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165 Cards in this Set

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Pharmacology is the science that drawson information from multiple disciplines, including:
Anatomy, Physicology, Psycology, Chemistry and Microbiology
Pharmacology is

The study of the effects of drugs and their interaction with living systems
Clincial Pharmacology is
the study of drugs in humans
Therapeutics is
the use of drugs to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease
What is a drug?
a drug is any chemical that can affect living processes
3 Reasons to study Pharm
1. To safely administer meds
2. To educate others
3. Manage a therapeutic drug regimen
Properties of an Ideal Drug (3)
Efectiveness, safety, and selectivity
Is there a perfect drug?
elicits the responses for which it is given. The most important property a drug can have
a drug that cannot produce harmful effects (there is no such thing as a safe drug)
Additional Properties of an Ideal Drug
Reversible Action
Easy of administration
Freedom from drug interactions
Low Cost
Chemical Stability
Simple generic name
Blood Brain Barrier
Characteristics of an Ideal Drug (8)
1. Effectively treats, prevents or cures
2. Produces a rapid, predictable response at low doses
3. Produces no adverse effects
4. Can be taken conveniently by mouth
5. Taken once a day
6. Inexpensive and easily accessible
7. Quickly eliminateed from the body
8. Does not interact with other drugs or food
Therapeutic Objective

The objective of drug therapy is to provide maximum benefit with minimum harm
Factors that determine the intensity of drug responses (4)
1. Administration
2. Pharmacokinetics
3. Pharmacodynamics
4. Sources of individual variation (p450) everyone metavolizes differently, weight, age etc
Administration variations
medication errors
patient adherence
Pharmacokinetics variations
metabolism (liver)
excretion (kidneys)
Pharmacodynamics variations
drug-receptor interaction
patient's functional state
placebe effects
Individual variations
physiologic variables
pathologic variables
genetic variables
drug interactions
6 rights
1. Right Medication
2. Right client
3. Right dosage
4. Right route
5. Right time
6. Right documentation
What two lab tests ordered to test kidney function?

Blood Uria Nitrogen (BUN)
and Creatinin Levels
What if BUN and Creatinin are high?
lower dose and increase invertal of time b/t doses
pain, antiplatelette, fever, antiinflammatory
Collecting baseline data is important because
then you can compare it to other states to evaluate therapeutic responses and adverse effects
Identifying high-risk patients
Liver and Kidney impairment
Genetic Factors
Drug allergies
Elderly and peds
Tools are pt history, physical exam, and lab results
IV leaking to tissue rather than bloodstream
Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis objectives (3)
1. Judge the appropriateness of the prescribed regimen
2. Identify potential health problems that the drug might cause
3. Determine the patient's capacity for self-care
Drug Therapy Problems (7)

1. Unnecessary drug therapy
2. Need for additional drug therapy
3. Ineffective drug
4. Dosage too low
5. Adverse drug reaction
6. Dosage too high
7. Noncomplicence
Beta Blockers
Rennin from kidneys
secrete angiotensin I which creates angiotensin II plus ACE inhibitors = vasodilate
esspecially FDA in 1988

but look up all on slide!!!
Orphan drugs
drugs that have limited use (treat rare or unusual diseases) usually less than 200,000
Compassionate Use
certain drugs are avaliable to partients without complete FDA approval---life theatening diseases
Expeditied Process
shorten process for diseases that may produce a public health threat (AIDS Swine)
Randomized Controlled Trails (3)
Use of controls
Stages of New Drug Development

1. Preclinical testing
2. Clinical testing (may take 2-10 years)
3. Human studies
Human Studies (4 Phases)
Phase I: Initial pharmacologic evaluation-- lab research
Phase II: Limited controlled evaluation-- clinical trials with healthy individuals
Phase III: Extended clinical evaluation -- drug approval process (NDA) with people who have the pathology
Phase IV: Post marketing surveillance -- survey for harmful drug effects in larger population
Pregnancy Staefy Categories for Drugs
Category A: no risk to fetus in first trimester
Category B: no risks in animals, no good human studies
Category C: animal adverse effects, but no good human studies. benefits outweigh the risks
Category D: evidence of fetal risk but potential benefits may be acceptable despite risk if no safer drugs
Category X: fetal abnormalities and risk. these drugs should not be used in pregnant women
Nuremberg Code for Human Rights in Research (6)

