ≥ 60 yo; 3A4, 2C19 sub; QT interval; int 2C19 inhib: cimetidine, omeprazole; N, dry mouth
SSRI; dep; 10 mg QD (elderly) (20); 3A4, 2C19 sub; int: cimet, omeprazole; N
Effexor, Effexor XR
SNRI; dep/anxiety; 25 mg tid or 37.5 mg bid, u: 225 mg, m: 375 mg sev dep (25, 37.5, 75, 100), XR: 37.5-75 mg QD u: 225 mg; int: MAOI, CNS active drugs, antihistamine; ci: MAOI; caution: HTN, seizure, mania hx; adjust liver/renal dx; HA, N, dizzy, drowsy, inc BP-check wkly; avoid EtOH, don't crush/chew/÷ caps; don't DC abruptly
SNRI; dep; 50 mg QD (50-100), 50, 100 mg, m: 400; ER tabs; int: MAOI, CNS active drugs, antihistamine; ci: MAOI; caution: HTN, seizure, mania hx; adjust renal dx; HA, N, dizzy, drowsy, inc BP-check wkly; avoid EtOH, don't crush/chew/÷ caps; don't DC abruptly
SNRI; dep/anxiety; 20-30 mg bid (60/d); can dose QD; also periph neuropathy; 2D6: TCA, phenothiazines, fluoxetine, paroxetine; 1A2: fluvox, FQ; ci: MAOI, NAG; caution: HTN, seizure, mania hx; N, dry mouth, constip, insomnia, dec appetite; no EtOH, don't DC abruptly
SARI; dep +/- anxiety; 150 mg ÷ (400/d); take w/ food for best abs; no EtOH, don't DC abruptly; large doses @ HS if drowsy; also: insomnia (off label); food affects abs; int: CNS dep, pheyntoin, gfj (inc level); caution: priaprism, recent mi, arrhythmias; AE: drowsy, dry mouth, dizzy, orthostatic hypoTN
NaSSA; dep; 15-45 mg QD (hs) (45); antihistamine activity-v sedating; int: MAOI, CNS dep; ci: MAOI; drowsy, dry mouth, inc appet/wt gain, dizzy; no EtOH, don't DC abruptly
Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL
NDRI; dep; 100 mg bid-tid (75, 100, single dose ≤ 150 mg); SR: 150 mg QD-bid (100, 150); XL: 150-300 mg QD (m: 450/d); titrate ≥ 72°; int: MAOI, CD/LD, EtOH; ci: MAOI, seizure (dec thresh) bulimia, anorexia; caution: can cause mania psychosis; AE: dizzy, N, anorexia/wt loss insomnia, tremor; keep on reg dosing schedule; no EtOH; wt Δ may be temporary; activating
NDRI; short term gen anxiety; 5 mg tid, (30 bid); high affinity for dop receptors; caution: renal/liver dx, risk movement disorders dt inc dop; HA, fatigue, dizzy, insomnia, N; fall risk, report abn movements, take consistenly w/ or w/o food; not PRN, 8 wks for effect
benzo; short term/situational anxiety; CIV; 0.5 mg bid to 3 mg bid (0.5,1,2), u/m: 10; tab, inj; also: insomnia, status epilepticus; intermed t1/2, no active metab; ci: preg D, renal/liver dx, dep, psychosis; consult: drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, no EtOH, w/d potential
Tranxene, Tranxene XR
benzo; short term/situational anxiety; CIV; 7.5-15 mg bid-tid (3.75, 7.5, 15; XR: 1.25, 2.25); m: 60/d; also: EtOH w/d; long t1/2, active metab, not for elderly; 3A4 azoles, omeprazole, cimetidine, nefazodone; preg X; caution: renal/liver dx; CNS dep; consult: drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, no EtOH, w/d potential
benzo; anxiety, skel muscle spasm; CIV; 2-10 mg tid-qid (2,5,10) (40); tab, inj, rectal gel; long t1/2; active metab; int: CNS dep, omeprazole, cimet, gfj; ci: preg D; caution: renal/liver, elderly; consult: drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, no EtOH, w/d potential
Xanax, Xanax XR
