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21 Cards in this Set

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Quick summary of Benzodiazepines
anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic, antiepileptic

AMs and PAMs
Examples of long acting Benzos?
Ativan - lorazepam
Valium - diazepam
*Lunesta - eszopiclone
Examples of short acting Benzos?
Xanax - alprazolam
What are the effects and indications for benzodiazepine?
- calming effect on CNS
- muscle relaxant
- reduce excessive neuronal stimulation

- insomnia, agitation, irritability, nervousness, anxiety
- depression
- epilepsy
What are toxic effects of benzodiazepines?
somnolence (sleepy), confusion, reduced refexes, COMA
What happens when you overdose on benzodiazepines?
toxic effects occur (somn, conf, coma)

however, not lethal if taken alone

only lethal (resp depression, hypotension) when given with other CNS depressants b/c of additive effect (alcohol or barbituates)
What are food and drug interactions with benzos?
grapefruit juice - absorption altered

cimetidine - prolongs action
MAOIs and herbal valerian and kava - prolongs effect
antidote for benzo toxicity?
Quick summary of barbituates

anesthetic, antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic
why are benzos commonly chosen over barbituates?
benzos less adverse effects

- no resp depression
- less reduced REM
- non lethal
- barbs is habit forming
What is mechanism for barbituates?
GABA agonist - operates on cerebral cortex and reticular formation (brain stem)
what is role of reticular formation?
sleep and awake cycle
adverse effects of barbituates?
reduced REM

hepatic enzyme inducer - causes quicker metabolism of drugs
Signs of toxicity for barbituates?
respiratory depression

sleep to coma
When will someone be intentionally put into phenobarbital coma?
extreme cases of seizures, OD on phenobarbital
How is OD of barbital treated?
fluids, O2, ventilation as needed

activated charcoal - adsorbs drugs into stomach, removing them from circulation

- b/c liver metabolism is hindered with large amounts of barbital
What drugs are used to treat muscle spasms?
baclofe, diazepam, cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone
drugs used to treat muscle spasticity?
baclofen, diazepam

dantolene - prevents Ca release in skeletal muscle
muscle spasticity vs muscle spasm
muscle spasm - caused by trauma or inflammation, or chronic back pain

spasticity - increased muscle tone, stiff movements. caused by nerve damage
Baclofen adverse effects and ingerventions
nausea constipation urinary retnenton

- monitor I&O
- intake high fiber foods
Nursing interventions for muscle relaxants
start at low dose, watch for CNS depression, do not DC abruptly