1. Voluntary
2. Human need to be necessary
3. Risks are justified
4. Unnecessary suffering is avoided
5. Carefully and professionally conducted
6. Sugject or investigator can stop at any time
Cranial nerve I type
Basic principles of Pharmacology (5)
1. Pharmacokinetics
2. Pharmacodynamics
3. Drug interactions
4. Adverse drug reactions and medication errors
5. Individual variation in drug responses
the study of drug movement or motion throughout the body-- how drugs enter the body, reach their site of action and are removed from the body
Example of Pharmacokinetic route
oral drug>stomach>portal vein>liver>systematic circulation>target tissue>target cell
Both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug
determine how a drug is administered, how often it is given, and at what dosage
Basic Pharmacokinetic Processes (4)
Phases of Drug Activity (3)
Pharmaceutical Phase
Pharmacokinetic Phase
Pharmacodynamic Phase
Passage of Drugs across membranes
1. Channels and pores
2. Transport systems
3. Direct penetration of the membrane
Process involving the movement of the drug from its site of administration into the blood
describes what proportion of the administered drug is available to produce systemic effects
First Pass
drugs that are absorbed from the small intestine and transported to portal circulation for metabolism. The liver may biotransform much of the drug before it can enter general circulation
Rate of absorption
determines how soon the effects will begin
Amount of absorption
determines how intense effects will be
Factors that affect drug absorption
rate of dissolution
surface area
blood flow
lipid solubility
pH partitioning
Commonly uses routes of administration
drugs that persist in the body are bound to proteins (albumin) rather than being dissolved directly in the plasma
Drugs that bind to plasma proteins
often have a long duration of action
the movement of drugs throughout the body-- transport of a drug in body fluids from the bloodstream to body tissues and to the site of action
Distribution examples
capillary beds
blood brain barrier
placenta; drug transfer
protein binding
entering cells
high lipid solubility and low protein binding favor diffusion of the drug through membranes
high concentration of free drug in the blood also favors diffusion into tissues
Drug distribution is determined by (3)
1. Blood flow to tissues
2. Exiting the vascular system
3. Entering cells
Blood brain barrier
Tight junctions between the cells that compose the walls of most capillaries in the CNS
Drugs must be able to pass through cells of the capillary wall
only drugs that are lipid soluble or have a transport system can cross the BBB to a significant degree
Placental Drug Transfer
Membranes of the placenta do NOT constitute an absolute barrier to the passage of drugs--movement is determined in the same way as other membranes
Risks with drug transfer across the placenta
birth defects, mental retardation, gross malformations, low birth weight
a mother's use of opioids give birth to a drug dependent baby
Protein binding
drugs can form reversible bonds with various proteins
plasma albumin is the most abundant and important
Metabolism (biotransformation)
Enzymatic alteration of drug structure
the ability of living organisms to modify the chemical structure of compounds
the liver is the most important site for biotransformation
P 450 system
drugs are metabolized in the liver using the system which helps in the biotransformation of lipids soluble drugs
Therapeutic consequences of drug metabolism
acceleration of renal excretion of drugs
drug inactivation
increased therapeutic action
activation of prodrugs
increases toxicity
decreased toxicity
Special considerations in drug metabolism
Induction of drug metabolizing enzymes
First pass effect
Nutritional status
Competition between drugs
Defined as the removal of drugs from the body
the kidneys account for the majority of drug excretion
Nonrenal routes of excretion-- breast milk, bile, feces, lungs, sweat, saliva
Renal routes of drug excretion
Steps in renal drug excretion:
--glomerular filtration
--passive tubular reabsorption
--active tubular secretion
Factors that modify renal drug excretion
--pH dependent ionization
--competition for active tubular transport
Glomerular filtration
filtration moves drugs from blood to urine
protein bound drugs are not filtered
Passive reabsorption
lipid soluble drugs move back into the blood
polar and ionized drugs remain in the urine
Active transport
tubular pumps for organic acids and bases move drugs from blood to urine
Time course of drug responses
plasma drug levels
single dose time course
drug half life
drug levels produced with repeated doses
Plasma drug level: minimum effective concentration
defined as he plasma drug level below which therapeutic effects will occur
Plasma drug level: toxic concentrations
when the plasma drug level climbs too high
Plasma drug level: therapeutic range
enough drug present to produce therapeutic responses-- the objective of drug dosing is to maintain plasma drug levels within the therapeutic range
Therapeutic Index
measure of a drug's safety
the ratio of the drugs LD50 (average lethal dose to 50% of animals tested)
the larger/higher the therapeutic index, the safer the drug
the smaller/lower the therapeutic index, the less safe the drug
Therapeutic range objective
dosage is used to maintain plasma drug levels within the therapeutic range
single dose time course
the duration of effects is determined largely by the combination of metabolism and excretion
Half Live (t1/2) of a drug
most common description of drug's duration
the time is take for blood level to fall to one half of the level measured at some prior time
tells how fast it disappears form bloodstream due to metabolism and excretion
Is affected by rates of metabolism and excretion
determines the dosing interval******
Plateau Principle
When you give the same dose of the same drug by the same route, at the same time interval and nothing else changes it takes 4-5 half-lives from the start of drug administration for blood levels to reach a plateau
Steady State
the point at which the amount of drug being administered and the amount being eliminated balance off-- plateau will have been reached
Drug levels produced with repeated doses
reduces fluctuations in levels
plateau will be reached in approx 4 half lives and when the drug is eliminated, it will be gone in about 4 half lives as well
The intensity of a drugs effect is related to the amount of...
free (unbound) drug in the bloodstream
a Loading Dose
is administered to reach a therapeutic response level rapidly.
a Maintenance dose
is administered at prescribed intervals to maintain a therapeutic drug response
study of the biochemical and physiologic effects of drugs and the molecular mechanisms by which those effects are produced