benzos; CIV; anxiety/panic; 0.25-0.5 mg tid (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2; XR (panic): 0.5, 1, 2, 3); (4/d); intermed t1/2, active metab; int: CNS, dep azoles, omeprazole, cimet, nefazadone; ci: preg D; caution: renal/liver, elderly; consult: drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, no EtOH, w/d potential
benzos; CIV; seizures; 0.5 mg tid (20/d); titrate to seizure control; also: insomnia, RLS; ci: liver dx, OAG (untx'd); abrupt DC ⇒ seizures, w/d; consult: drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, no EtOH, w/d potential
typical AP; psychotic disorders; 3-5 mg bid-tid (100/d); FGA works on + sx not - or cognitive sx; tab, inj, depot inj; int: antchol, CNS dep; ci: Parkinson's; caution NMS, TD, QT prolong, orthohypoTN; EPS, drowsy; no EtOH
typical AP; psychotic disorders; 200-800 mg ÷ 2-4 (800); ci: drugs that inhib metab or prolong QT; int: antchol, CNS dep; ci: Parkinson's; caution NMS, TD, QT prolong, orthohypoTN; EPS, drowsy; no EtOH
typical AP; psychotic disorders; 2.5-10 mg ÷ q6-8° (20); use lowest effective dose (1-5 mg/d); tab, depot, inj; int: antchol, CNS dep; ci: Parkinson's; caution NMS, TD, QT prolong, orthohypoTN; EPS, drowsy; no EtOH
25, 100; atypical AP; schizo; 12.5-25 mg (25, 100); sev refractory schizo, obtain via pt mgmt system; WBC ✔ ā dispensing; int: antichol, additive hypoTN w/ antiHTN; ci: mycloproliferative dx, hx low WBC; caution: seizure, CV dx, NAG; drowsy, dizzy, inc HR, orthohypoTN, agranulocytosis; counsel s/sx infection
atypical AP; schizo; 1 mg bid initially (0.25, 0.5, 1,2, 3, 4) (4-12/d); also: acute mania; caution: NMS, TD, prolong QT, orthohypoTN, seizures, causes hyperglycemia; EPS insomnia, agitation, somnolence, inc HR; w/ milk/food if needed, no EtOH, no excess sunlight
atypical AP; schizo; 25-50 mg bid initially ÷ bid-tid (25,50, 100-400) (300-400, max 800); also: psychotic disorders, acute mania; caution: risperidal + cataracts; somnolence, dizzy, constip, hypoTN, dry mouth; no EtOH, reg eye exams
atypical AP; schizo; 5-10 mg QHS (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20; ODT: 5, 15) (u: 5-20, m: 30); titrate ≥ wkly; also: psychotic dx, bipolar, mania; caution: risperidal + cataracts; somnolence, dizzy, constip, hypoTN, dry mouth; avoid excess sunlight; high sedation, wt gain
atypical AP; schizo; 20 mg bid ÷ bid (40-160); also acute mania; 3A4; carbamazepine, azole; ci: agents that prolong QT, mi, decomp CHF; caution: risperidal + cataracts; somnolence, dizzy, constip, hypoTN, dry mouth; w/ food inc abs
atypical AP; schizo; 10-15 mg QD (10-30); also: mania; 3A4, 2D6: carbamaz, fluoxetine, paroxetine; caution: risperidal + cataracts; HA, insomnia, anxiety, akithesia (inner restlessness); no EtOH; partial dop agonist
partial cholingergic nicotinic agonist; smoking cessation; 0.5 mg QAM x 3d, bid x 4d, 1 mg bid; start 1 wk before quit date; titrate; take w/ food + H2O; modify lifestyle prior to quit date; 12 wk initially; high renal elim; int: nicotine replacement; medwatch: mood Δ; suicide, erratic behavior; N, HA, insomnia, abn dreams; CNS dep, do not use if pscyh hx
Alphagan P
OAG; ÷ drop in affected eye q8°; additive effects w/ βb; AE: allergic conjunctivitus, eye pruritus, burning, hyperemia, dry mouth, visual disturb; 5 min btwn diff drops; lie down/tilt head back; remove contacts
