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122 Cards in this Set

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What's the FDA recommendation about administering drugs during pregnancy?
No drug administered unless benefit clearly outweighs risk of use.
What is an autonomous decision made by a specific individual based on the nature of the condition, the treatment options, and the risks involved?
informed consent
What two jobs does the nurse do regarding informed consent?
1. explains purpose of Rx
2. answers questions
What describes the role of the nurse in relation to medication administration?
Nurse Practice Act
What is one important feature of maintaining medication safety re: allergies?
Recording any the client reports
What must the nurse know about every drug given to a client? (2)
Effects and potential effects
Six rights
right medication
right dose
right client
right route
right time
right documentation
What is an adverse drug reaction?
undesired response to a drug
What is the range of adverse drug reactions?
mild to severe
Children have ___________ body systems for handling drugs.
Reduced liver and/or renal function may __________ medications effects; this is due to reduced ____________ and/or ___________ of a drug.
prolong, metabolism, excretion
What is the fastest acting route?
What is the impact of food on drug absorption?
may increase or decrease drug's absorption rate
What is an example of food on drug toxicity?
What can happen?
MAO inhibitors & tyramine (yeast, aged cheese.
Can raise blood pressure to a life-threatening level
Foods rich in Vit K can reduce the effect of what drug?
warfarin (Coumadin)
When are most herbs contraindicated?
During pregnancy
What are three conditions to use OPIOIDS cautiously?
hepatic and renal disease, and pregnancy
Do not use OPIOIDS with these conditions. (6)
acute bronchial asthma or upper airway obstruction, increased intracranial pressure, convulsive disorders, pancreatitis, acute ulcerative colitis, severe liver or kidney insufficiency
OPIOIDS: Significant Drug Interactions
These drugs can increase CNS depression (5)
barbiturates, other narcotics, hypnotics, antipsychotics, or alcohol
With OPIOIDS, what do the main drug interactions cause in the body?
Increased CNS depression
OPIOIDS: side effects (12)
Nausea and vomiting, anorexia or loss of appetite, sedation, CONSTIPATION, GI cramps, urinary retention, oliguria, pruritis, light-headedness, dizziness
OPIOIDS: adverse effects/toxicity (4)
Respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, circulatory depression, increased intracranial pressure
Assess what 5 things?
pain, respiration, CNS changes, allergy, slower biotransformation in older adults
Assess pain for ___, ___, and ___.
With what?
type, intensity, location.
Before administration.
Pain scale
Assess respiration for ___, ___, and ___.
When do you withhold?
rate, depth, rhythm.
if less than 12 breaths per minute
CNS changes, assess for what? (x5)
LOC, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, and pupil size
OPIOIDS: Pt education
Avoid what two substances?
alcohol and other CNS depressants
OPIOIDS: Pt education
Do not take ______ ______ without approval by prescriber.
Over-the-counter medications
OPIOIDS: Pt education
Avoid _____, _____, _____, or other activities without assistance until drug response is known
ambulation, smoking, driving
OPIOIDS: Pt education
Report any _____ changes, _____ reactions, _____ of _____
CNS changes, allergic reactions, shortness of breath
OPIOIDS: Pt education
Long-term use can lead to what?
withdrawal symptoms
What are typical withdrawal symptoms with OPIOIDS? (6)
nausea, vomiting, cramps, fever, faintness, anorexia
OPIOIDS: Pt education
All 5
avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants; do not take OTC meds w/o approval; avoid ambulation, smoking, driving, other activities until drug response known; report CNS changes, allergy, SOB; can lead to withdrawal
Name two
naloxone (Narcan)
naltrexone (ReVia)
Used to reverse _______ _______ induced by _______ of ________, _______, _______
respiratory depression, overdose (of) opioids, pentazocine, propoxyphene
side effect
reversal of analgesia
Nursing considerations
evaluate what three things?
evaluate therapeutic response, LOC, and need for reversal of respiratory depression
Nursing considerations
assess what two things?
assess respiratory function (rate, rhythm) and LOC
Informed Consent:
_____ _____ made by a specific individual based on the _____ of the _____, the _____ options, and the _____ involved
Autonomous, decision, nature (of the) condition, treatment, risks
What is the generic name for Aspirin?