The study of what drugs do to the body and how they do it
Knowing the pharmacodynamics helps a nurse to
educate patients
make PRN decisions
evaluate patients for drug responses
collaborating with physicians about drug therapy
Pharmacodynamics Examples
Dose-response relationships
Drug-receptor interactions
Drug responses that do not involve receptors
Interpatient variability in drug responses
The therapeutic index
Dose Response Relationships
relationship between the size of an administered dose and the intensity of the response produced
Dose response Relationships determines
the minimum amount of drug we can use
the maximum response a drug can elicit
how much we need to increase the dosage to produce the desired increase in response
Dose Response Relationships
as the dosage increases, the response becomes progressively larger
Maximal Efficacy
the largest effect that a drug can produce.
the nurse should match the intensity of the response with the patient's need
Potent drug
a potent drug is one that produces its effects at a low dose
Plasma levels of a drug
trough and peak
harm a nerve cell or nerve tissue
damage to the liver
damage to the kidneys
damage to the 8th CN
(hearing balance and awareness of the body)
irregularities in cardiac rhythms and conduction, heart failure, damage to the myocardium
effect the immune system
Receptors are...
specific proteins in the body intended to respond to some chemical normally present in blood or tissues
Specificity is...
the property of the receptor that lets it discriminate and bind only to those with critical features
Receptors make a selective drug action possible...
the more selective a drug is, the fewer side effects it has
Binding of a drug to its receptor is usually...
Receptor activity is regulated by
endogenous compounds
When a drug binds to a receptor...
it will either mimic or block the action of the endogenous regulatory molecules and increase or decrease the rate of physiologic activity normally controlled by that receptor.
strength of the attraction between the drug and its receptor
the capability of stimulating the receptor to pharmacological resonse
a drug that combines with receptors and produces a biologic effect by stimulating the receptor-- has both affinity and efficacy--molecules that activate
drugs that counteracts the action of other drugs at he receptor-- prevents stimulation/activation of receptors
partial agonist--
drug binds to receptor and there is diminished response compared with that elicited by the agonist
Competitive antagonist
drug competes with the agonish for bining to receptor. if it binds, there is no response
Noncompetitive antagonist
Drug combines with different parts of receptor and inactivates it so agonist has no effect
Drug interactions
any modification of the action of one drug with another drug
when one drug interferes with the action of another
when two drugs seem to act completely independently of each other, and their combined effect is what would be expected adding the effects of two drugs alone
occurs when the effect of two drugs combined is greater than the additive effect
Consequences of Drug-Drug interactions
-intensification of effects
-reduction of effects
-creation of a unique response
Ways to minimize Adverse Drug-Drug reactions
minimize number of drugs a patient receives
take a thorough drug history
de aware of the possibility of illicit drug use
adjust the dosage when metabolizing inducers are added or deleted
adjust the timing of administration to minimize interference with absorption
monitor for early signs of toxicity
be especially vigilant when patient is taking a drug with low therapeutic index
Adverse Drug Reactions
any noxious un intended and undesired effect that occurs at normal drug doses