OAG; 1-2 drops bid; β1 selective; ci: SB; heart block, overt CHF; caution: asthma, sev COPD; AE: burn blurred vision; hyperemia, itching; 10 min btwn diff drops
Timoptic, Timoptic XR
OAG; 1 drop bid; nonselective, ci: asthma, sev COPD, SB, heart block, overt CHF; burn, blur, HA; screen for resp meds on profile; 10 min btwn
dorzolamid + timolol
OAG; 1 drop bid; non-selective; ci: asthma, sev COPD, SB, heart block, overt CHF, sulfa allergy; taste Δ, burn, blur, red, itch, 10 min btwn; reinsert contacts after 15 min
OAG; 1 drop QPM; prostaglandin agent; iris darkening w/ long term use; preg C; blur, burn, itch; 5 min btwn drops, remove contacts; store in fridge; RT x 6 mos
OAG; 1 drop QPM; prostaglandin agent; iris darkening w/ long term use & eyelid pigmentation; preg C; blur, burn, itch; 5 min btwn drops, remove contacts; store in fridge; RT x 6 mos; darker/faster eyelash growth
OAG; 1 drop QPM; prostaglandin agent; iris darkening w/ long term use; preg C; blur, burn, itch; 5 min btwn drops, remove contacts; store in fridge; RT x 6 mos
sulfacetamide opthalmic
sulfacetamide opthalmic
bacterial conjunctivitis; 1-2 drops q1-4° x 7-10d; also: corneal ulcer, superficial, ocular inf; caution: sulfa allergy; 5-10 min btwn
bacterial conjunctivitis; 1-2 drops q4° (mild/mod inf), 2 drops qh (sev inf) 1/2 inch ointment bid-tid or q3-4° til improved; external eye inf; ci: FQ allergy; caution: prolonged use ⇒ 2° fungal inf; AE: itch, swell, red; no contacts during use, 5 min btwn admin other drops ā ointment
tobramycin + dexamethasone
steroid response inf/risk; 1-2 drops q2° x 1-2d then 1-2 drops q4-6° til resolves, oint: 1/2 inch tid-qid; ci/caution: herpes simplex keratosis, varicella/viral eye inf, fungal eye inf; itch swell, red; shake suspension well; 5 min btwn; drops before oint
bacterial conjunctivitis; 1 drop tid x 7d; ci: FQ allergy; no contact during tx; discomfort, red, itch; 5 min btwn drops
allergic conjunctivitis; 1 drop bid (6-8° interval); h1 histamine antag; HA, blur, burn, dry; no for contact related irritation; reinsert contact after 10 min
cyclosporine emulsion
tear insufficiency; 1 drop in each eye q12°; dry 2° ketato connjunctivitis sicca; ci: eye inf; burn, pain, itch; reinsert contact after 15 min; invert vial several time to get uniform emulsion; space artificial tears by 15 min
mild/mod Alz; 5 mg QHS, m: 10 QHS; AChE inhib; int: phenytoin, carbamaz, phenobarb; caution: SSS (vagotonic), prior ulcers, GI bleed, asthma, COPD; AE: N/D, anorexia, inc secretions; take @ HS w/ or w/o food; counsel: appetite Δ
mild/mod Alz; 1.5 mg bid then 3-6 mg bid, m: 6 bid; AChE inhib; titrate q 2 wks per response; int: antichol, chol potentiation; AE: N/V/D, anorexia, dizzy, HA; observe for anorexia, wt loss
mod/sev Alz; 5 mg QD x 1 wk, then 5 mg bid x 1 wk, add 5 mg wkly x 2 wks, m: 10 mg bid; NMDA antag, dec glut amate pathway; titrate ≥ wkly; int: competitive renal tub secretion, dec F of HCTZ, cabonic anhydrase, inhibs will alkalinize urine dec clearance of memantine; dizzy, HA, constip
mild/mod Alz; 4 mg bid, m: 16-24 mg/d ÷ 2; AChE inhib; titrate ≥ 4 wks; int 2D6/3A4 inhibs will inc gal [ ] (azoles, parox, fluox, amitrip); caution: SSS (vagotonic), prior ulcers, GI bleed, asthma, COPD; N/D/anorexia; take w/ food
