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20 Cards in this Set

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What is the body's response to cellular/tissue trauma?
phospholipids release ARACHIDONIC ACID, which can then go either on leukotriene or prostaglandin pathway to produce pain and inflammation
describe the prostaglandin pathway and its effects
CYCLOOXYGENASE (COX) converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandins

prostaglandins sensitizes body to pain, inc pain, and induces inflammation
What is COX?
cyclooxygenase - conversts arachidonic acid into prostaglandins
COX1 vs COX2
1 = stomach protector, dec acid, inc mucuous, inc bicarb.
- promotes renal perfusion
- platelet aggregator

2 = in most tissues, only activated in resp to trauma or infammation
- stim synth of prostaglandins --> pain and inflammation
Name the COX inhibitors
COX (1 and 2) inhibitors
- aspirin
- ibuprofen
- naproxen
- ketorolac

COX 2 inhibitor
celeCOXib (celebrex)

- acetominophen
What are the adverse effects of COX inhibitors?
GI discomfort -> heartburn, nausea
renal dysfunction -> poor unrine output
What is salicylism?
toxic aspirin dosage - tinnitus, hearing loss, headache, sweating
What is Reye's syndrome
adverse reaction to aspirin in children - lethal

rash, vomit, HA, confusion, stupor, may lead to coma death
How do you reduce GI discomfort with COX inhibitors?
take with milk or food
this provides pain relief equivalent to that of morphine.

adverse effects?
ketorolac (Toradol)

inc risk for bleeding
What adverse effect does the COX2 inhibitors have?
celeCOXib (Celebrex)

may increase MI stroke
What drugs should one avoid when taking acetominophen?
alcohol - liver damage
warfarin - inc risk for bleeding
Why is acetominophen likely for overdose?

what can treat overdose?
because in so many OTC meds

acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) = antidote (egg smell, bad taste)
What is acetylcysteine?
antidote for acetominophen overdose
What is the patho for migraines?
neurohyperexcitability causing vasodilation/inflammtion in brain
migraine triggers?
wine, cheese, chocolate, MSG
What drug causes seratonin syndrome? what are the symptoms?
any seratonin agonist ie Triptan, a migraine drug

symptoms - hallucinations, tachycardia, restlessness
How do migraine drugs work
triptan vs ergot mechanism
triptan - seratonin receptor

ergot - 5HTid receptor
What is cafergot?
caffeine inc the effects of ergot, a migraine drug