can range from annoying to life threatening
ADRs are most common in...
the elderly and very young
Side effect
a nearly unavoidable secondary drug effect produced at therapeutic doses
adverse drug reaction caused by excessive dosing
--may occur even with normal dosing
Allergic reaction
Immune response determined primarily by the degree of sensitization of the immune system--not by drug dosage
Very few drugs cause severe allergic reactions
penicillins are the most common
Idiosyncratc effect
an uncommon drug response resulting from a genetic disposition
Iatrogenic disease
a disease produced by drugs
Physical dependence
develops during long term use of certain drugs

a state in which the body had adapted to drug exposure
Teratogenic Effect
a drug induced birth defect
Drugs that you suspect of causing a previously unknown adverse effect should be reported to
MedWatch-- the FDA Medical products Reporting Program
Liver toxicity signs
jaundice, monitor LFT
Kidney toxicity signs
urinalysis and serum creatinine (by creatinin clearance)
Bone marrow toxicity signs
periodic blood cell counts
Medication errors are the major cause of
morbidity and mortality
Six rights
1. Right Medication
2. Right client
3. Right dosage
4. Right route
5. Right time
6. Right documentation
Individual variation in drug responses
Body weight and composition
Age-- infants (organ immaturity) elderly (organ degeneration, due to illness multiple pathologies or multiple drugs)
Kidney, liver, acid base imbalance, altered electrolyte status
decreased responsiveness to a drug as a result of repeated drug administration (therefore, require higher doses)
Pharmacodynamic tolerance
associated with long term administration of drugs such as morphine
Metabolic tolerance
resulting from accelerated drug metabolism
reduction in drug responsiveness brought on by repeated dosing over a short time
ability of the drug to reach the systemic circulation from its site of administration
Other causes of variable absorption
gastric pH, diarrhea, constipation, food in the stomach
study of how genes affect individual drug responses
--altered drug metabolism
--altered drug targets
Variations of genetics
gender, race, failure to take medicine as prescribed (manual dexterity, visual acuity, intellectual capacity, psychological state, attitude toward drugs and ability to pay for medication) Drug interactions, diet.
Changes in pregnancy that influence pharmacokinetics
total body water, increased aldosterone levels, increased 5% of body fat and weight, dilutional decrease in serum albumin levels, progesterone stimulates hepatic enzyme system, increase in cardiac output, increase in renal blood flow
Placenta is
a temporary organ that allows for nutrition and gas exchange between the mother and fetus
approximately 10%
of the mother's cardiac output circulates through the placenta
Factors that impact drug transfer
Plasma drug level in the mother
solubility of the drug
molecular size
protein binding
blood flow to the placenta
majority of drugs are secreted into breast milk BUT
very few need to be discontinued
Avoid drugs with long half lives while breast feeding and SR formulations
be careful
Due to organ immaturity
very young patients are highly sensitive to drugs

elevated drug levels and delayed elimination
Neonates and infants do not have a well developed

and their metabolism is faster
and excretion slower
dosage of drugs is most commonly based on
body surface area
elderly (65+) consume 30% of drugs
goals of therapy
maintain the health status using the fewest drugs possible

start slow, go slow
Absorption: elderly
rate of absorption may slow
Distribution: elderly
increased percentage of body fat
decreased percentage of lean body mass
decreased total body water
Reduced concentration of serum albumin (significant in the malnourished)
Metabolism: elderly
hepatic metabolism declines with age
reduced hepatic blood flow, reduced liver mass, and decreased activity of some hepatic enzymes occur
half life may increase and responses are prolonged
Excretion: elderly
renal function undergoes progressive decline (reductions in renal blood flow, GFR, active tubular secretion and number of nephrons)
**most important cause of adverse drug reactions
Use creatinine clearance to test
kidney function
pharmacodynamics: elderly
alterations in receptor properties may underlie altered sensitivity to come drugs
Predisposing ADR factors...

Drug accumulation secondary to reduced renal function
greater severity of illness
multiple pathologies
greater use of drugs that have a low therapeutic index
increase individual variation secondary to altered pharmacokinetics
inadequate supervision of long term therapy
poor patient adherence
75% of nonadherence is...
intentional!! expense, side effects, patient's conviction that the drug is unnecessary or the dosage is too high