PD; 0.5-1 mg QHS, u: 1-2 mg QHS, m: 6 mg daily; gradual titration of 0.5 mg increments; also: control of EPS; ci: < 3 yo; caution: risk tachycardia, aggravation of BPH, NAG, ileus if use w/ other antichol; AE: dry, blurred vision, constip, N; take w/ food or milk if GI upset; don't DC abruptly
adjunct in PD; 200 mg per CD/LD dose, m: 1600 mg/d; take w/ sinemet, adjunct for wearing off; dec Sinemet if develop dyskinesia; ci: MAOI (nonsel); don't abruptly DC, hypoTN, movement disorders; dec clearance in liver dx; N/D, dyskinesia, orthostasis
adjunct in PD; 5 mg @ breakfast & lunch, m: 10 mg/d; MAOB inhib; ci: dt serotonin-dextromethorphan, MAOI, merperidine, methadone, tramadol; inc NT: TCA, SSRI, SNRI; stims: methylphenidate; caution: tyramine foods; AE: dizzy, N, insomnia dt metab; no EtOH, no herbals w/o MD
mono or adjunct in PD; 0.5 mg QD if adjunct, 1 mg QD if mono, m: 1 mg/d; MAOB inhib; ci: dt serotonin-dextromethorphan, MAOI, merperidine, methadone, tramadol, cyclobenzapine, 1A2 inhibs (cipro); inc NT: TCA, SSRI, SNRI; stims: methylphenidate; caution: tyramine foods; AE: dizzy, N, insomnia dt metab; no EtOH, no herbals w/o MD
PD; 0.125 mg tid, u: 1.5-4.5/d ÷ 3, m: 4.5/d; titrate ≥ wkly/ dop agonist; w/ food; slow titration; int: cimetidine, ranitidine, diltiazem, verapamil will inc pram [ ]; caution: orthohypoTN w/ titration, dyskinesia w/ CD/LD (dec CD/LD); AE: early PD, dizzy, N, solmol, insomnia; late: orthohypoTN, dyskin, insom, dizzy, halluc
PD; 0.25 mg tid, u: 1 mg tid (titrate over 4 wks), m: 24 mg/d; also: RLS; slow titration; omeprazole dec [ ]; int: 1A2, smoking dec AUC, cipro inc AUC; caution: sudden initiation of sleep, orthohypoTN; N, dizzy, somnolence, halluc; take w/ food
carbidopa + levodopa
Sinemet, Sinemet CR
PD; titrate q 1-2 d; 25/100 mg tid, m: 1600/d, CR: 50/200 mg bid (Q6), m: 1600/d (titrate q 3d); int: all; ci: NAG, nonsel MAOI; caution: CV dx; N, dystonia/imol movements, dementia; food/mild if GI upset; can 1/2 CR but don't crush/chew
carbidopa + levodopa + entacapone
PD; m: 1 tab/dose, 8 tab/d; entac 200 w/ C/L 1:4; to substitute: doses of indiv agents to + entac in wearing off
PD; 100 mg bid (mono tx); u: 100 mg bid, m: 300-400/d; use 100/d if on other agents for PD; dec dose in renal dx, CHF, elderly; N, dizzy, hypoTN, insomnia ⇒ take last dose in early evening
neuropath pain, diab neuropathy; 50 mg tid, u: 100 mg tid, m: 300/d; also: post herpetic neuralgia, seizures; caution: taper x 1 wk to DC, edema if w/ glitazones; rare myopathy; dizzy, drowsy, dry mouth, periph edema; don't DC w/o MD; dec dose in renal; report muscle weakness/park
Depakote, Depakote ER
seizures; 15 mg/kg/d, m: 60 mg/kg/d; cap, EC tab, ER tab (500 mg ER & EC); also: mania; int: all; ci: liver dx; caution: dec plts, pancreatitis; N, dyspepsia, somnolence, dizzy, D; food or milk; don't DC w/o MD, consult MD GI SE; can sprinkle caps; don't crush/chew ER tabs; for
extended phenytoin
seizures; 100 mg tid, u: invid; take w/ food; no EtOH unless MD ok; oral hygiene; don't DC w/o MD; monitor serum levels; can dose QD once stabilized; int: amiodarone, cimet, fluconazole, carbamaz, sucralfate, VPA, theophylline, OC; caution: liver dx; N, dizzy, drowsy, ging hyperplasia; tox: ataxia, confusion, rash, slur speech