Acetylsalicylic acid
dosage varies depending on what? (2)
age of client and condition being treated
When is the best time to administer?
30 minutes prior or 2 hours after a meal
ASPIRIN: Contraindications
History of hypersensitivity to _____, or other _____, ___ _____, _____ _____.
salicylates, NSAIDs, GI bleeding, bleeding disorders
ASPIRIN: Contraindications
Who shouldn't take it? (4)
children younger than 12 y/o, children or teens w/ chicken pox or flu-like symptoms, during 3rd trimester, lactating
ASPIRIN: Contraindications
Don't take with these medical conditions: 4
vitamin K deficiency, peptic ulcer disease, anemia, renal or hepatic dysfunction
ASPIRIN: Significant drug interactions
Increased bleeding with ______ and _______
anticoagulants, alcohol
ASPIRIN: Significant drug interactions
Increased GI bleeding when taken concurrently with _______
ASPIRIN: Side effects
What increases? (3)
prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), bleeding time
Tinnitus is a potential side effect for what analgesic med?
How is Reye's syndrome characterized?
encephalopthy and fatty liver degeneration
Assess for ... (x2)
allergy to salicylates and hepatotoxicity
What are symptoms of hepatotoxicity? (x6)
dark urine, clay-colored stools, yellowing of skin & scelra, itching, fever, diarrhea
usual dose?
max dose?
325-600 mg q4-6h PO or PR
4 grams
GI adverse effect
Toxicity (x11)
cyanosis, anemia, neutropenia, jaundice, pancytopenia, CNS stimulation, delirium followed by vascular collapse, convulsions, coma, and death
Assess for ... (x3)
liver function tests, chronic poisoning, hepatotoxicity
Antidote for acetaminophen
acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
Assess what (x2)
Ear and eye problems
NSAIDs Client education
Report problems with eyes and ears (x3)
blurred vision, ringing, roaring in ears (may indicate toxicity)
NSAIDs Client education
Report changes in . . . (x6)
urine pattern, increased weight, edema, increased pain in joints, fever, blood in urine (indicating nephrotoxicity)
Black cohosh
Active ingredients (x3)
triperpenoid glycosides, isoflavonones, aglycones
Black cohosh
What does it act like?
Black cohosh
Primary uses (x2)
treatment of PMS and post-menopausal symptoms
Black cohosh
other uses (x2)
promotes labor of pregnancy and decreases blood pressure
Black cohosh
safe dosage not yet determined
Black cohosh
Drug contraindications (x2)
antihypertensives or hormone replacement
Black cohosh
Caution, may cause . . . (x3)
bradychardia, hypotension, joint pain
Black cohosh
contraindicated when?
Black cohosh
When to use in pregnancy?
only when birth is imminent to promote labor
Echinacea: Action on blood cells
activates T lymphocytes and intensifies phagocytosis of macrophages
Stimulates what?
nonspecific stimulation of immune system
Stabilizes _____ _____ (a component of connective tissue) to protect cells and connective tissue from _____ _____ and attack from _____ _____.
