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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 indications for nitrous oxide?
1. anxiety
2. gagging
3. TMD (rlxs muscles so less pain)
4. children
5. CVD (lowers stress)
6. asthma (oxygen)
7. emergency drug for MI (heart attack)
What are the 10 contradictions for nitrous oxide?
1. first trimester of pregnancy
3. dislikes feeling
4. can't communicate
5. severe personality disorder
6. severe dental phobia
7. severe behaviour problems
8. claustrophobic
10. uncooperative
What are the 10 symptoms when using nitrous oxide?
1. light-headed
2. tingling
3. warmth
4. floating
5. heavy
6. euphoria
7. talkative
8. flushed
9. sweaty
10. like having a few drinks
Define__ for nitrous oxide:
deeper sedation:
1. sleep, nausea, distrubed vision, uncomfortable, more sweating
2. nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness
3. neropathy (numbness, parasthesia
What is the procedure for nitrous oxide?
100% O2 for 2-3 min
increase nitrous oxide 5-10% every 5 min until desired sedation achieved
rate of onset: 3-5 min
give 100% O2 at the end for 5 min
eat a light meal b4, no heavy food for 3 hours before
What is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics?
1. nerve impulse blocked by preventing sodium from entering the cell. no depolarization.
2. reversibly blocks nerual transmission
3. binds to sodium channels in nerve membrane
4. prevents entry of sodium during membrane depolarization
5. propagation of action potential inhibited
6. propagation of action potential inhibited
7. nerve conduction fails
What are the 2 pharmacologies of a local anaesthetic?
1. Peripheral nerve conduction blocker: analgesia, diagnosis
2. Antiarrhythimis:
~blocks cardiac sodium channels
~decreases abnoramal pacemaker activity
~decreases strength of contraction
~lowers blood pressure
~treats arrhythmias
What are the 2 types of local anaesthetics?
1. Esters
~no longer used
~novocaine, cocaine, procaine, tetracaine, benzocaine (topical)
2. Amides
~popular due to less allergies, longer duration, longer shelf-life, greater anaesthesia and duration
~lidocaine, mepivicaine, prilocaine, bupivivcaine
What is the 3 Duration of local anaesthetics?
1. short-acting
~30 min
~no epinephrine
~2% lidocaine, 4% prilocaine
2. Intermediate
~60 minutes
~2% lidocaine
~4% prilocaine..
~4% articaine
3. Long
~8 hours
~0.5% bupivicaine 1:200 000
What are the 3 administration methods in dentistry?
1. infiltration: injection into the area around nerve endings
2. block: injection close to the main nerve trunk
3. topical: gel, spray
What are the 11 characteristics of an ideal local anaesthetic?
1. potent local effect
2. reversible local anaesthesia
3. absence of local systemic reactions
4. rapid onset
5. satisfactory duration
6. adequet tissue penetration
7. low cost
8. shelf-life long
9. sterilization by autoclave
10. metabolization and excretion are eady
11. no local anaesthetic has all of these characteristics
What are the 9 adverse reactions of local anaesthetics?
1. toxicity
2. CNS Effects
3. CVS effects
4. local effects
5. malignant hyperthermia
6. pregnancy and lactation
8. drug interactions
9. psychogenic
What are teh 7 compositions of local anaesthetic solutions?
1. local anaesthetic
2. vasoconstrictor
3. anti-oxident
4. sodium hydroxide
5. sodium chloride
6. methylparaben and propylparaben
7. nitrogen bubble
What are 5 reasons vasoconstrictors are added to local anaesthetics?
1. prolongs the duration of action
2. increase depth of anesthesia (more numb)
3. delays sustemic absorption
4. decreases toxicity systemically
5. decreases bleeding, increase visibility
What are 4 medical contradictions to vasoconstrictors?
1. uncontrolled hypertention
2. uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
3. uncontrolled angina
4. heart attack or stroke in the last 6 months