adjuvant in seizures; initial dep on other agents, u: 100-500 QD; report fever/rash; don't DC w/ MD; chew T - can dispense in small amt liq; dose dep on EIAED and VPA; t1/2 dep on concomitant agens; int: phenytoin (dec [ ]), carbamaz, phenobarb, VPA (inc [ ]); caution: rash w/i wks of start, esp kids + VPA, hypersens/fever, opthalmic effects
adjuvant in seizures; 100 mg QD, u: 100-400 ÷ 1-2, m: 400/d; inc by 100 q 2 wks; partial seizures; long t1/2, dec by EIAED (phenytoin, carbamaz, phenobarb); ci: sulfa allergy, CrCl < 50; caution: serious rash; drowsy, kidney stones; don't DC w/o MD; report rash, blood in urine, pain
seizures adjunct; 300 mg QHS, u: 900-1800 ÷ tid, m: 2400; titrate by 300/d until 300 tid; renal adjust; don't DC abruptly; dizzy, somnolence (can get tolerance to sedation); no EtOH, no antacids; don't DC w/o MD
seizures; 50-100 mg bid-tid; controlled; enzyme inducer, long t1/2; int: warfarin, βb, quinidine, theophylline, CNS dep; caution: liver dx, elderly; drowsy; no EtOH, don't DC w/o MD
Tegretol, Tegretol ER
seizures; 200 mg bid (≥ 12 yo); u: 800-1200 ÷ bid-tid, m: 1000-1200, age dep; w/ food/milk; no EtOH; don't DC w/o MD; follow chew tab w/ H2O; ER is generally bid; chew, oral/XR tabs; int: warfarin, VPA, cimetidine, diltiazem, fluoxetine, propoxypheno, verapamil, macrolide, phenytoin; ci: BM dep; caution: CV renal, liver dx, aplastic anemia, agranulo; don't crush ER
seizures; 300 mg bid (>16 yo), u: 600 bid; mono or adjunct; hydrate; caution: hypoNa, renal dx, SJS; 3A4 inducer; don't DC w/o MD; N, dizzy, somnol, ataxia, abn vision
seizure adjunct; 25-50 mg/d, u: 200-400 ÷ bid, m: 400; hydrate; no EtOH; don't DC w/o MD; renal adjust for CrCl < 70; weak carbonic anhydrase inhib; exc in urine unΔ'd; int: CNS dep, metformin, phenytoin, carbamaz; caution: myopia, 2° angle closure glaucoma, kidney stones; drowsy, dizzy, dose related: fatigue, nervous, anorexia, wt loss
seizure adjunct; 500 mg bid, u: 3000 mg ÷ bid, m: 3000; dosing increments given q 2 wks (1000 mg/d); partial seizures; adjust in renal dx; drowsy, N; don't DC w/o MD
lithium carbonate
Lithonate, Lithotabs
mania w/ BP; 900-2400 mg ÷ bid-qid, monitor serum level, reg: tid-qid, SR: bid; int: NSAIDS, ACEI, thiazides (lith inc [ ]); ci: renal, CV dx, dehydration, Na dec; tremor, N, thirst; need consistent fluids/Na; avoid dehydration
depression; 15 mg tid, titrate to response, m: 90/d; nonsel MAOI; ci: CHF, liver/renal dx, sympathomimetics, CNS dep, cyclobenzapine, dextromethorphan, ethanol, meperidine, bupropion, buspirone, SSRI; avoid caffeine, EtOH, OTCs, tyramine foods
depression; 10 mg bid, u: 30 mg ÷, m: 60/d; nonsel MAOI; ci: CHF, liver/renal dx, sympathomimetics, CNS dep, cyclobenzapine, dextromethorphan, ethanol, meperidine, bupropion, buspirone, SSRI; avoid caffeine, EtOH, OTCs, tyramine foods
T2DM + diet & exercise; 100 mg ā 1st meal if CrCl 45-59; 300 mg if CrCl ≥ 60, ci: if CrCl < 45; Na glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhib; dec renal threshold for gluc in prox tubule; glucouronidation; ci: ESRD; caution: hypoTN dt intravascular volume contraction; hypoglycemia if w/ insulin or secretagogue (not if mono); risk genital fungal inf/UTI; doses related inc LDL (10%); inc urination, hypoTN, inc K/Mg/Phos; int: enz inducers, electrolytes (diuretics K spar meds); dec post prandial glucose spike; dec A1C by 1%; give pts med guide