hyaluronic acid, microorganism invasion, free radicals
Inhibits lipoxygenase to _____ _____
reduce inflammation
Most common use
prevention or reduction of symptoms of cold/flu
Secondary use (x2)
boost immune system and increase body's resistance to infection
Increases body's resistance to infection, particularly _____ _____ and _____ infection
upper respiratory, urinary
Best timing for dose regimen
8 weeks on and 1 week off,
to reduce decreased effects with continued use
Do not use in presence of ... (x3)
autoimmune disease, severe, illness, allergy to sunflower or daisy family
examples of autoimmune diseases (x4)
HIV/AIDS, collagen disease, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis
not to be used with what type of drugs
(two examples)
(e.g. corticosteroids or cyclosporine)
Adverse effects (x2)
allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
Contraindicated with what kind of people? (x4)
alcoholism, children, pregnancy and lactation
Feverfew: Suppresses secretion of _____ in _____ and _____ to inhibit _____ _____
granules (in) platelets, neutrophils, platelet aggregation
Inhibits release of _____
Principle use (x2)
prevention of recurrent migraine headaches, treatment of arthritis
other use
relief of menstrual pain
Dosage and when?
50-125 mg of dried herb, w/ or after meals to reduce GI colic
Adverse effects (x6)
allergic reaction, lip and tongue swelling, mouth ulcers, abdominal colic, palpitations, increased menstrual flow
May interfere with _____ _____ _____; not to be used with _____, _____, _____, _____.
blood clotting mechanism, bilberry, garlic, ginger, gingko
Inhibits _____ _____
platelet aggregation
Effect on cholesterol (x2)
inhibits metabolism of cholesterol, leading to reduction
Primary uses (x2)
reduce cholesterol and treatment of mild hypertension
Avoid large amounts of garlic with other herbs affecting _____ (+4 ex)
coagulation (bilberry, feverfew, ginger, ginkgo)
Garlic may potentiate _____ drugs
Contraindicated with what medical conditions (x4)
pregnancy, peptic ulcer, GERD, bleeding disorders
Principle uses (x4)
antiemetic, improve appetite, treatment of motion sickness, vertigo
Adverse effects (x7)
headache, anxiety, insomnia, elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, asthma attack, postmenopausal bleeding
Not to be used comcomitantly with _____, _____, _____, or _____ (increased risk of _____)
bilberry, feverfew, garlic, ginkgo (bleeding)
Uses (x3)
short-term memory loss, cerebral vascular insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease
Not to be used comcomitantly with _____, _____, _____, or _____; or other anticoagulants such as _____ and _____.
bilberry, feverfew, garlic, ginger; ASA (and) warfarin
Avoid whose unprocessed leaves?
Korean Ginseng
Improves _____ ____ and _____ levels
serum cholesterol, triglyceride
Korean GinsengMost common use
counteract effects of physical and mental fatigue
Korean Ginseng
improves body's ability to ____ ____ and _____; increase _____
resist stress (and) disease; vitality
Korean Ginseng
Adverse effects (x3)
insomnia, palpitations, pruritus
Siberian Ginseng
What's it do? (x2)
elevates T lymphocytes, boosts immune system
Siberian GinsengDosing period?
2-3 weeks off every 4-8 weeks
Siberian Ginseng
Contraindications (x6)
pregnancy, lactation, premenopausal women, hypertension, CNS stimulants, or antipsychotics
HawthorneActs as _____ that decreases damage by _____ _____ to CV sys by increasing levels of _____ _ intracellularly
antioxidant, free radicals, Vitamin C
Decreases _____ _____ _____ to decrease _____ _____
peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure
mild hypertension, athero-/arteriosclerosis, chronic angina, early CHF
Saw palmettoSimilar in effect to .... with ...
finasteride (Proscar) with fewer side effects
Saw palmetto
No effect on _____-_____ _____
prostatic-specific antigen
Saw palmetto
Helps initiate
urine stream
Saw palmetto
Uses: decreases (x3)
urinary frequency, residual volumes, nocturia, dysuria
Saw palmetto
Caution, may interfere with _____ _____
iron absorption
Saw palmetto
Caution, supervision by PCP for diagnosed ___
Action similar to _____, but . . . (x3)
benzodiazepines, nonaddicting, nondependence, no morning hangover
Uses x2
sedative, insomnia
Not to be used with ... (x3)
other sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, or antidepressants
Caution, may cause
Herbals are not intended for (x2)
acute illness or long-term therapy